Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Clear Vision – Clear Choice for Milton

Message #3 in the Series
It's time for straight talk about the need for
clear vision and clear choice!
Join me Tuesday, October 27 6:30 - 8:30 pm for a
fundraiser at the Olde Blind Dog
12650 Crabapple Road, Milton
(Detailed invitation to follow; financial
support appreciated but not required to attend)

Dear Neighbor,

I am a candidate for the Milton City Council in District 5. With this third e-mail, I want you to know what I mean by "Clear Vision - Clear Choice" and how it addresses our city council's need for unity of purpose.


A Clear Vision of What Milton Should Be

I offer the voters of Milton a clear vision of a city united in common goals, not divided into warring factions. The very things that make Milton unique - and that draw us as citizens to this city - have also divided our city into two distinct perspectives on development. One view is that development will gradually erode our rural environment. The other view is that development is necessary to support the financial needs of our city.

I do not accept the notion that these are irreconcilable views. Nor do I believe that one view must prevail over the other. Milton is special and unique because it alone - of all cities in the area - can be a successful blend of both rural and urban, without one jeopardizing the other. I see the city of Milton united in purpose led by a unified city council with one common goal: to make Milton the best it can be for all our citizens. To know what is possible and not act on it is unacceptable to me.

A Clear Choice of How We Will Face the Future

This is the first time that the citizens of Milton will have a choice among candidates in the 5th district. I have a firm conviction that public officials should willingly face the voters in periodic elections so constituents can balance their performance in office, their character, and their goals with the fresh approach of a new candidate.

I have a track record of involvement with small to very large organizations over many years. I have been on school boards and planning committees and have been very active in the Boy Scouts of America. These experiences required making difficult and complex decisions, gaining consensus, and developing and communicating strategy so people could share in a vision of what can be accomplished. The operative words here are "gaining consensus." As a member of the Milton City Council, I will focus on open, honest consensus from all parties at the table. With Milton's future at stake, our city council cannot afford to be sidetracked by arrogance, backroom communication or hidden agendas.

As we deal with the significant issues on our plate, such as how we will manage our city after the departure of CH2MHill and the future of our wonderful parklands, Milton City Council members will need to pull together and avoid mean-spirited bickering. We must make the right financial decisions. We must exhibit true leadership and solid decision-making capability. There can be no going along for the ride, no divisive special interests, no claiming credit where credit is not due.

A Vote for Clear Vision and Clear Choice

My involvement and expertise in both business and civic matters is very deep. The combination of those experiences will help our city council deal with the vision, mission, values and goals that we need to move our community forward. I ask for your vote on November 3rd to allow me to help make a difference.


If you would like to learn more about me or my positions, please feel free to contact me directly at: or 770-634-0080.


I respectfully ask for your support and urge you to vote on

Tuesday, November 3rd.

Joe Longoria
14341 Club Circle
Milton, GA 30004
Candidate for Milton City Council 2009District 5
Remember to vote on November 3rd!

Thank you for your support of the joe4milton campaign. Financial contributions to elect Joe Longoria to Milton City Council are appreciated.
Or checks may be mailed to Friends for Joe Longoria
14341 Club Circle Milton, GA 30004

Courtesy Paid for by the Friends of Joe Longoria 14341 Club Circle Milton GA 30004.


Anonymous said...

Boy the Ole Dog may be blind, but not deaf nor dumb. At least Ron is making money off of the elections. Smart Man. I guess when you support all the candidates it's hard to lose.

Anonymous said...

2008-04-24 MILTON HERALD
Milton's Crooked Creek HOA wants gating

by Jason Wright

"Currently, Milton's law says 100 percent of people who live on the roads to be abandoned have to agree. At a work session March 10, council asked the HOA to take the vote to make sure there was a groundswell of support in the community before moving forward.

Crooked Creek board member Mike Stevens said the vote for gating was just the first step in a long and arduous process for the neighborhood.

Before any gates would be installed, he said, Crooked Creek would have Milton make more than $600,000 in road improvements."

How Nice of Crooked Creek to MAKE Milton pay $600,000 to improve their roads, then gate it off to everyone.

Anonymous said...

All 6 candidates at the Forum were in favor of gating of Crooked Creek if the state law was addressed.

Just thought everyone should know.

Anonymous said...

This was a very good viewpoint. I am sick of the fighting in Milton. I would vote for someone who can recognize the problem and find a solution. It isn't going to be easy, but at least you recognize the problem.

Anonymous said...

Why are you charging $150 to hear debates on Wednesday, October 28th when it was free at the Forum. Whose pocket is that money going into and why?

In this economy, $150 is a goodly amount for something I should be able to hear for free. Maybe I will vote for the other guys, Tina, Bernard, and Al. They aren't charging anything.