Over the course of this election season, we have been asked numerous time about the accuracy of the Accessmilton.com poll in the right margin. Are the numbers true? Are they skewed?
The truth of the matter is that those numbers can easily be manipulated if you know what you are doing.
However, we can tell you that the previous election polls that we ran in both '06 and '07 were 100% accurate in predicting who would be the victor in those races.
Will '09 prove to be the same? We will know November 4th!
Thank you,
Tim Enloe
Magnolia Media,LLC
Power Realty
770 653 0552
So we can excitedly look forward to the Lusk, Thurman and Longoria team?!
Why would anyone want any of these jobs? Although it's been very entertaining, it's a shame that grown men and women act worse little kids. Where's your dignity Milton?
The numbers are probably being manipulated by the Thurman, Lusk, Clinton-Longoria team, as the email says they can be.
So it looks like D'Aversa, Trevillyan, and Wolff will be the clear winners!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only person who can be compared to Clinton is D'Aversa. She is the one who brought shame to the office, shame to her city and is likely to be impeached. So Tina Clinton is much more appropriate.
Tim: Why are articles from Tina, Bernard and Al greatly outnumbering articles from Bill, Karen and Joe? It looks like its about a 2 to 1 margin.
Good question.
All candidates have been encouraged since the campaign season began to cover Accessmilton.com with as much campaign material as they would like. Feel free to confirm this with your candidates of choice. This is a free courtesy to all campaigns.
As you have properly noted, we have recieved more content from some than others.
If there is a certain candidate you support, please suggest to them to send us whatever they would like to get exposure.
Much like you, we have no idea who will be the winners come Nov 4th. Thus, it would be foolish for us to attempt to sway the pubic one way or another by not publishing relevent campaign material.
Magnolia Media is about building bridges, not burning them.
Feel free to call me if need be.
We are here to help!
Keep safe,
Tim Enloe
Magnolia Media, LLC
Power Realty
770 653 0552
Voters Beware. Do we really want someone like Thurman on our city council. Please read.
Councilwoman Thurman tied to Unlicensed, predatory lending company.
October 2009, Milton, GA - A political jab about businesses licenses in Milton intended to slur a candidate for Milton City Council backfired when it was discovered that a predatory lending company in which Councilmember Karen Thurman and family members invested heavily is not only unliceased in several states, but also made its money targeting U.S. soldiers. Not only did Thurman invest heavily in the company, she also served as a board member on its Unsecured Creditor Committee and recently testified on behalf of the company in bankruptcy court. Ironically, Ms. Thurman accused her opponent of not having business licenses in Milton calling it "thumbing your nose" at the city. It was later determined that one of the companies named was not owned by her opponent, Bernard W. Wolff. Another was a family-owned trust, not requiring a business license.
Rome Finance Company Inc. was sued by the State of TN for predatory lending violations and "unfair or deceptive acts or practices." The unlicensed lending company targeted young military personennel and their families at Ft. Campbell, overcharged them for computers sold door-to-door or at mall kiosks, required direct deposit from their paychecks and then kept ballooning the loan amount so that the total was never paid off.
Court records in TN and CA show Milton Councilwoman Thurman invested $1,036,443.34 in an unliceased, predatory lending company, Rome Finance Company, Inc.
Ms. Thurman, a board member of its Unsecured Creditor Committee, provided bankruptcy court testimony, January 2009, in CA.
"The State of TN was awarded $10.8 million in a case against Rome Finance Company, Inc. for targeting Ft. Campbell soldiers," News release from the Office of the Attorney General Robert E. Cooper, Jr. and Dept. of Commerce and Insurance Commissioners Leslie Newman, Dec 18, 2008.
Thurman, a CPA and partner in an accounting firm who is vying for reelection in District 1, invested along with family member in Rome Finance Company, Inc., and unlicensed lender in CA, TN, and possibly other states according to court paper on file in those two states.
Rome Finance Company, Inc. has a parallel company in GA called Rome Finance Corporation. More to come...
Probably 75% or more people in Milton don't have any idea who is running for what and don't shive a get one way or the other.
While U.S. Soldiers were securing our future, Rome Finance was exploiting them...
Unsuspecting soldiers discovered upon scrutinizing their pay stubs and expecting to see the load paid off that the original amount has never budged from the original amount owed. One wife of a soldier recently deployed to Afganistan said she took out a loan that was supposed to be paid off in two years. Two and a half years later, she discovered the amount was still the original amount loaned!
"I believe the actions of this company are incomprehensible," Former Tennessee Attorney General Summers said in a Sept 26, 2005 news release. "Why any business woudl try to take advantage of soldiers is unthinkable."
This link leads to a video report by TN Channel 5 news. It explains Rome Finance's troubles in that state. You will also see an article on the website regarding same story. "California Company Ordered to Repay Soldiers". The video and article give a great overview. http://www.newschannel5.com/global/story.asp?S=9550961.
Bankruptcy papers for Rome Finance Company, Inc. are on file in CA. The CA court documents state that when Rome Finance Company, Inc. knew of an impending lawsuit, monies were funneled to parallel corporations possibly including one in GA, and to Ms. Thurman's father's IRA. More to come...
United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of CA, Case No. 08-45902 EDJ, Jan 29, 2009.
"The Acting U.S. Trustee replies that the CA Dept. of Corporations, its admitted diversion of business to parallel-non-debtor corporations, its admitted diversion of profits to Mr. Collins' IRA, and its admitted inablity to explain the missing $1.2 million or even to file monthly operating reports, are sufficient evidence of cause for appointment of a trustee."
United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of CA, Case No. 08-45902 EDJ, Jan 29, 2009. Declaration of Karen C. Thurman in Opposition to United States Trustee's Motion to Appoint a Chapter 11 Trustee. "I, Karen C. Thurman declare: I am a member of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors ("Creditor's Committee".) I am over the age of 18 and make the following declaration based my personal knowledge. I am a senior partner with (name of company)....Ihave extensive experience with all aspects of financial business matters." "As a member of the Creditor's Committee, I oppose the motion by the united States Trustee to appoint a Chapter 11 Trustee in this case." More to come.
Rome Finance Company, Inc. - Defendants. Second Amended Complaint page 5 in the Circuit Court of Montgomery County, TN for the Nineteenth Judicial District at Clarksville, TN. "II. Victims. 6. The victims of the unfair and deceptive acts or practices described in this complaint are primarily yound men and women serving in the United States Military. During the time that the Defendants have engaged in unlawful, unfair, and deceptive acts and practices, most of the victims were stationed at Fort Campbell, KY, as US Army military base that is lcoated in part in the State of TN. The defendants knew at the time that the unlawful, unfair, and deceptive acts and practices were occurring that the vast majority of the victims were going to be deployed to Iraq shortly after purchasing the goods and services from Defendants." More to come.
News release from the Office of Attorney General Paul G. Summers Dept. 26, 2005, "Attorney General Obtains Restraining Order Sues Business Allegedly Preying on Ft. Campbell Soldiers." "I beleive the actions of this company are incomprehensible," Attorney General Summers said. " Why any business would try to take advantage of soldiers is unthinkable." "Complaints from soldiers who have have purchased computers for about $4,500 when the fair market value is allegedly between $900 and $2,500 from Laptoyz Computers and Electronics operating at kiosks at Governor's Square Mall in Clarksville contain numerous allegations of unfairness and deception. Laptoyz sales representatives allegedly told potential purchasers, who are mostly soldiers, they have a "special program" for servce members with guaranteed financing and low monthly payments. The defendants alledgedly offered customers to repair or rebuild customers' bad credit through a financing package they offered through Rome Finance Company, Inc. Additionally, purchasers were led to believe the quoted $4,500 price was the total price, including any finance charges. The total, however, did not include finance charges which brought the full amount to about $6,000." More to come...
From the desk of Attorney General Bob Cooper, October 31, 2008. "In the course of this case, we discovered that collection efforts from Rome Finance even continued against a dead soldier in violation of court orders."
Website links:
Karen C. Thurman's investment. Also lists Collins Familiy investments. http:/www.bindermalter.com/files/12-15-08-06-14-40.pdf
Creditor Committee: lists Karen C. Thurman: http://www.bindermalter.com/rome-doc.phb
CA court documents showing parallel company in GA. http://www.bindermalter.com/files/02-05-09-12-23-14.pdf
This is the website for the AG of TN. it links to all the important documents regarding Rome Finance Company, Inc. in the State of TN. http://tennessee.gov/attorneygeneral/cases/britlee/britlee.html.
Do we really want someone like this running our city??? She cannot be trusted to take care of the men and women that protect our country, let alone protect taxpayers in our city.
It would be very interesting to hear how Bill Lusk, Gordon Hunter and company defend Karen Thurman in this regard.
Said by Bill Lusk in response to the question posed to Joe Lockwood about his continued support for Tina D'Aversa at the Beacon Debate "it's about loyalty but it's also about trust".
Now how is he going to apply that to Karen Thurman - being that he's an ex military man and does not let anyone forget it.
Do you salute Karen now Bill?
Sounds like someone is grasping at straws!
Doesn't appear that the State of TN thought it was grasping at straws.
WOW!!!! Please tell me this person will not be on our City Council. I thought her trying to bail out JT Adams of his financial problems by building our new Milton City Hall was bad. This is awful.
Who is looking deep into the lives of our citizen neighbors to find this kind of information? And what is the reward for this "discovery"?
Pretty big straw!
The reward should be and will be informed voters making the decision about who they can trust. Clearly Thurman cannot be trusted.
This is defamatory because it isn't true and the poster obviously didn't have the cajones to say who they were. Karen was not an investor and was only on the creditor's committee because she is an accomplished CPA. You're getting really close to a lawsuit, Julie, Tina, Kerri, Tara, Nikki, or whoever you are.
Just in case anyone is interested in the truth rather than relishing in the constant mistruths that are being spread I thought that I would state the facts about my involvement with Rome Finance Company, Inc.
1) My family does not now or never has had any ownership interest in Rome Finance Company, Inc.
2) Neither I nor any member of my family has ever been an officer, director or employee of Rome Finance Company, Inc.
3) In truth, Rome owes my family and over 300 other individuals, businesses, trusts, retirement plans, and churchs a substantial amount of money.
4) Based on my business knowledge and experience, I was chosen as one of 7 people to serve on the outside creditors committee.
5) The purpose of the outside creditors committee is to put forth a plan of reorganization that will return most, if not all of the money Rome Finance Company Inc owes, back to the creditors, many of them senior citizens.
6) I, along with the rest of the committee, have been working on this plan of reorganization for almost one year and are very close to finalyzing the plan.
7) I am proud to have been chosen to particpate on this committee and in the plan of reorganization we are putting forth so that those owed money by Rome Finance Company, Inc. can receive what they are owed.
If anyone has any additional questions or simply wants to know if anything they have heard is true, please give me a call at 404-790-2874.
To the above 1.15 poster you might want to heed you own words.
Be very careful with your anonymous insinuations of who you think may have posted the Thurman article.
It was actually Bill Bailey. He is very jealous of anyone participating in a business or investment that might be successful. Might be something to do with riding around all day with a mower?
And having a wife that is affectionately reffered to as a "shrill moonbat"!
Karen Thurman - how did and "accomplished" CPA get involved in the Rome Finance situation. Obviously you saw a ridiculous rate of return and greed kicked in. You had to know these purchasers/senior citizens or soldiers were being ripped off and there would be no way it would last! Talk about taking advantage of the disadvantaged. It sounds like you "loaned" on an unsecured promissory note, expecting what???? 16% to 18% return? If you're an accomplished CPA and would do this, I don't want you making decisions on my Milton TAX DOLLARS. Oh and you being on the outside creditors committee only means you are there to make sure YOU and YOURS are paid back sooner rather than later.
Karen & her father invested 3 million and you can't convince anyone they didn't know what the business was doing
Hey John Fredericks how much is Karen paying you to keep this out of the Beacon?
"Ownership interest" does not explain the 3 mill investment by you and dear old Daddy
Loan Shark for city council -- sounds like an episode of The Sopranoes
I think court documents show that you were replaced with a trustee because you were quickly shifting $ out of Rome Finance to your father's IRA after Rome Finance declared bankruptcy. Got to protect yourself from those orphans & widows
I have never ever seen a council member add a comment to the Access Milton blog??? What do you think made Mrs. Thurman respond so quickly?
Sometimes one's actions stretches the imagination, especially when it comes to making money.
There is an old saying: A hit dog hollers.
no really, can anyone ever recall a member of our city council responding to this blog???
Protect herself from the soldiers, widows, and orphans. Those poor soldiers, will they ever get some of their money back? $6000 for a $900 - $2500 computer? Were you thinking they might get killed before they caught on to your scam Karen? Thank God Bernard Wolff will take your place.
Nothing Tina is alledged to have done compares to what Karen has done. NOTHING!
Nothing Tina has been accused of even compares to Karen and the way she victimized our military and senior citizens. Karen, how could you? You leak Bernard's family turmoil to the Beacon, yet the Beacon hasn't reported this. You are all the things people call Julie. You have lost my vote over this. My nephew has been to Iraq four times and will be going back a fifth, to protect trash like you!
Can Karen be brought up on ethics charges over this?
Oh, be sure to get back "what you are owed" from the plebians
What about returning the $ that the attorney general has demanded?
It seems that the laws think that those that you ripped off are the ones that need to be repaid, not the milllionaires such as you and your father
The Hitler Proganda machine is in full force. Do not believe Julie's lies. She will do anything to have her puppets in action. Trust me, ANYTHING.
Speaking from the point of Jewish Immigrants, Hitler's program of government was more like Karen Thurman -- Kill and have no sympathy
Hey - isn't Karen Thurman a "Christian" that goes to Northpoint Church? I wonder if she would like to print her description of this "investment" in the church bulletin?
AT least Bill Bailey can sleep at night. Mowing grass is certainly more respectable than stealing from those who risk their lives for EVEN the low life citizens like Karen Thurman. You give Capitalism a bad name -- out of control greed
Impeach Julie! She is the only verifiable student of NAZI politics. Do not believe the evil....
Speaking from the point of Jewish immigrants - Kill and have no sympathy could never have been realized without the Hitler Propaganda. DO NOT GET SUCKED INTO LIES. FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS BASED ON WHAT YOU FIND OUT ON YOUR OWN!
Wow, you Kool Aid drinkers are out in force on this one - its a shame that no legitimate news gathering medium would take your defamatory story and you could only anonymously post it on a blog.
Whether we think it's a big story doesn't matter to the Atlanta paper, they have bigger fish to fry.
Karen Thurman should be ashamed to ever show her face again
Be sure not to miss the part where they were even trying to collect money from a soldier after he had died!! How cold can a human heart be, or how hardened. Love of money is the root of this evil for sure
Who do I talk to about the movie rights to all this?
Regardless of what side of the fence you sit on, you have to give Karen credit for having the guts to respond on this blog.
She's made it clear that she and her family did not have an ownership interest in this company. In corporate bankruptcies, the creditor committee represents all of the vendors, subcontractors, debt holders and all other entities that are owed money by the bankrupted company. The credit committee would not have the abiltiy to move money out of the commpany without the Trustee's approval and all of the other creditor's on the committee wouldn't agree to it anyway. The blog statements to this matter just are not factual and are obviously statements by inexperienced people.
Karen is a very talented and very pragmatic leader on the council. She has shown the ability to understand the issues, compromise in order to move forward and be decisive.
Our city and all of us are all better off because of Karen participation in our City's leadership.
Read the documents. The money was moved before the trustee was appointed. The protection of bankruptcy and illegally moving assets was the reason the court appointed the trustee.
What about the poor soldiers? Did they get their money back?
A creditor cannot move money out of a bankrupted borrower. Your accusations are so broad and inexperienced that they have no merit. If you have proof that Karen, as a creditor, had the authority to move funds and actually did and did not have approval of the Bankruptcy Judge or Trustee, then make you case. You are obviously not experienced with corporate bankruptcy laws or procedures and you are just attempting to associate Karen as a creditor with this bankrupt company.
As a side note, when the State of Georgia attempted a very onerouse "predatory lending" reform bill in 2005, one of the leading dissenters was the military.
Does this mean the soldiers still have to pay $6000 for a $900 computer so Karen can get her money back?
What Karen did not tell was the fact that the Creditors Committee was made up entirely of note holders, i.e.,investors in the Debtor [Rome Finance Co.]
As 4:10 poster states, READ THE DOCUMENTS.
I wonder if Tim is going to pull these comments because there is no indication of where the story came from, who wrote it, or any indication of where these supposed documents came from... or are we going to wait until after the election to follow our words with deeds?
There are a lot of blogs that level scathing, unsubstantiated comments about certain council reps and their family members including children, and residents who share differing opinions. Even if anonymous, at least the Thurman blogger backed up comments with court papers and TV report.
Maybe the internet should be shut down....that way we would not have as much info available.
"The accuracy of Access Milton Polls"
I remember that Mr. Tart and Mrs. Zahner Bailey won in 2007 and they lost in the polls.
I can imagine that this is all being manipulated. I only became ingaged with all of this because I support Ms. D'Averssa 100%. She is the best teacher my son has ever had. She worked without failing to help and support him in math. She communicated far better than any teacher we have ever known and we have had some great teachers here in Milton.
To see her name shamed by politics is terrible. I have told my children that the world can be cruel and they will learn who to trust and believe as they get older.
It is hard not to lose faith in human beings when you see how the "leaders" of Milton conduct themself. But, we must keep trying to see the truth through the lies.
Ask youself as I asked myself....
Why would Ms. D'Aversa turn unethical after all these years. She has a flawless reputation. She works hard and is a good mother from what I can tell. She seems to be everywhere volunteering and giving back to her community and her family. Why all of the sudden would she turn unethical. The answer is....SHE DIDN'T.
Tina D'Aversa is a solid citizen who gets nothing other than self gratification from her community efforts.
I am just a mother who lives in Crooked Creek and supports Ms. D'Aversa. I ask that everyone use common sense when deciding who should lead out city.
She should have run for Mayor!!!
Proven Leadership, Integrity, Experience
I called Ms. D'Aversa and took her up on her offer of speaking to citizens.
Why is it that Fredericks at the Beacon wrote that Tina was the queen of Milton in 2007 and he republished it in June 2009? Did he change his mind because she turned him down. She is pretty but could it have been that big of a dissappointment to him that he would exert so much energy on this election.
I have not seen Ms. D'Aversa write about Mr. Fredericks advances towards her. She has not made much of the negative campaigning that Longoria has waged against her either. Ask yourself why? Why would she not defend herself? The answer is that she is too much of a professional and she knows that the community will see the negative campaigning as a desperate attempt by a poor candidate to turn the community against Ms. D'Aversa so they would want to elect him.
I respect her for not attending the Beacon debate. She would have been raked over the coals by Fredericks just like he has raked her over the coals in his paper.
After Tuesday, we will all go back to our lives. I can only hope that the community votes for Ms. D'Aversa so we can have at least one elected official that is "balanced" and makes solid decisions. She, Tart and Hewitt are the only onces who seem to absorb information before speaking and voting.
The others needs to take a lesson from those three. I have been to meetings with all three and they are balanced decision makers who seem to know what the council role should be.
My husband says I should not sign my name but I live in Milton and my kids go to CWE. I will be voting for Ms. D'Aversa Tuesday as he will. We would be afraid of reprisals if we signed our names having seen the comments on this web site.
Karen C. Thurman, instrumental in taking advantage of our Men in Uniform.....read for yourself
I've researched the issue about Karen Thurman. I think this is a very low attempt by her opponents to try and take away her credibility. She was not an officer, director, manager or employee of the company. Looks like she was simply an investor in the company. The pitch to investors was that we are a company that helps those with poor credit to get financing and we also help people with poor credit restore that credit. The pitch also said that the company operates within the legal and ethical rules regarding poor credit lending. There is no way as an outside investor that Karen or her family would have known the way the company was being run. It looks like to me that Karen only got involved to go against the company when the company was trying to get our of their obligations.
This is very low politics to try and hurt Karen's credibility with something like this. Makes her opponents look unethical to me.
PS - If there was really something true and valid here about Karen, don't you think one of the opponents would publish it officially or some credible news source would run a story on it. No, these are false and slanderous accusations. That's why you don't see anyone coming out with anything official. So, the rumor mongers simply try and find bits and pieces of truth on the internet and weave a deceptive story on anonymous internet blogs.
So Ms. Moneypants, a CPA who invested over a million dollars and her daddy nearly $6 million just blindly made those investments and was taken unawares. Is that what you wish us to believe? Some savvy businesswoman! Hey, if you believe that I've got some swamp land to sell ya!
You folks are relentless. If it were true, it would sell a lot of newspapers. But it's not true so no credible source is going to pick it up. Your team is grasping.
"Looks like she was simply an investor in the company." "There is no way as an outside investor that Karen or her family would have known the way the company was being run."
Are you serious? She invests over a million dollars cash (where did she get that? As a CPA?) in the company (and her family $5 million more) and didn't know that their purpose was selling over-priced PCs to unsophisticated US soldiers at exorbitant interest rates?? If that is true, she is not competent as a financial expert.
Would it have been OK if it had been well run? How could it have been ethical? Why not invest in a well run prostitution ring?
"The pitch to investors was that we are a company that helps those with poor credit to get financing and we also help people with poor credit restore that credit. The pitch also said that the company operates within the legal and ethical rules regarding poor credit lending."
You must be joking. They invest $6 million and don't bother to find out what the company is selling and how it makes its money? Was she duped?
When they (I believe that her father was an owner) later set up Rome Financial to funnel the original business away from the original "ethical" company, don't you think, just maybe, that she might have started to get the idea that something was not on the up and up?
And you want this kind of judgment and expertise making decisions for our City?
If she knew, its inexcusable. If she didn't know, she's incompetent. Either way, not an option for our City's leadership.
Mr. Lusk's acts of placing military crosses are reduced to public display as Mr. Lusk continues to support Ms. Thurman. Thurman's huge investment alone places her close to a consumer lending scam that ripped off at least 700 military families. With her background and huge family investment I do not believe that she did not know what the company was perpetrating. I went to the court papers that were supplied in a post. Then I read Ms. Thurman's explanation of how hard she's working to repay herself and the other large investors. Pitiful! My nephew is in Iraq. God protect him and keep him...especially from our own citizens who would prey on him.
You Zahnerites are absolute idiots, or disengenuous...maybe just both.
I just got an autodial from Julie, of all people.
She is "all in", as they say in Vegas. Invariably, she hides in the shadows like the wimpy Wizard of Oz, operating via dupes like Leona Cole, Paula Moore, pathetic Carol and nutty Nikky. This time, she is so desperate, the One herself has come out for her cast of candidates.
Her call says Milton will be the same if we vote her way...and it WILL!!!
In other words, no improvement, no parks, no quality of life increases, no tax relief, nothing.
Just a desperate longing for something that only exists in some minds every fall during elections. Anyone who really wants to protect, improve, save Milton needs to run away from the Z-ites as fast as they can.
Let's really do something innovative with our horse community, get parks that are the envy of the region, keep one acre,(regardless of who connects to EXISTING sewer pipes to protect the environment). Julie and her gang haven't done anything innovative in their lives. Look at Tina: uses co-hosts for events she hasn't gotten permission from, signs in places without permission, when corrected she extorts concessions or fires from City committees. She tried to veto the parks authority, didn't start disability awareness as claimed, didn't do much of anything. When an apparently reasonable opponent surfaces, she tries to bribe him to drop out...so she can save her sacred seat & title. Oh, she isn't a professor, she is an "instructor". Doesn't sound so cool.
We should be much more concerned about a man's brother going public saying he is unfit for a position of public trust, than some silly trumped up claim of an obscure company scandal.
Get real, go vote. The only truth is this IS an important election. In Dist 5, if Tina does win, we will have to pay $100k for a special election, undoubtedly, unless the City sues Tina due to her misconduct and makes her pay...which she can't.
Julie and her gang haven't run a business, held a job and most seem to have trouble selecting spellcheck when they blog. Do you really want moonbats running a $20million business, with your money and your property value at stake?
I don't.
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