Dear Milton Neighbors:
When I meet with a group of supporters and especially those who still may be uncertain, I like to start my conversation with them by creating an image in their minds. Picture a two lane road intersection, with trees all around. Quiet, peaceful, and a wonderful place to live and raise your family. Now picture the same intersection, six lanes wide with high density business and residential neighborhoods all around. I've seen that happen in Alpharetta where I lived before. And this is the most important message I can convey to you, the voters who will determine the future of our city - THAT CAN HAPPEN IN MILTON! Our Equestrian heritage and rural character are being threatened.
Why is this happening? A majority of council members, including my opponent, are intent on increasing density. They claim an increased density is necessary to increase tax revenues and pay for city services. What my opponent does not tell you is that with the increased density comes greater expenses for adding and maintaining roadways and vastly increased city services, which will eliminate any surplus tax revenue. These efforts are supported by those companies that would profit from such an increase. All you need to do is look at the public record of my opponent's contributors in the last election, which included developers, suppliers, waste haulers etc.
My opponent removed me from the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee for the same reasons I am running against him - I do not agree with his position on sewer extension or increased density. He claims I represent a special interest group. WRONG! I do not represent any special interest group. I represent the citizens of Milton. I would suggest my opponent look in the mirror. He represents the special interest groups that will profit by bringing sewer and high density into Milton.
While I am emphatically opposed to increased density in Milton, I recognize there are other related issues that are equally as important. Our diverse community needs and deserves our support. They deserve to feel safe in their homes and that is why supporting our Public Safety Department is one of my highest priority items. We must do more to ensure that people in all parts of Milton receive the same level of services. The same could be said about our Parks. We need more parkland for both active and passive uses. There is no reason why our citizens should be required to pay a fee to Alpharetta for their children to participate in sports.
We need a change in the Milton City Council District 3 seat, and I need your vote. Best regards,Al Trevillyan
Milton City Council Candidate District 3, At-Large
1975 Birmingham Road,Milton, GA 30004
770-410 1193
Please write in Al Trevillyan for Milton City Council - District 3.Early Voting starts next week on Tuesday, October 13, 2009. Advanced Voting starts Monday, October 26, 2009.Election Day is Tuesday, November 13, 2009.Our nearest Early Voting location is:North Fulton Service Center 7741 Roswell Road, Suite 209Sandy Springs, Georgia 30350. Of course, you can always vote by mail.
Paid for by Al Trevillyan Election Committee
Al Trevillyan is a needed change. Bill Lusk has no interest in listening to the people of Milton. Obvious from his quick second to the motion made by Karen Thurman to extend sewer on September 15, 2008.
Actually, he sounds like a fear merchant. A lot like the democrats a few years ago claiming a reduction in rate of increase was a cut, republicans were going to starve seniors, on and on.
Whoever wins, I hope they can just speak honestly. If you want a moratorium on permits in Milton, just say so. This crap about a six lane super highway is getting very tired, bordering on lame. We have heard it all before. There hasn't and likely never will be a sewer extension in Milton.
Stop calling votes, for example, to allow trash collection, a pro-apartment policy. It is a leap of idiotic, unsupportable proportions.
I have no idea what happened on Sep 15 '08, but if it was a procedural vote to simply accept a Fulton map or something, stop lying to us and saying it was an extension of sewer. When the tractors actually arrive, we can all stand together to prevent them from digging. Until then, please shut up.
Interesting you have such a strong opinion yet you don't know what went down on September 15. Our city attorney defined the motion that was brought forth by Karen Thurman and seconded by Bill Lusk with Joe and Burt tagging along as sewer extention. Better get up to speed before you claim to be an expert.
Wow, who do you think wrote this? Sounds a lot like someone we all know............and love?
Joe Lockwood wrote that?
Since we are going down the standard Jezebel script, the next plea from Al & Bernie will go like this: "There is a secret rapid-development plan that will be implemented the day after the election, for sewer & high density growth". The only way to stop this is to contribute to JZB and elect Al & Bernie.
It's like rabid, extremist, dishonest deja vu, all over again.
They probably are already at little breakfasts and coffees, putting out fantasies like this, to scare seniors or other gullibles.
Dear "rabid, extremist, dishonest deja vu, all over again":
Do you realize how crazy YOU come across?
It actually seems like an accurate characterization.
Why do we have one or two candidates every election claim Milton will implode if we don't elect (insert name)??
Al is just fear-mongering and some of these posts point that out.
Truth hurt?
The standard JZB script is so much fun however. I am really going to miss all of the hateful comments once this election is over. You bloggers are correct, in that Julie and her minions push the world is coming to an end agenda and hope to win votes by fear campaigning. For god's sake, if a house or property is surrounded by sewer or has sewer running in front of their home, let them tap into it if they wish. This is not an extension of sewer.
if it was the truth, but it isn't so it doesn't.
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