Bischon found yesterday off Hopewell road near Hamby Hospital. White,
Male, no chip, neutered
Laura Ramsey
By Tim Enloe; Accessmilton.com
With the Milton Market rolling into Fall mode after this weekend, Market President Zack Eller has had to step down until next Spring due to school being around the corner.
To say that Zack made this year's market a success is a given as he brought more
creativity and insight than many would have guessed.
I found it very fitting that Zack, not only being a natural born leader but also a very talented baseball player, hit a line drive home run this past week. (Please see the above video for more.) Proof that if given the proper guidance and nurturing, our Milton youth can be successful both on the field and off.
See you next year Zack and keep swinging for the fences!
Rebar, who served in Doral for just under four years, will start with the city Aug. 15. He will replace outgoing Director Cyndee Bonacci, who left the post to spend more time with her family.
Rebar had previously lived in the Atlanta area and jumped at the chance to move back.
"I'm excited about the opportunity to join the team in the City of Milton," said the new parks director. "Being part of a young city provides the unique opportunity of having a role in shaping a city's future."
At Doral, Rebar oversaw a complex system of parks and programs while managing a staff and the department's budget. He will be particularly vital to Milton's efforts because of his experience in completing parks system master plans, negotiating joint-use agreements with private and public schools, guiding parks from county to city control, and building programs and events from scratch, said Lagerbloom.
"John Rebar is a natural fit for Milton because he's been through the specific and intricate planning and programming issues we deal with every day," said Lagerbloom. "He joined Doral, which, like Milton, was only four years old at the time, and built an award-winning system of parks and programs. I have full confidence he'll be able to bring his demonstrated success to our city and will capitalize on the incredible progress we've made under Cyndee Bonacci's tenure."
The City of Milton Parks and Recreation Department has tremendous potential, and I think we've just scratched the surface of what we are capable of achieving," he added. "I am looking forward to seeing where John will lead us."
Rebar is no stranger to recreation, having started his career in 2002 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. In five short years Rebar rose through local government ranks to department director, eventually turning Doral's young parks system into a powerhouse recognized at state and local levels for accomplishment.
Rebar received his bachelor's in health and physical education from Marrywood College of Scranton, Pa., in 1996. Five years later he earned a master's in teaching and learning from Nova Southeastern University of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Rebar is currently completing a master's in public administration from Florida International University and is a seven-year member of the National and Florida Parks and Recreation associations.
"I am eager to be involved in the planning and development of a parks system that will both reflect and enhance the quality of life the residents of Milton have come to expect," said Rebar. "I can't wait to move forward with a system of parks, programming and events that are sustainable and provide recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities."
By Mike Morris
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A North Fulton woman was arrested Friday after allegedly striking a bicyclist in Marietta and fleeing the scene.
The cyclist was struck at about 12:25 a.m. Friday while riding along Roswell Street at Aviation Street, Marietta police Officer Michael Gardner said.
The cyclist was thrown from his bike and sustained serious injuries, Gardner said. The man, whose name has not been released, was taken to Wellstar Kennestone Hospital in critical condition.
Gardner said the driver fled the scene, but police tracked the suspect vehicle, a 2005 Lexus ES380, and its driver to a Milton address and arrested Judy Mae Petrovsky, 67. She was charged with DUI and felony hit and run, and is being held in the Cobb County Jail on a $10,000 bond.
Yearly event brings movie, food, games, rides and more to Milton Stadium.
MILTON, Ga., July 21, 2011 - For the second year, the Milton High School Touchdown Club and the cities of Milton and Alpharetta present the Milton High School Community Kickoff Sunday, July 31 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the school's football stadium.
The free, family-friendly event features a "Flick on the Field," food and information from the program's Community Partners, games and rides for the kids and a perfect opportunity for everyone to see friends missed over the long, hot summer months.
This is the second year the cities have partnered with the non-profit booster club to open up what was once team photo day to the community as a whole, said Milton Communications Manager Jason Wright.
"Last year the Touchdown Club approached us about turning the team's event into a community event to officially end the summer," said Wright. "We immediately jumped on this opportunity. We help with logistics and promotion, and all of Milton and Alpharetta are invited to this great family event."
Touchdown Club officer Lee Jenkins said after last year's 1 p.m. start time and 100-plus degree heat, it was decided that the Community Kickoff might be more popular as an evening event.
"On Friday nights in the fall, this stadium is the place to be," said Jenkins. "So it just made sense."
The Community Kickoff takes the place of Milton football's photo day, which routinely drew more than 200 families to the school. Organizers stress everyone is invited, regardless of affiliation with the team. And there should be a crowd. In addition to the nearly 400 families in Milton's high school and feeder programs, the 900 families involved in the Alpharetta Youth Football Association have also been invited to take part.
"Milton High School is an important and vibrant part of the community and touches [virtually everyone]," said Melody Cookson, a Touchdown Club member helping to plan the event. "Join us to celebrate the importance and contributions of Milton High School to the community, and the important role Milton Football plays in uniting and rallying the student body and the community in general."
First-year head coach Howie DeCristofaro said the team has been working hard on a program the community can be proud of. This is the first opportunity residents and parents will have to be introduced to the new faces.
"We look forward to collaborating with the community to make Friday nights special for all involved," he said.
For more information about the Community Kickoff 2011, contact Melody Cookson at 678-234-5801 or cruisedirector@bellsouth.net.
MILTON, Ga., July 20, 2011 - The second and last of the City of Milton/Up With Kids Sports (UWKS) basketball skills camps will be held Aug. 1 through 5 at Hopewell Middle School.
This camp, for children ages 6 through 17, will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and cost $135 for Milton residents. Half days are available for $100. Cost for non-residents is $202.50 for full days and $150 for half.
International basketball star Samuel Hines, who founded UWKS and coaches the camps, said the experience of bringing basketball to Milton's children has been tremendous.
"Watching them learn the game and hearing their parents' reaction has been great," said Hines. "To see the support from the community for this program means so much to me. I can't wait for the winter league to watch these kids grow even more."
Parents can sign up for the league by clicking here. Choose "City of Milton - UWKS Camp June 13-17 & August 1-5," download the registration form and mail it with payment to:
P.O. Box 1201
Alpharetta, GA 30009
For more information on Up with Kids Sports, this camp or its UWKS Academy, which prepares players for feeder program tryouts, visit its Web site, www.myuwks.com, or contact coach Samuel Hines at coachhines@bellsouth.net or 678-481-1749. You may also contact Tom Gilliam, Milton's Recreation Programs Coordinator, at 678-242-2519 or tom.gilliam@cityofmiltonga.us.
Many thanks to Melissa of Milton for sharing this laugh with Accessmilton.com readers!
By Tim Enloe; Accessmilton.com
The Milton Market is becoming more popular every weekend. Word is spreading fast regarding this community focused event. While vendors are selling everything from homemade bracelets to dog biscuits, my tailgate focuses on tomatoes, squash, sunflowers, Accessmilton horse car magnets, etc.
A couple of weekends ago a couple stopped by having just moved to a subdivision off of Providence Road from Gwinnett County. Both husband and wife appeared as though a gigantic weight had just been lifted off their shoulders. The husband especially was more excited than the average tailgate visitor.
As I inquired to his current mindset, he replied that he was so happy to now be living in Milton. He would continue stating how he had raised his family in Gwinnett and had lived there for over 31 years but said "We couldn't take it anymore." As I pushed for more information, he said he was tired of "pressing one for English" as well as being exposed to "foreign non-English" languages on business signs throughout the county.
We continued to talk and I relayed to him that I too had experienced much change in
what is now Milton since I was eight years old and more was on it's way. He countered saying he hoped that the change wouldn't be as drastic as the evolution his family experienced in the county to the East. "You don't realize what you have here," he continued.
He returned this past weekend, still living on cloud nine and speaking about how he enjoys seeing the deer and horses graze as well as the gardens that speckle the landscape.
With all this in mind, a question came to me that deserved to get input from the tax payers of Milton. That question being: Should our city pass an ordinance stating that business signs and phone systems should be in English only?
With the recent school redistricting and push for more affordable housing in Milton coupled with many land owners eagerness to sell out, it is only a matter of time before our population demographic shifts. With such, certain pressures will no doubt arise.
Have your say in the comments section below. Gracias...
MILTON- We are back again to visit with legendary Milton resident and gardener Mr. Paul Westbrook and his wonderful garden.
This time around, he gives an update on how things are going this season in addition to showcasing some new and popular items.
Be sure to come out to the Milton Market each Saturday in Crabapple from 9am to 12 noon and meet Mr. Westbrook and his wife Barbara. They never meet a stranger and are always sporting a great smile!
The City of Milton’s second Concert in the Park featuring Nashville’s Sarah Peacock was a rousing success, bringing more than 200 to Birmingham Park for a relaxing summer evening of music.
Don’t forget that the next concert in the series will take place Aug. 5, also at Birmingham Park. It will feature Milton mother Mandy Gawley. For more information, click here.
Eller, himself a vendor at the market, sells homemade "Woof ‘em Down" dog biscuits from a center stand on the community grounds near the corner of Broadwell and Mayfield roads. The non-profit business he founded with his brother while in middle school has raised more than $12,000 for animal rescue groups over the years.
From his seat behind a vendor's table Saturday, Eller scanned the panorama of other vendors. There was a girl selling friendship bracelets, agroup of teens selling freshly squeezed lemonade.
"That was the main reason for the name change," Eller said, "to get the youth involved."Until this year, the market was almost exclusively a retail hub for fruits and vegetables. There were also few, if any, young people.
Tim Enloe, who ran the market from its inception in 2009, said he couldn't have found a more qualified successor. He knew Eller as a vendor who set up his dog biscuit stand every Saturday, always on time, always dependable.
This year, Enloe said, he didn't have the time to devote to the farmers market that it needed, so he reached out to Eller's parents, Tom and Traci to take over. Instead, they suggested their son.
"I was not only floored, I was wowed to know that a young man, hardly 16 years old, would be willing to take on this responsibility," Enloe said.
It wasn't the teen's first experience as an entrepreneur. The "Woof ‘em Down" biscuit venture grew from his childhood love of dogs. His first word was "dog," and he began asking for dog food for his birthday when he was 6 so he could contribute to shelters. At 8, he volunteered at animal shelters on weekends, bringing treats to the wayward canines. That's when the idea first occurred to him to start up his own business to benefit animals. With younger brother, Thomas, he formed the non-profit.
Once he took charge of the market, Eller's first act -- changing the name -- surprised Enloe.
"I never would've thought of that," Enloe said. "I'm jealous I didn't think of it but happy he did. What a great idea."
The new name signaled a new lineup. Eller spread the word at school and called, emailed and spoke with potential vendors. He created a website for the event, http://www.miltonmarket.weebly.com/.
Eller's second decision was to move the market from a parking lot near The Olde Blind Dog Irish Pub to its current location, which affords more space. To maneuver through the permitting process and follow all city codes, Eller went to the top.
"I met Zack Eller a few years ago and was impressed not only how he stepped out as an entrepreneur, but also his work with charities," Mayor Joe Lockwood said. "I'm proud of him."
Attendees at the market were no less impressed.
"I kind of thought, ‘Wow,'" said David Neal of Alpharetta. "It's good for a youth to take the initiative."Paul and Caroline Dunn said they like the new location.
"I think it's cool, very entrepreneurial," Caroline Dunn said. "It's something to do during the summer."The Milton Market runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays through the end of July. After that, Eller plans to get back to baseball and biscuits.
The Crabapple Community Association, an non-profit organization of local businesses and residents, will hold a parade at 9:30 a.m. to celebrate Independence Day.
Click here to download a pamphlet for the event.
Everyone of all ages and abilities is invited to participate -- bring your friends, children, dogs, bicycles, wheelchairs, wagons and strollers and join in. And make sure to dress patriotically and decorate whatever you bring, because there will be prizes for best bike, best vehicle, best pet and most enthusiastic.
Milton City Councilman Bill Lusk and his wife Janie will serve as the parade marshals. Organizers said participants should meet up at 9 a.m. at the Braeburn Commercial buildings on Birmingham Highway. Parking is available at Crabapple Baptist Church.
There will be free T-shirts, flags, water and freezer pops until supplies run out.
After the parade, a fire truck, police car and ambulance from Children's Healthcare of Atlanta will be available for children to explore.
For more information, call Sally Rich-Kolb at (770) 448-3860.
The City of Milton Parks and Recreation Department has a host of activities this summer, including day camps, a basketball league and skills camps, fitness camps for children and adults, a concert series and the 2nd Annual Community Kickoff at Milton High School.
For more information on the city of Milton's programs and activities, click here. For more information on the city's special events, click here.
Milton Friends of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta will hold a 2012 Model Year Roll out and Gala benefiting Children's Healthcare of Atlanta on Thursday, Aug. 25 from 7 to 10 p.m. at RBM of Atlanta North, 345 McFarland Parkway in Alpharetta (click here for directions).
There will be food from local eateries, music, video games, a live and silent auction and a raffle drawing. Sponsorships are available.
For more information, please contact Amanda White at 404-217-4643 or awhite@etailpromotions.com.
By Dennis Nelson
Unfortunately no neighborhood is completely immune to crime. We all want to make certain our family members, especially our children, are safe in our neighborhoods. You can take the following steps to help keep your family and your neighborhood safe:
Click here for information on becoming a part of the MPACT program.
Milton residents should be very proud to know they have surpassed other, much larger, cities in participation in the volunteer Adopt a Road clean-up program.
Led by Julie Pinckney, Milton Grows Green's Adopt a Road volunteer coordinator, the program has grown to 28 roads adopted, which totals more than 28 miles of roads being cleaned.
Adopt a Road volunteer groups clean up our roadways about four times per year and help to keep the community looking great. Special thanks to our adopters: Crabapple Beds and Bones, oXYGen Financial, Stages Premier Realtors, The Foody Family, AccessMilton.com, Locum Leaders, Windward Law Group, Blue Ribbon Pet & Equine Services, Boy Scout Troop 3000, Re/Max Realtors, Milton Friends of CHOA, One of a Kind Homes, Inc., The Martin Family, Lusk Homestead, AlphaNova Group, D'Aversa Family & Milton Milers, Verizon Wireless Corporate Billing, Milton Business Alliance, Core Physique, Patti Silva in memory of The Walker Family, Hopewell Middle School, Sumrell & Associates, Olde Blind Dog, Crabapple Landscape Experts, Hunters Tree Farm, Young Men's Service League and Pattie Blohm.
Five Milton schools were the recipients of grants designed to enhance
Five Milton schools were the recipients of grants designed to enhance environmental education.
The winning entries included:
Milton High for a pollution awareness education week
Birmingham Falls Elementary for the establishment of an outdoor classroom
Crabapple Crossing Elementary for outdoor classroom grade-level gardens
Hopewell Middle for recycling bins to enhance their recycling program
Northwestern Middle for the development of phase 2 of their new "Permaculture" outdoor classroom.
Funds were provided by Milton's storm water budget (NPDES) and will also include a storm water and water pollution/conservation component for the schools.
Additional grant applications can be submitted for those schools not already receiving grants, with a deadline of Sept. 15, 2011. Both public and private K-12 schools located within the city limits are eligible.