Many thanks to all those who emailed and commented on Accessmilton.com about who you would like us to interview on "The Enloe Show."
We are pleased to announce that the requests for interviewing past candidates and council members experienced the most support.
While we would like to insure that all those who ran or held office previously would agree to be interviewed, we cannot guarantee such. Please share your choice below or send it to tmenloe@aol.com / Subject Line: Interview Choice:
1. Neal Obrien
2. Sam Bottoms
3. Eddie Moore
4. Vince Pisano
5. Paul Moore
6. Jon Carroll
7. Marty Lock
8. George Ragsdale
9. Roger Santi
10. Gordon Hunter
11. Rick Mohrig
12. Tina D'Aversa
13. Clint Johnson
14. Al Trevillyan
15. Bernard Wolfe
We believe this is the complete list of past candidates and council members. If we are forgetting someone, please feel free to let us know.
Now...Let the Show Begin!
What about the developer that was on the ballot, but had dropped out? Can't remember his name.
i give you a million bucks if ob steps up to the mic
Could you persuade three outstanding residents of Milton for an interview? I would love to know their feelings on what is now transpiring in Milton.
Paul Moore
Al Trevillyan
Bernard Wolfe
facksPaul Moore would like it as he is very involved and on the planning commision and cpac, while Al and Bernard have gone back to their old lives as Julie dropped em like a hotcake since they lost.
I am willing to bet not one of the people listed would ever get near a mirophone or camera to be interviewed?
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