You’ve asked for community improvements, seen us call for plans, been to the planning meetings, watched us vote the plans into action, and now I’m very proud to say: We’re moving dirt in Milton.
This is just the start of some very big things for the city, and I’ll think we’ll all be able to look back at the summer of 2012 and say that’s when it all started happening in Milton.
First up, as I’m sure you’ve seen, is the Cogburn Road bridge replacement project. Let me start by saying I’m sorry for the road closure and the traffic problems it’s created. But I think you’ll be pleased with the results once the bridge and road come back on line.
We’ll keep you up to date with construction by doing weekly blog posts, and of course you’re always welcome to talk with one of our Public Works folks should you have a question about the project.
We’ve got another project ready to roll on Cogburn Road, this time in front of Cambridge High School. Our planners listened when residents were worried about the intersection near the school, so we’ve partnered with Fulton County Schools for improvements to the roads. We’ll be handling improvements and signalization on our property, the schools will handle their side of the road.
You should see this work complete before the school opens in August. Additionally, we’ve got an access road from Ga. 9 planned from the Public Safety Complex we’re building, and that should alleviate some traffic, as well.
We’ve also begun work on a pocket park to be built between Crabapple Crossing Elementary and Northwestern Middle through a partnership with the school system. This will be a nice addition to the Crabapple area and should prove popular with both students and families in the area.
At our June 4 council meeting, you’ll also see that we are attempting to purchase property to expand Bell Memorial Park. Please be aware this is simply an offer on the land, and that nothing is definite.
However, we take very seriously our residents' desires for expanded parks and recreation opportunities in the city – and we’re prepared to take steps to make them a reality.
Well, that’s the exciting news for this month, but there’s more on the way. Remember, we’ve got the Public Safety Complex project coming up and road improvements at Birmingham Highway and Providence and New Providence roads, Birmingham Highway and Ga. 140, and a Crabapple bypass.
With all this great stuff going on, this is the perfect opportunity to get involved in your city and let us know what you think about the work we’re doing. Give me a call or stop by my office sometime to let me know what you think.
Mayor Joe Lockwood