Former Milton Councilman Neal O'Brien filed an ethics charge against District 5 Councilwoman Tina D'Aversa earlier today.
O'brien only held his district 4 seat for a mere ten months due to a run-off with former candidate Tim Enloe. Come the Fall of 2007, Burt Hewitt easily dethroned the former councilman to capture the fourth district position.
Neither party could be reached for comment at press time.
Tina, Do you love the law now?
Way to go! It is about time that Tina was held accountable for her actions. She still doesn't think she did anything wrong - and that is one of the saddest issues. Her morals have sunk so low she can't recognize the difference between wrong and "politics as usual" anymore.
Are you kidding me....? One ex-city clown filing for another ex-city clown....too funny.
This is dirty politics by the opposition just before the election. IF you truly thought Tina had an ethics violation, why not file it earlier? Because she would have been cleared in time for the election and the smear tactic wouldn't have worked.
By filing this unfounded charge so close to the election leaves a cloud over her and all the hard work she has done for the city. This action is designed to influence the voters away from Tina and toward Longoria. By the time Tina is cleared, after the election, it may be too late.
I hope that when she is cleared, she sues and vindicates herself. Rest assured, if Longoria wins by this smear tactic, (doubtful)she will win the next time. Who knows, maybe she will take Joe Lockwood's job in the next election.
Unbelievable. This is the icing on the cake. Let's go back in time and see what has fueled this. Tina and Neil on council...Neil is a complete a-hole and disgrace to the city...Tina supports Burt to oust Neil...Burt wins...Neil is mad and can't wait to get back at Tina...Neil attends 09 fundraiser for Thurman and Longoria...Neil files ethics complaint to get back at Tina. So sad. Hope you have paid that second mortgage down, Neil. You will need to cash in again when you are made to pay the attorney fees for a frivilous, political charged ethics complaint. It's this kind of crap that got you kicked off the council in the first place. Don't you ever learn.
If this isn't a TELL TALE SIGN Milton that Neal O'Brien and Rick Mohrig are "as women scorned" SINCE they were ousted from City Council I don't know what is. Neal O'Brien and Rick Mohrig are in full blown support for Karen Thurman and Bill Lusk, and Joe Longoria. If you people can't see the stupid, low life, snake in the grass tactics that they are using to get these 3 people elected then Milton you deserve to have sewer everywhere and have neighborhoods and strip malls shoved up your rear ends. Karen, Bill, and Joe Longoria have no spine and have to go and find O'Brien and Mohrig to do their dirty work for them. These people are DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRALS MILTON, Wake up and get out and vote. They are counting on you NOT to vote, the less people in Milton vote the better chance they have since all three of them think Crooked Creek will put them into office.
Neal O'Brien is to Karen, Bill, and Joe Longoria as ACORN is to Barack Obama. Corrupt, immoral, and unethical.
If Longoria felt he was so wronged why didn't he file the complaint?
This action coming from someone else lacks punch and credibility.
I have gotten to know Karen Thurman and Bill Lusk over the past few years and I recently have had the opportunity to meet Joe Longoria. They are all reasonable and intelligent citizens and they have the ability to think, compromise and make the tough decisions that governing requires. Their signs are in my yard and they have my full support and vote.
Even though I am in full support of these candidates and I have many doubts about Tina's leadership, I really don't like this ethics claim against her. This is just a throwback to the dysfunctional council days when ethics violation claims were flying against everyone and in the end they did nothing to improve or help govern our city. In addition, the multitude of ethics violation claims can have the effect of watering down future claims that may have real merit. Tina was extremely naive in sending those e-mails and attempting to coerce Joe out of the race, but I don't see this as a serious ethical violation.
I hope that all of the candidates, especially the talented group that I support, distance themselves from this circus and distinguish themselves on the issues. Our city faces a very serious financial situation and an upcoming reorganization in the delivery of city services. Milton has many issues, but these are the immediate issues that must be resolved and managed by a decisive and talented council. Without resolution, there will be no parks, no walking trails, no real historical preservation and no real service or infrastructure improvements. It’s time to focus on electing a talented council and forget about the distracting side shows.
I notice that JZB's troops are at it early this morning.
When your back is to the wall, attack the messenger, avoid the issue.
Tina: remember Galatians 6:7,
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."
Thanks Neal, we needed more drama. Actually, I'm kinda proud of you for standing up and filing a complaint on an issue that we all know deep down needed action. Bad timing, yes maybe so, but still needed to be done.
Tina Diva Versa
Karen, Bill, Joe, You should be ashamed of yourselves for taking advantage of poor Neal O'Brien....he is a simple minded man with no friends just looking for attention like a lost puppy. You guys could not look more foolish.
Once you are deemed by your community to be unfit for political office, by public election. - ex-clowns should go away, stay away and put a muzzle on it.
I wish someone would put a muzzle on Julie, Tina, Al and Bernard.
Honestly, I do not care that Tina sent an email from her city account. She should have known the rules and not knowing makes her look uninformed. But it does not offend me.
What is really wrong is using your political power to try and coerce people to do what you want. I do not know the ordinance that is involved here, I just know it is wrong and if we let it go without speaking out about it, we are condoning this behavior for Milton.
I think Neal is a very brave man to step up to the rabid dogs that are going to come after him!
No....Neal is not brave....he is just a political pawn and not bright enough to know it. Atta boy can do it.....jump through the hoop now.....that's a good boy.
he looks like a crook.
Bye Bye Tina Zahner-Tart....
Neil is a Loser-What a Hack. Kinda looks like the Bill Murray character from Caddyshack
You can go on and on about frivolous ethics charges. But, this one is going to stick. It is real, Tina's actions were wrong, She has violated like 12 different charges.
Tina, you can call Neal a loser all you want, but it appears that you are the one to own the label...
And you can blame Longoria all you want. But he did not make you take the weird actions that have gotten you here. Oh Wait, he did decide to run against you! The Nerve of him to think he can unseat the GREAT TINA D'AVERSA.
Pride cometh before the fall...
Yuck, Yuck, Neal O'Brien is a schmuck.
Maybe now Tina can go get a real night job (Coctail waitress, retail, Tutoring kids) There is something you can do to supplement your income besides sitting on a council and doing nothing.
what Tina did was wrong... question is how wrong. I would rather have her and Julie in there than Thurman who is pro-developer which has ruined this area with multi-family and high density. O'Brien and Mohrig weren't worthy of the job - thank goodness they are gone. Slap Tina's hand, but keep her in there, the alternative is scary. Oh and Joe, he has gone against his political platform and promises. Get him out.
please do tell us what high density development Bill and Karen voted for?
please stop lying about the high density and extending sewer
Tina was clueless to send that email - all to "avoid a costly campaign for the seat she has worked so hard for" .....please
she wasn't even elected, flip flops on everything and just plain isn't qualified
sure this is politically motivated but she did do it and it was wrong
it does deserve attention - but really not that big of a deal
just shows how foolish and unfit she is for office
don't know neal but he probably is paying Tina back for broken promises and lies she told about him in the past
what goes around comes around Tina - time to retire from public office - go take care of the kids and stop volunteering for everything
Ethics violation or just plain stupid?? Either way, I don't want Tina running my city. How can anyone believe Tina has done nothing when there are emails from her City of Milton account that proves she tried to manipulate the political process.
Thanks for filing the complaint, Tina still does not get it or perhaps she never did. It is truly TIME FOR A CHANGE in Milton.
So if a woman isn't on City Council, she is a waitress, cooking at home, taking care of kids. My understanding is that Tina was very successful publisher. You guys are discriminatory and women should stand up take notice of this neandrethalic mindset.
9:42am poster obviously isn't very bright and is overly emotional.
Lusk and Thurman are very pro-developer and have voted for high-density, sewer related issues. Every politician seems to stand for "protecting" Milton, yet these two have done major damage. Get rid of them and Joe as well.
Weirdo 8:18 poster,you think Milton is ruined? You said and I quote "Thurman who is pro-developer which has ruined this area with multi-family and high density"
Where the heck is the multi-family/high density. That little bitty strip of Deerfield Parkway? As a percentage of the the total Milton acres that must be miniscule. That is all it takes to "ruin" Milton?
I just think that is alarmist and weird. In fact I think everything about this fear of sewer, high density and development is alarmist and weird. Where do you people get your information?
2:05pm poster: "As a percentage of the the total Milton acres that must be miniscule"? You are not very bright, but we won't hold that against you. Anyone that anything about Atlanta growth knows that increased density including multi-family and diversity shift will bring drugs, violent crime and lower educational standards. It is a fact. It is not weird that we have overbuilt regarding commercial and will soon see these empty buildings filled with the type of offering that lowers the perceived value of the area (check-cashing, mattress, Indian and hispanic grocery, etc.). We moved here for a slice of Americana, but when I go to Costco on any given Saturday, I feel like I am in another country. Can't blame most of that on the City Council, but developers and their greed to create higher density are making it worse. Thurman, Lockwood and Lusk have to go. On a final note, as far as being an alarmist, I think some of the residents of St. Mountain, North Lake/Lakeside, Sandy Springs, will tell you about how their neighborhoods have drastically fallen as far as quality of life.
O'Brien is to Thurman, Lusk, and Longoria, as Van Jones and Jeremiah Wright are to Obama.
We people get our information by actually attending City council meetings for 3 years and reading the newspapers that aren't used to line the bottoms of bird cages.
Is that an old picture or is Neal still as creapy looking as he used to be?
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