News from Councilwoman Tina D'Aversa
Dear Milton Neighbor, Thank you for supporting me for re-election to the Milton City Council. Your support is tremendous, and I am forever humbled by the confidence everyone has shown me. There is one man from Crooked Creek subdivision seeking to unseat me. He has suggested and a couple media outlets have reported that I contacted him about the election and that in some way my actions were inappropriate. The allegations and the rhetoric that is being promoted by my opponent are politically motivated.
I deny any allegations that I acted unethically. My actions were in response to his interests in serving on a city board or committee in his community as a representative of Crooked Creek. Each councilmember appoints members to the city boards and committees. I have two board positions open at this time. My opponent agreed to a date to meet and discuss his interests, but he did not keep the meeting. The alleged email was a much earlier. He must have changed his mind. End of story.
I never tried to bribe him nor did I act in an unprofessional or unethical manner. The entire situation was taken out of context when presented to the newspaper and the continuation of the discussion is politically motivated.
I want to let this go so we can continue our work and have you know that my proven record and experience as your city leader is why I should be re-elected. I have served you to the highest level and worked hard for all of Milton. My accomplishments are many. Click on this link or paste it into your Internet browser for a short video of an unedited interview with a media spokesman and me regarding these allegations.
If you believe that fairness, dedication, hard work and integrity should be rewarded with your support, please vote for me on November 3, 2009.
Tina D'Aversa's Record
I have worked hard volunteering to support our diverse community for 11 years - since 1998. For the last three years, I've had the privilege to serve as one of your seven council members. Today, I am asking for your vote on November 3, 2009 to keep me on your City Council working hard for you and the citizens of Milton.
My voting record of support is open, fair, and strong. I have worked to support the Milton Vision and to support the ideal that all citizens will be included as we develop a community our children and their children can be proud to call home; a community that embraces diversity of culture and lifestyle.
As a 20 year publishing industry executive and now as a teacher and college instructor, my experience speaks for itself.
Highlights of my accomplishments as your City Council member:
· I ensured the safety of our citizens by quickly adopting ordinances to provide an effective public safety infrastructure, fully funding the public safety department in annual budget cycles, and supporting the early deployment of an outstanding, fully equipped police and fire service.
· I encouraged quality growth and development by adopting a comprehensive zoning ordinance and adhering to our developmental standards. Including, voting to restrict building height on Georgia Highway 9 in Milton.
· I have worked to preserve our unique, rural, equestrian character and protected our natural resources and environment by consistently applying our land use policies and ordinances and voting against expansion of sewer service.
· I sponsored a resolution to establish the Milton Disability Awareness Committee to promote the inclusion of persons of all abilities in every aspect of community life through education, advocacy, and influence on public policy.
· I sponsored and the entire council approved the creation of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to ensure public involvement in the development and expansion of our parks and green space.
· I supported the formation of a Tree Preservation Committee to ensure that the beautiful trees that help make Milton so unique are protected.
· I co-sponsored a resolution to form the Highway 9 Design Review Board to proactively enhance the quality of life and look and feel of the Highway 9/Deerfield area. We are continuing these efforts and have only just begun to work to promote the appropriate redevelopment of Highway 9.
· I have wholeheartedly supported continuing efforts to develop our 25 year Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan to chart our future, maintain Milton's unique and rural attributes, and provide for appropriate improvements in our transportation infrastructure.
· I supported the formation of an Historic Preservation Committee to ensure that all historic structures in the city are identified and protected.
· I am working with volunteers, consultants, and city staff to ensure that Milton is an all-inclusive community providing efficient service delivery to our citizens. We are an ADA compliant city and we have been recognized by the state for our hard work ensuring inclusion of people at all ability levels.
In my next term as your city council member, I will continue to lead in a manner supporting our citizen's Vision for Milton. I promise to:
· Preserve our city's unique history and rural, equestrian character by upholding our new 25 year comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance and not supporting the expansion of new sewer service within the interior of Milton;
· Promote appropriate development of the Deerfield and Highway 9 character areas by upholding the Highway 9 Design Guidelines currently under revision and seeking proactively to attract the type of development and business Milton citizens want on Highway 9;
· Expand Bell Memorial Park and begin the development of Birmingham Park, utilizing our Parks Authority (established by our charter) for funding;
· Increase availability of green space and pocket parks through alternative funding and partnerships with business owners and citizen groups;
· Support the development of the new Fulton County Public Library in the Highway 9 Web road area that is unique to Milton and adds to our unique character; and
· Encourage the appropriate development of our City Center and an efficient, financially viable Town Hall and Municipal Services center.
You can rely on my continued support of our community and the vision of our citizens with the same aggressiveness and vigor that I have for the last three and a half years as your City Council representative. If you have any questions or comments, I encourage you to call me and I will make myself available to meet with you or speak via telephone.
Respectfully serving Milton,
Tina D'Aversa
Protecting and Preserving ALL of Milton,
Tina D'Aversa
Milton City Council Member
District 5 at Large
678-457-0677 Direct
Tina D'Aversa for Milton
In 2006, I provided my clear vision of Milton: Preserving our equestrian heritage and diverse lifestyles, managing and funding appropriate growth.
I have listened to the citizens of Milton and, my vision is the same in 2009 as the day I came to Milton.
Vote for Tina D'Aversa, November 3, 2009
Events and Meetings
October 12, 2009, 6:00 PM, City Council Work Session (regular schedule). Agenda.
City Council Meetings are listed on the City Web Site and all council meetings are held at Milton City Hall, 13000 Deerfield Parkway, Milton, Georgia 30004
October 10, 2009
Rivers Alive Waterway Cleanup in the City of Milton.
Milton Grows Green and Bailey Farms & Gardens are sponsoring a very important and informative event called Rivers Alive. Rivers Alive is a volunteer event where students, parents and community members help to clean up our local waterways. The mission of Rivers Alive is to create awareness and involvement in the preservation of Georgia's waterways and water resources. It is a great learning experience for the students and a fun way for them to get out into nature and help the community at the same time. Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009Time: 8:00 a.m. until 1 p.m. (you can come out any time within those hours)Meeting Place: Bailey Farms & Gardens, 255 Hickory Flat Road, Milton, GA
Tina D'Aversa Re-election Support Party
Join me and help support my re-election to the Milton City Council
Sunday, October 11, 2009, from 6:00 to 8:00 at the Home of Mayor Joe Lockwood and Mrs. Dawn Lockwood
375 Dorris Road, Milton, GA
October 17, 2009, 3rd Annual Milton Roundup Carnival and Celebration
Milton High School Grounds
October 19, 2009, 6:00 PM
City Council Meeting (regular schedule)
October 24, 2009, 10:00,
Milton's First Christmas Tree Transplanting
Corner of Highway 9 and Web Road Tree Donation by Protect Milton (More information to follow)
October 30, 2009, 7:00 PM Milton High School Alumni Celebration
Come Celebrate 60 Years of Milton High School Band and Music Programs.
During the council meeting on October 19, 2009, the Mayor and City Council will present a Proclamation to Milton High School's Principal, Band Director, students, parents and alumni.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Together we can find a Cure!
This message was paid for by the Tina D'Aversa Election Campaign Fund and no city of Milton funds were used in the publication or distribution of this message.
Most of stated accomplishments are "supporting" nebulous concepts. Others merely piggyback, long after the fact, other people's work & initiative.
Anyone can have sympathy for a person going through a divorce, trying to juggle childcare as a single parent and still find primary employment after a failed business. Nevertheless, Tina just hasn't delivered.
As for the apparent bribe, isn't it stale to say: "lets move on, do the peoples the way, it is politically motivated"?? In her case, it was the press that broke the story, no October surprise.
Hey Tina, go to the city website and download a copy of the street network map as soon as you can since you apparently adopted a road that does not exist and now you insist on spelling Webb Road with only one "b"
Tina you can deny all you want. The truth is this: the facts are correct as reported by The Herald and The Beacon. Apparently there is not only "the" email (ethics violation) but now there is a witness. (Bet you didn't see that coming.)
Tina don't you teach your Sunday school children not to lie...shouldn't you be setting a better example.
I'm tired of my government lying to me!
Just a thought: anyone else notice that Tina is the only one talking about the ethics issue?
Her dissembling is just making the problem worse, but it is her own fault keeping it in the public consciousness.
Or, is this the victim card, calculated to shift focus away from a poor record and generate sympathy votes, especially among so-called soccer moms?
Pahleese! "A man from Crooked Creek", REALLY? Has she gone back to her original statement that she does not know Joe Longoria? She apparantly has forgotten his name again. This whole situation would be comical if it weren't MY city!
Tina doesn't know when the "reality" ends and the "fantasy" begins .Or maybe that's her problem , she really does!
"One man"
"Those men.."
"That horrible man"
(All quotes from Tina)
Tiny problem with members of the opposite sex, Tina?
Here are a couple of questions for the forum-
Why did Tina support so faithfully the two people most responsible for losing a million dollars in revenue for the City?
If Tina is now the Queen of Parks, why did she attempt to hobble our ability to develop or pay for parks?? Also, why did it take until a few months before the election to do anything about Parks in Milton?
It is a fact that she took the unprecedented step of writing a letter for the Governor of GA to ask him to veto a law that was going to allow Milton to borrow money, build a City (not Town)Hall, have a Parks Commission and develop Parks.
What a hypocrite..."...I was against Parks, before I was for them...." Anything to get elected, obviously!!!!!!!!!
Do we have any parks?
can you give a little more detail on this letter that she wrote against borrowing money for parks?
haha "one man from Crooked Creek"! Sounds like a line from a Spaghetti Western. "Julie, We gotta man from Crooked Creek gonna come in an spoil it fer us!
Can't you hear the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly playing in the background....
Oh the drama!
There's a new sheriff in town, riding a white horse (in tribute to our equestrian theme) name of Joe Longoria....
Everything they do is public record.
Lots of folks saw it in email, I thought. Maybe lost in all the drama, though. Cost of doing business with divas. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone who isn't so high maintenance?
Do you think for a minute JJ, the original sheriff, is going to allow another sheriff to ride into town, regardless of what color horse he's riding?
How about the cost of doing business with special interests?
For the answer, think Karen Thurman and Bill Lusk.
Blah, blah, blah, Tina just go away!
If you have seen Tina in action at Council Meetings then you know that she just doesn't have the talent or skill set to govern.
and if you've seen Lusk and Thurman in action, you'll know that we don't need their talents and skills sets governing.
Thurman and Lusk are very level headed citizen volunteers. They are capable of compromise and making decisions and have the talent, experience and expertise to continue to move this city out of the mud.
Tina has proven that she just doesn't have the chops.
Tell us more!
That's what she says!
As a proud graduating member of the Leadership Atlanta program, I was happy to see that Ms. D'Aversa is one of us. But when I searched the graduating class of 2003 to see who she went through the program with, her name was absent ( In fact, she's not listed as a member in any year.
The easiest way to check the credibility of any of these politicians is to check the facts they give us.
If she can continue to refute all your allegations (e-mails in black and white) in such an "off the cuff" and condescending manner (was this an outtake from some amateur version of The Office?), then you most likely got what you deserved the FIRST TIME around.
Remember, regular people, especially part-time, wannabe politicians, are not adept enough at covering all the @#$%$@# stories they try to sell.
The ones who get away with it are the ones you vote for on blind faith the FIRST TIME around.
Getting the picture, here!
Remember what my beloved alma mater Notre Dame (Class of 1980) did to George O'Leary when he flubbed but one minor fact on his resume?
They cut him loose, baby! Start by questioning the little things (maybe something as simple as a college degree). You'd be surprised as to what you find.
Interesting that Tina has now added Pre-Law as one of her degrees !!!
Maybe she is like one of the people she still idolizes from the City that bought their degree on the internet?
I heard from a reliable source that she kept trying to rub Tim's head before and after this interview and that she said it turned her on?
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