Emails have been circulating among Milton about the new high school set to open at the intersection of Cogburn and Bethany Bend in 2012. This is what we know to date:
· The new high school – currently called Bethany Road High School – is scheduled to open for August 2012.
· Bethany Road High School is NOT the final name – just a “working project title”
· The Bethany Road High School will be the same prototype as the new John’s Creek High School
· It will sit on approximately 65 acres at the corner of Bethany Bend and Cogburn Road across from Kings Ridge Christian Academy. ONLY 45 acres of the 65 are usable. The other 20 acres cannot be used due to topography issues such as streams, flood planes, etc… Interestingly, Milton only currently sits on 70 acres. The new Johns Creek HS sits on 65 acres. There will be a sidewalk winding around the entire area along with bridges and foot paths in the wet zones.
· There will be two entrances to the new high school – one from Cogburn Road and one from Bethany Bend. We asked for an entrance from Highway 9 and were told that it is not an option.
· The new high school will be 330,000 square feet – This square footage is very similar to Milton HS, however, the new high school will be much more compact due to acreage usage.
· Cost - $50 million
· Capacity – 2,000 students
· There will be 99 instructional units
· There will be 719 parking spots
· The property will contain a football stadium, baseball field, softball field, tennis courts and a large practice field
· Façade – It was agreed that the exterior of the building should have a similar feel to that of Kings Ridge. It will be a combination of brick, stone and large wooden beams. It WILL NOT have columns like Milton HS. It was agreed that the exterior of Milton HS should not be duplicated to the new high school, BUT rather give the new high school its own identity with its own “WOW” factor.
· The architect that developed Kings Ridge is the same architect to work on the new high school
· Rezoning will take place in the spring of 2011.
· Bob Lynch, Fulton County Area Superintendent, mentioned that the rezoning would definitely shake things up. We will most likely see some kids from Roswell HS move to Milton HS; some from Milton HS to Alpharetta HS; and some from Alpharetta HS to Bethany Road HS .
Community Meeting to discuss Bethany Road High School is scheduled for Monday, October 26, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. at Hopewell Middle School – Please attend if at all possible.
Funny how the policeman of the month and the much dreaded new high school in Milton have zero comments now that the election campaign is underway. Priorities?
Because you can't trash an officer of the law and a soon to be school of excellence
Up here in Forsyth, we have some officers who are considered trailer trash. Don't know much about school of excellence.
School of excellence!
More like a nightmare to the unfortunate residents that live in the area.
The nightmare moved away from the big house across the street on Freemanville to next door to the big house on Cogburn.
This proposed new HS is NOT NEEDED!
A new HS at Cogburn & Bethany is not needed. There appears to be plently of room to expand Milton HS!
Alpharetta residents can go to Alpharetta HS. Milton residents can go to Milton HS. Milton HS has room to expand. The taxpayers of Fulton County do not need another $50 million (that really means $60 million) debt commitment for a near bankrupt county (and nor will a new Milton County!)! The Cogburn/Bethany property should be used to INCREASE the financially struggling City of Milton's future tax base!
The increased diversity at the new HS will be rampant with crime and drugs. Seems like the usable land on the property is too small to have a school there. Milton is going down hill fast, just look at who you're shopping with and how it has changed in last three years.
Just look at who you're shopping with?? You're sick. People like you should be banned back to the far woods of America and never seen again.
Things have changed over the past few years....the problem is people like you. You think you are better then the rest and your probably over your head in debt and loosing your house. Write in next year when your on the south side and tell me how bad it was shopping with the trash around here.
What about the traffic issues! With 2 schools right across the street, and a single lane road on both sides, traffic will be a nightmare!
why not just shut down CHS while you are doing all of this redistricitng.
There will not be much left any way.
I am helping organize the alumni of the former north Fulton school, Crestwood High, in an effort to name the new school on Bethany Bend the same as our beloved alma mater.
Despite not having an active school’s functions to attend, i.e. Homecoming events, we are a pretty tight knit group. Everyone I’ve spoken to is in support of this idea and seem to be willing to back it up with promises of financial support for the school from an alumni association.
We are preparing a proposal as to who we are and what type of assistance we want to make to the school and its programs.
Best Regards!
Scott Crawford
Class of ‘87
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