Sunday, October 31, 2010
Children Rescued From Home After SWAT Standoff.
MILTON, Ga. -- Two children were taken from their Milton home after a four-hour SWAT team standoff on Saturday night.
Milton police headed to the home on Seabiscuit Lane after they received a call about a husband threatening his wife and children, Milton police Capt. Shawn McCarty said.
When officers and SWAT team members arrived around 1 a.m., a woman and a 12-year-old child had fled from the home, McCarty said.
A Channel 2 Action News photographer was at the scene, where a 1-year-old and a 6-year-old were still inside with their father.
Four hours later, SWAT went into the home and rescued the remaining children. Their father, Doug Baker, was then arrested. Baker, 47, faces charges of obstruction, making terroristic threats and domestic violence-related charges, McCarty said.
Police said they were investigating whether Baker was armed.
Beverage Depot Scaring Up Some Deals!

To find out more about The Beverage Depot on, click here=>
Take Advantage of Savings of 70% with Studio One to One's Holiday Survival Package.
This is Elaina Smith from Studio One to One, Milton's Premier Personal Training Studio.
The holidays are fast approaching, and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you've already started to switch into the "survival" mindset. I'm not going to lie. It's rough... holiday parties, treats, cocktails. It all adds up... usually to weight gain. But the truth is that you always have a choice. You have a choice to say no. And the fact is that you're more likely to make the right choices if you know you have someone checking in on you.
Accountability is the key to success! So I've set up a personal training and nutrition coaching package especially for the holiday season. And the best part is the price... it's a small fraction of the value you'll receive. So I hope you'll take advantage of it. If you do, you'll be paying about a quarter for each dollar worth of service you receive. Check out all the details here:
Please do your friends and family a favor as well by passing this along. If I can help a handful of you survive this holiday season, mission completed, but if I can help even more, well that will just be the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie we won't be over-indulging in this year.
Committed to Your Health,
Elaina Smith
Studio One to One
Visit Our Blog:
Friday, October 29, 2010
Dispute between Fulton, Northside cities could be headed to court.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Six Northside cities are considering hiring an attorney to take Fulton County to court in an ongoing tax battle.
The cities are looking at hiring the law firm Smith, Welch and Brittain to represent them should talks fail on just how much city taxpayers should pay for county services.
“You may not have to pull the trigger, but you want to go into the fight with a loaded gun,” Roswell Mayor Jere Wood said of the push by the mayors’ group to hire the law firm.
The firm, which has four offices across the metro area, already represents Gwinnett’s cities in a similar battle against that county. The sides were locked into arguments for two years before ending up in court late last year. That case is ongoing.
The main issue in Fulton is whether the county can use general funds -- taxes that property owners in both the cities and unincorporated areas pay -- on roads in the unincorporated areas, all of which are in south Fulton.
In 2005, Roswell challenged using the money for unincorporated roads instead of on benefits for all residents -- such as libraries and the court system. That led to a formal agreement calling for taxes from special districts to pay for local roads.
Last year, though, the county commission reversed course and again began using general fund money for major roads countywide, prompting mediation and new fury from the Northside mayors.
The council in each city -- Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Milton, Mountain Park, Roswell and Sandy Springs -- would have to approve hiring the law firm, even on retainer.
The proposal calls for the cities to pay up to $275 an hour in attorney’s fees, with the payments split based on population figures. Mountain Park, with just 500 residents, would not pay.
Sandy Springs Mayor Eva Galambos said the Gwinnett cities already have paid more than $300,000 in their battle. She questioned whether the solution couldn’t be found in the Legislature.
State Rep. Wendell Willard, R-Sandy Springs, who is also Sandy Springs’ city attorney, has pledged to push for financial penalties for both sides if the cities and county don't come to an agreement. Galambos said that alone could work.
“There could be legislation that will cure this,” Galambos said, giving grudging support to retaining lawyers.
The Northside cities are expected to review the lawyer proposal and vote on a retainer in November.
Video contest seeks safe drivers.

Milton - Poor teen driving is an acknowledged problem. Lack of experience and a general feeling of immortality make for a potentially dangerous mix, as anyone who has driven by a high school as it was just letting out knows.
With this problem in mind, a group of Milton citizens decided to help out the city's teenage drivers.
"The Road to Safety" contest was created to allow teens the chance to both express their creative side as well as send a message to their peers about safe driving.
"Kids think they're invincible. But they're not. It's not me, it's the other guy," said Lisa Cauley, a Milton resident and operator of, who helped come up with the idea. "These roads are dangerous out here, so we thought, maybe we need to try and do something positive to help the kids become more aware of their responsibility."
The Road to Safety was the result.
Students who enter are given the chance to create a two-minute video project, addressing the dangers that teens face as new drivers in their town and ways to make the road safe for everyone.
Both Milton and Alpharetta high schools have pledged to sign on to the program, and both city governments are eagerly on board.
"It's a great avenue to have students participate in a public safety arena," said Milton High School Principal Cliff Jones. "Being responsible, both behind the wheel and with technology, is something we're trying to educate our students and our parents."
Jones said the school is actively educating students about safe driving, especially the dangers of texting while driving, and he looks forward to engaging the students in the competition.
But what's a contest without prizes? The winner will receive bragging rights for their school, a full-day driving course at the Richard Petty Defensive Driving School at Road Atlanta and other prizes from local area businesses. Milton Mayor Joe Lockwood and Alpharetta Mayor Arthur Letchas will honor the winner, and the winning video will be viewed at both City Halls. The video will also be showcased at both participating high schools.
The winner's school will receive a $500 grant toward environmental products or items for their school, in addition to a gift certificate from Staples for office or school supplies.
Students can get an application from their schools or contact the Web sites or
City seeks veterans' information for Veterans Day.

Milton - The city of Milton will once again display commemorative markers for Veterans Day, Nov. 11, and in preparation is adding veterans into the city's registry of service men and women.
Through more than two years of hard work and the generosity of residents, Milton has amassed a list of more than 150 fallen veterans memorialized with markers placed on Deerfield Parkway the week of the holiday.
Each year, residents ask how their family members may be added to the registry. The city does not have access to a government database revealing who served in the military. Instead, they need veterans to tell them.
If you, a friend or someone in your family is or was a veteran, please send information to City Hall. You can drop off veterans' information in person at City Hall, fax it to 678-242-2499 or mail it to:
There is also an online form available anytime at the City of Milton Web site. Go to To access the form, click on the "Find a Form or Permit" tab at the top of the page and choose "Register military veterans' information" from the "Online Forms" section at the top of the page.
Once you give the city of Milton the information, it will be placed in a secure database. The names will then be sent to City Councilman Bill Lusk, who for three years has personally built, painted, engraved and placed the markers at his own expense.
The names will then also be used in the Milton's yearly Memorial Day service.
Trash hauler removed from vendor list.

MILTON – Trash collector Billy Lovelace Hauling was removed from the city's list of approved vendors at last week's city council meeting.
At issue was the fact numerous complaints had been received by the city, alleging Lovelace was not picking up trash as contracted. Add to this the fact Lovelace fell behind in his quarterly fees to the city, and his was a done deal.
A representative of Billy Lovelace Hauling appeared before council Aug. 16 to plead the company's case, saying the company was trying to meet demand and its obligations to the city. She also promised to start paying the delinquent fees.
The council granted clemency and agreed to a probationary period for the company, provided they pay back the fees owed.
The next day, a check was delivered to the city. That check bounced. A replacement check was "in the mail" and never appeared.
No fees had been paid since June 2008. They are due every four months.
The action to remove Billy Lovelace Hauling was taken after citizens complained of paying their fees to Lovelace and never receiving service, nor being able to contact the company. The city was equally unable to make contact.
"We tried our best," said Matt Marietta, Milton fire marshal, as he outlined the situation to council.
It should be noted that Billy Lovelace Hauling is in no way related to G.W. Lovelace Hauling, which happened to be added to the approved vendor list that same night.
Also discussed at the meeting:
•Action was deferred at the request of legal counsel on discussion of rescinding the denial of a gas station at the intersection of Bethany Bend and Highway 9. The item will be heard again Nov. 15.
•Global Payments, Inc., a data center expecting to hire 150 workers, had their zoning and site plan approved for Deerfield Parkway. They had requested fewer parking spaces and consideration of access to any future development from their property.
•The law regarding vehicles for hire was amended to make a distinction between taxi cabs and limousines.
Keeping Milton's rivers healthy.
Milton – It's a sobering reminder of the careless nature of some people when an entire day is set aside to clean up the city's waterways.
This year's Rivers Alive event was held at Bailey Farms and Gardens, with teams spread throughout the city, canvassing the streams and roads to collect debris and garbage.
Among the trash found were numerous shards of broken glass from all manner of bottles, especially alcohol bottles, old tires, rusted and twisted metal, mattresses, a couch, bagged hunting remains, an old sawed-off shotgun and an old road sign for a Fulton County prison.
"This is an opportunity for people to make a difference," said Julie Zahner-Bailey, an organizer of the event and city council member, who has been taking part in the statewide event for 13 years. "Rivers Alive is a wonderful annual event that allows for the education of young and old regarding the importance of water quality. It's fun, and people look forward to it."
Volunteers brought their trash back to Bailey Farms to pile it into a large heap by the road, making the amount of trash undeniable to the passers-by.
Siblings Curran and Emma Harrison said they were surprised by the amount of trash. They expected to fill just one trash bag; they filled it in five minutes.
"How do people think that a couch belongs in a river?" asked Curran, who found a lot of glass and bottles during his cleanup, adding, "Get a life."
And what lessons are learned from picking up other people's garbage? Emma summed it up perfectly:
"Don't throw trash out the window, put it in a trashcan."
Council approves land purchase.
Milton - The Milton council approved looking into the purchase of nearly five acres of land near Bethany Road on Highway 9, with tentative plans to put a new public safety facility on the property.
For the price of $1.39 million, the city will gain a long rectangle of space just south of the intersection. The city has 90 days to perform environmental and suitability studies to determine whether the land can be developed or if water and deposits in the ground might hamper construction there.
Despite the council's approval to purchase the land, City Manager Chris Lagerbloom took pains to explain the city was under no obligation to buy the property.
"The city believes it has a strong purchase contract, to the extent that if the evaluation of the site is not favorable to the city, we are under no obligation to buy," he said.
City Attorney Ken Jarrard concurred. Despite the city putting down 5 percent of the purchase price – $68,900 – the contract allows Milton to get it all back and drop the deal for any reason whatsoever, or no reason at all, Jarrard said at the council meeting.
The big question is what does the city want to do with the property?
According to Lagerbloom, plans are still largely up in the air, but there is a very real possibility the city would build a public safety complex, to include both police and fire offices.
Putting public safety offices along Highway 9 makes sense, he said, since the vast majority of the city's population lives on or near that road and most police and emergency calls come from that area.
Additionally, the city is currently paying $38,000 a month in rent for their office space on Deerfield Parkway, which includes all city public safety offices.
By moving some offices out to other areas of the city, such as any potential building on the new property, Milton can reduce its need in the Deerfield Parkway offices and possibly cut rent substantially.
Since last year, Milton and Alpharetta have an agreement of automatic aid. They share 911 services, as well as emergency vehicles – a Milton fire truck is housed in an Alpharetta station, for instance.
Would building a new public safety building impact the agreement? Lagerbloom is confident it would not be a problem.
"The agreement works so well, a new facility should not affect it," he said.
The city has 90 days to reach a decision on the land.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Halloween Trivia & Fun Facts.

Jack o’ Lanterns originated in Ireland where people placed candles in hollowed-out turnips to keep away spirits and ghosts on the Samhain holiday.
Pumpkins also come in white, blue and green. Great for unique monster carvings!
Halloween was brought to North America by immigrants from Europe who would celebrate the harvest around a bonfire, share ghost stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.
Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped penny candy in America.
The ancient Celts thought that spirits and ghosts roamed the countryside on Halloween night. They began wearing masks and costumes to avoid being recognized as human.
Halloween candy sales average about 2 billion dollars annually in the United States.
Chocolate candy bars top the list as the most popular candy for trick-or-treaters with Snickers #1.
Halloween is the 2nd most commercially successful holiday, with Christmas being the first.
Bobbing for apples is thought to have originated from the roman harvest festival that honors Pamona, the goddess of fruit trees.
Black cats were once believed to be witch's familiars who protected their powers.
If you see a spider on Halloween, it is the spirit of a loved on watching over you.
Worldwide, bats are vital natural enemies of night-flying insects.
The common little brown bat of North America has the longest life span for a mammal it's size, with a life span averaging 32 years.
In about 1 in 4 autopsies, a major disease is discovered that was previously undetected.
The Ouija Board ended up outselling the game of Monopoly in its first full year at Salem. Over two million copies of the Ouija Board were shipped.
Halloween is on October 31st, the last day of the Celtic calendar. It was originally a pagan holiday, honoring the dead. Holloween was referred to as All Hallows Eve and dates back to over 2000 years ago.
Signs of a werewolf are a unibrow, hair palms, tattoos, and a long middle finger.
Vampires are mythical beings who defy death by sucking the blood of humans.
In 1962, the Count Dracula Society was founded.
To this day, there are vampire clubs and societies with people claiming to be real vampires.
There really are so-called vampire bats, but they're not from Transylvania. They live in Central and South America and feed on the blood of cattle, horses and birds.
Many people still believe that gargoyles were created by medieval architects and stone carvers to ward off evil spirits.
'Change Your Clock Change Your Battery' Nov. 7.

MILTON, GA, Oct. 28, 2010 - On Sunday, Nov. 7, Energizer and the International Association of Fire Chiefs are teaming up for the "Change Your Clock Change Your Battery®" program to remind families of a simple task that could make the difference in surviving a home fire.
Studies have shown that having a working smoke alarm doubles a family's chances of escaping a home fire. This 23-year-old campaign encourages families to take action by changing the batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors during the switch to Standard Time. It now incorporates more than 6,200 fire departments nationwide
In the unfortunate event of a fire, a working smoke detector can add precious minutes for families to escape from a burning home and call 911, said Matt Marietta, Milton's Fire Marshal.
"Reducing the likelihood of fire injuries or death in the home can be as simple as maintaining your smoke detector," said Marietta. "This year, when you turn back your clocks an hour, set yourself a reminder to use this opportunity to change the battery in your smoke detector and then push the test button."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Putting on a monster bash.

HYA Spring Baseball registration opens Nov. 1.

Phase two: Nov. 15 to Dec. 12 – Milton residents and non-Milton resident HYA veteran players
Phase three: Dec. 13 to Dec. 27 – Open registration.
Late registration: Dec. 28
Hopewell Band Garage Sale.

9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Hopewell Parking Lot
13060 Cogburn Road
Milton, GA 30004
The Hopewell Symphonic Band will be traveling to Indianapolis, IN to perform at the 2011 Music For All National Concert Festival. Our Symphonic Band is one of four bands selected from across the nation to perform.
To help off-set the cost of this trip, we are having a HUGE garage sale where treasures will abound!
We hope to have items such as: bicycles, scooters, sporting equipment (bats, gloves, tennis racquets, lacrosse sticks, balls, etc.), fitness equipment (treadmills, ellipticals, Nordic Track, etc.), furniture, lamps, decorator items, pictures, frames, kitchen items, electronics (TV’s DVD Players, MP3s, computers, phones), luggage, bedding sets, camping equipment, tools, lawn mowers, games, baby items (strollers, toys).
Come shop with us on Saturday, October 30th from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Teen Flips Car Off Road.

Milton Fire Department starts "CPR Saturdays"
MILTON, GA, Oct. 26, 2010 - Starting Saturday, Nov. 6, the City of Milton Fire Department will begin hosting a series of free lifesaving classes named "CPR Saturdays."
The classes, scheduled for the first Saturday of the month at 10 a.m., will take place at Milton Fire Station No. 43 at 750 Hickory Flat Road (click here for directions).
There is an online form available for residents interested in CPR Saturdays. Please click here to reserve your spot. Otherwise, visit and visit "Find a Form or Permit." Choose "Sign up for CPR Saturdays" under "Online Forms."
CPR Saturdays is part of the American Heart Association's "Friends and Family" curriculum and will cover CPR, rescue breathing, how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and rendering aid to a choking victim. Firefighters will also cover CPR and choking emergencies for children and infants.
Milton Fire Lt. Russ Scanlan said participants will be trained in CPR but will not receive a card stating as such. For information on attending an accredited American Heart Association Training program to provide the card, please contact Scanlan at 404-376-0924 or click here to find a training class near you.
"This is a great opportunity for anyone to learn CPR, or even brush up on their skills," said Scanlan. "I look forward to seeing our residents and making all of Milton more prepared for a crisis."
In December, the City of Milton Fire Department will also offer a class for babysitters, as well. More information will be available as the date approaches.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Neon lights over Milton.
Milton – When is a neon sign suitable, and when is it not? That was the question put to the council at last week's work session, a time when members of the council can debate issues without any final votes.
Bringing the issue up was Councilman Joe Longoria, who noted that many businesses located on Highway 9 violate – knowingly or not – the city's laws on when and where neon signage can be used in a business.
According to the Highway 9 Overlay, which is a collection of laws specifically for the area along that road, neon signs that can be seen from the road are forbidden. Unfortunately, the law is somewhat vague as to what neon signs are disallowed.
"Where we start having a challenge, is when the signs become part of the décor," explained Longoria. As the most common usage, the ubiquitous "Open" neon sign is not covered by the ordinance. It's neon, and a sign, but because it just plugs into the wall and is within the business, it is allowed.
Even more challenging is what to do about businesses that depend on their neon signs for their branding. National companies, such as Target or Wendy's, have neon signs attached to their businesses that are in violation of city ordinances; however, they are standard company signs found on any other franchise.
"I wanted to have this discussion how to educate everybody on compliance, or change the ordinance so this is not an ongoing issue," Longoria said, adding, "I want to try and come up with something more flexible."
Groundbreaking for high school.
Milton - Milton residents will soon see visible signs of the new high school rising at the intersection of Cogburn Road and Bethany Road.
Fulton School officials held the official groundbreaking for the school last Friday, signaling the project has moved from site preparation to facility construction.
The public was invited to the construction site for the groundbreaking ceremony to view architectural plans, as well as hear from officials about the school's planned features. The school, which has yet to be named, is on schedule to open in August 2012 with capacity for 1,900 students in 99 classrooms.
Traditionally, when new high schools are opened, a principal is named at least one year prior to the school's opening, allowing a transition period to get the school up and running, noted school officials. During this time, a school-naming committee will convene to propose names for the school, as well as mascot and color selections, and the PTA is usually established.
"The general idea has been to have someone selected and fully committed to the new school by spring," said Allison Toller, director of communication for Fulton Schools. "There have been times, [primarily] for high schools, when a current Fulton principal has been selected earlier, but even in those situations, the person has remained dedicated to their existing school until the spring."
Residents got a sneak peek at the most current plan for the new school during a community meeting in September held by Fulton School Board member Katie Reeves. There, construction officials showed the most current site and building plans, and answered questions which dealt primarily with anticipated traffic issues near the site. The new school will be located in an area dense with existing schools, with King's Ridge Christian School, Hopewell Middle, Cogburn Woods Elementary and St. Francis High School, in close proximity.
By law, the school system is prohibited from using school funds to make improvements on land it does not own. Therefore, it is up to the city and county to do the work necessary to improve the flow of traffic, school officials noted.
A traffic study has been completed by the Fulton School System, with the results turned over to city and county officials for review and follow-up.
Redistricting process begins in the spring.
The big question on many parents' minds is where their child will be attending high school in 2012 when the new school opens. Toller said the redistricting process will begin in the spring and be completed and approved by the school board in June 2011. This is a full year prior to the school opening and will allow parents to make appropriate plans, she noted.
Last year, the Fulton School Board approved a policy that would allow rising sophomores, juniors and seniors to remain at their current home school. Students who begin their freshman year at one high school will not have to leave, even if they were redistricted, unless they chose to do so. The policy does not apply to siblings, and transportation would not be provided for students outside the school's attendance zones.
The timeline for the spring redistricting procedure is:
First Community Forum – end of February 2011
Round Two – mid-March 2011
Round Three – mid-April 2011
"We anticipate submitting a redistricting plan to the Board for first read in May 2011, and final approval would occur in June 2011," said Toller.
Milton Roundup returns Oct. 23.
Milton - The fourth annual Milton Roundup is just around the corner (this weekend, in fact), and organizers are expecting a record crowd, with plenty of new and exciting events to keep families entertained.
Milton Parks and Recreation Director Cyndee Bonacci says as many as 5,000 people may come out to this year's event, held at the Birmingham United Methodist Church, near the Birmingham Crossroads.
"This round up is going to be the largest to date," said Bonacci. "We have such a variety of events and vendors that it will appeal to all citizens."
As well as the traditional fair staples – bouncy castles and slides, local vendors with lots of food and games for the kids, like rock climbing, hay rides, moonwalks and the signature mechanical bull – there are a couple of new additions this year. Throughout the day, the non-profit Milton Public Safety Fund will hold its charity softball tournament, with all proceeds going to the Milton Police and Fire departments. The fair will also feature two stages with live music. But there's also something a little more interesting as well.
"We'll have helicopter rides for the first time," Bonacci said. "People will get a view of the North Fulton area and the Milton area that they haven't seen before."
The helicopter will fly passengers around on an eight-minute joy ride.The 2009 Roundup was a cold, wet affair held at Milton High School. The venue was changed back to the original location – the church – to get back the rural, country feel of the fair that was lost at the high school.
"The venue at the church is ideal for an event like this," said Bonacci. "It's very scenic."
"Come out for a great afternoon of family fun," said Milton Mayor Joe Lockwood. "I always look forward to this community event, and can't wait to see all my friends and neighbors enjoying themselves."
This year, the Roundup will take place at Birmingham United Methodist Church, located at 15770 Birmingham Highway. Admission and parking are free, although some vendors and rides may charge.
The first 250 people to bring two canned goods with them will get a free Roundup T-shirt. The cans will go to North Fulton Community Charities.The Roundup will take place Saturday, Oct. 23, from noon-6 p.m. For more information, visit
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Children's Healthcare Golf Tournament.
Milton Fire and Milton Police Departments Team up to Raise Money for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta The “Children’s Flight: The Hope for Tomorrow” Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, November 8th at Alpharetta Athletic Club East.
Milton, GA, October 20, 2010 - The “Children’s Flight: The Hope for Tomorrow” Golf Tournament will take place on Monday, November 8th at Alpharetta Club East Course. The tournament kicks off a documentary film project to benefit Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA). The film project was created by Captain Rick Wallace and Producer/Director Mike Kirk for the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Foundation to help raise donations to continue its mission. More importantly, the documentary is created to provide hope for the patients and families of CHOA by sharing the story of a patient who is in remission. The film will spotlight a child, their disease, treatment and convalescence at CHOA. The documentary will then follow her aboard her first flight on an airplane to Walt Disney World where she and her family will enjoy the vacation of a lifetime. It is planned to be broadcast nationwide to raise awareness for CHOA and in conjunction with a red carpet premiere night at the Fox Theater to raise over $1,500,000 for the foundation.
As part of the fundraising, the City of Milton Police and Fire Departments will engage in a bit of friendly competition to see which department can raise the most money off the course as well as who can play best on the course. The community is encouraged to pledge for either department.
Amanda White, Tournament Chair, shared “Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has touched the lives of countless children in the area, including my own daughter. Due to their amazing efforts, talent and utmost patience we have a happy and healthy 16 year old. She would not be here today without the treatment she received there. The overall documentary project will raise awareness for CHOA and wonderful work they do.”
Registration is $150 per player, and covers greens fee, cart fee, prizes, breakfast, and awards luncheon. Prizes include a hole-in-one opportunity for a 2011 C300 2-year lease. The tournament will commence at 10 a.m. with an 11a.m shot gun start. Player format is four player teams, 18-hole play, and Texas scramble. Participants may contact Amanda White at (404)217-4643 or to register. Those who do not wish to play in the tournament can also be involved through donations or volunteer work. All fees, pledges, donations, and sponsorships are tax deductible.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Interview Of First "Road To Safety" Participant.

Double Click To Enlarge Screen.
With the first annual "Road To Safety" Competition in full swing, has been lucky to meet numerous participants and sponsors who have jumped on board.
One individual in particular is a very talented Milton High School Student by the name of John Morrison.
Not only did John and his friends submit a great "Road To Safety" video, he also insisted on putting together the interview about his team in the video above.
We would like to thank John for all the help he has provided and look forward to more entertaining video from his team.
If you would like to be a part of the "Road To Safety" Program, please contact,, or the Fulton County Board of Education. Together, we can save lives.
Milton signs off on regional transportation plan.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Milton City Council gave its OK to a billion-dollar regional transportation plan to be used as a map for road improvements in north Fulton County.
Milton becomes the first of north Fulton County's six cities presenting a single regional plan intended to help solve traffic snarls that bleed across their borders. Funding for the projects will come from federal, state and local sources.
"We have already started looking for the funding for these projects," said Regan Hammond, principal planner with the Atlanta Regional Commission's transportation planning division.
The cities approached the Atlanta Regional Commission last year seeking help in solving traffic woes. They hope cooperating will increase funding, since the plan focuses on regional problems that affect more than 300,000 people.
North Fulton's effort is part of a metrowide transportation plan being compiled by the ARC, officially recognized as the region's planning agency. The ARC expects to submit the final plan to the federal government by July 2011.
The plan is based on what can be reasonably expected in funding over the next 25 years.
A private company, Kimley-Horn and Associates, was hired to coordinate the process in north Fulton. Federal funds cover 80 percent of the $1.25 million price tag for the study. Sandy Springs, Roswell, Johns Creek, Milton and Alpharetta split the rest of the cost; Mountain Park, with only 500 people, didn't have to pay.
The work collects information such as crash rates and traffic counts to elevate some projects to qualify for federal dollars. Those that don't make the cut often end up vying for additional state money, all in a bid to make roads safer and commutes shorter and, sometimes, to provide alternatives such as bike and walking paths.
ARC is slated to do a separate plan for south Fulton next year.
If all the cities approve the plan as expected, it will be two years before most of the projects could begin. Major projects, such as widening Hammond Drive in Sandy Springs and McGinnis Ferry Road in Johns Creek, would take several more years.
Monday, October 18, 2010
City Looking To Purchase 4.9 Acres On Highway 9.

Up for discussion at this evening's council meeting was the possible purchase of 4.9 acres in Milton by the city. Total price is $1,396,000 for the property located at 13690 Highway 9. Cost per acre would be $284,897.96.
At press time, we have yet to confirm if this purchase was approved.
Details pending.
Road Atlanta: Series round 10 finale preview.
The battle for the 2010 SCCA Pro Racing Trans-Am Series championship will reach its conclusion at Road Atlanta when Tony Ave, of Maiden, N.C., and RJ Lopez, of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, square off against each other and the rest of the Trans-Am field in the 2010 season finale. The 36-lap (91.44-mile) race takes the green flag at 4:35 p.m. ET on Friday, October 1.
Driving the No. 4 Beebe's Boden Masonry/Lamers Racing/McMahon Group/Optech/PME Chevrolet Corvette, Ave heads into the finale leading Lopez by 135 points, 1,146-1,011, and will clinch the title if he scores just four championship points. Ave could wrap up the title as early as qualifying, which is worth eight points for the pole-winner, six points for the second-place qualifier and four points for third on the grid.
Ave has qualified for a series leading six pole positions this season (he also started on pole last time out at Virginia International Raceway when qualifying was set on points due to a rainout of qualifying) and has started third or better in every race this season. He also leads the series with five victories from the first nine races of the 2010 season. However, he will look to wrap up the title using a different car than the one he has raced all season, as he sold the car after the most recent Trans-Am race at VIR two weeks ago.
While he's admittedly a long shot for the 2010 Trans-Am title, Lopez has already had an outstanding Trans-Am season in the No. 6 Disco 106/ECR Engines/Goodyear Chevrolet Corvette. Lopez owns two victories this season, including a thrilling, last-lap win at VIR to keep his championship hopes alive, and he has finished on the podium in seven of nine races this season.
Tomy Drissi, of Hollywood, Calif., won the 2009 Trans-Am Series title and has switched his car number from five to one for the season finale at Road Atlanta. He will pilot the No. 1 RSR Jaguar XKR as he looks to bookend his 2010 season with victories, as he opened the year with a victory at New Jersey Motorsports Park.
This weekend's field also includes a number of drivers looking to wrap up their seasons with another podium result. Amy Ruman, of Kent, Ohio, has finished third in three of her five starts thus far this season. She returns this weekend in the No. 23 McNichols/Goodyear/Cenweld Chevrolet Corvette. Ruman also finished third in last year's Trans-Am race at Road Atlanta.
Simon Gregg, of Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla., owns two podium finishes this season with third-place runs at Brainerd and Lime Rock Park in the No. 59 Derhaag Motorsports Chevrolet Corvette. Gregg's father, Peter Gregg, won the inaugural Trans-Am race at Road Atlanta in 1973.
Doug Harrington, of Kemah, Texas, took his first career Trans-Am podium result in just his second series start with a third-place run at VIR. He is back this week in the No. 00 Pinnacle Autosports Chevrolet Corvette.
Others to watch this weekend include Bobby Sak, John Baucom, Glen Jung and Mike Skeen. Sak, of Kalamazoo, Mich., will be making his third consecutive Trans-Am start aboard the No. 17 The Pita Pit/The Grotto at Capone's Chevrolet Corvette. Sak's best result thus far was a fourth-place run at VIR.
Trans-Am veteran Baucom, of Charlotte, N.C., is back for his second straight start this weekend in the No. 86 Ford Mustang. Baucom finished ninth at VIR in his first Trans-Am start of the season at VIR.
Jung, of Osteen, Fla., will make his fifth start of the season this weekend in the No. 77 Rotary X-treme/MAZDASPEED/Goodyear Mazda RX-7. His best result to date was a fourth-place run at Toronto.
Skeen, of Charlotte, N.C., returns for his third Trans-Am run of the season in the No. 81 ECR Chevrolet Corvette from Agee Racing. Skeen qualified second for each of his first two starts this season at Miller Motorsports Park and Road America, and turned the fastest lap in last year's Trans-Am race at Road Atlanta en route to a second-place result.
The Agee Racing team will be contesting its final Trans-Am event at Road Atlanta. Team principal Mickey Agee developed a passion for road racing after attending the race at Sebring in 1959 and fielded Trans-Am and IMSA cars throughout the 1970s and '80s. Agee has now retired, but wanted the team to compete in one final race.
Four drivers are entered for their first Trans-Am series starts of the season at Road Atlanta. Trans-Am veteran Michael Lewis, of Poway, Calif., is slated to drive the No. 12 Goodyear/Cyclo Jaguar XKR. Also entered for their debut and hailing from Milton, Ga. are Paige Monette in the No. 28 Optech Monette/Roush Yates Engines Ford Mustang
, Bob Monette in the No. 35 Optech Monette/Roush Yates Engines Ford Mustang, and Zach Monette in the No. 99 Optech Monette/Roush Yates Engines Ford Mustang.
This weekend will also see the debut of the new Trans-Am 2 (TA2) and Trans-Am 3 (TA3) classes, which will run on an exhibition basis this week in preparation for the 2011 season. There are eight TA2 entries and one TA3 entry, bringing the total number of cars entered to 23.
-source: scca pro racing.
Quote Of The Day.
Oct. 18 City Council meeting notice.
INVOCATION - Greg Foster, City of Milton Firefighter
2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Led by the Mayor)
3) APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA (Add or remove items from the agenda)
(Agenda Item No. 10-1257)
4) PUBLIC COMMENT 5) CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the October 4, 2010 Regular Council Meeting Minutes. (Agenda Item No. 10-1258) (Sudie Gordon, City Clerk)
2. Approval of a Task Order with Street Smarts, Inc. for Environmental Special Studies for Intersection Improvements for Arnold Mill Road at New Providence Road in the Amount of $9,404.96. (Agenda Item No. 10-1259) (Carter Lucas, Public Works Director)
3. Approval of a Task Order with Street Smarts, Inc. for Environmental Special Studies for Intersection Improvements for Birmingham Highway at Providence Road in the Amount of $9,404.96. (Agenda Item No. 10-1260) (Carter Lucas, Public Works Director)
4. Approval of a Parks and Recreation Event License Agreement between the City ofMilton and Mike Kipniss for the use of a Baseball Field at Bell Memorial Park. (Agenda Item No. 10-1261) (Cyndee Bonacci, Parks and Recreation Director)
5. Approval of a Parks and Recreation Event License Agreement between the City of Milton and the Crabapple Community Association for the use of City Property for the Crossroads at Crabapple Antique and Art Festival. (Agenda Item No. 10-1262) (Cyndee Bonacci, Parks and Recreation Director)
6. Approval of a Temporary Access Agreement between Birmingham United Methodist Church and the City of Milton for the 2010 Milton Roundup. (Agenda Item No. 10-1263) (Cyndee Bonacci, Parks and Recreation Director)
7. Approval of a Temporary Access Agreement between Kohl's and the City of Milton for the 2010 Mayor's Run. (Agenda Item No. 10-1264) (Cyndee Bonacci, Parks and Recreation Director)
8. Approval of a Contract between City of Milton and Appen Newspapers, Inc. for Milton Roundup Advertising for $1,130.90. (Agenda Item No. 10-1265) (Jason Wright, Communications Manager)
9. Approval of a Contract Modification between the City of Milton and AT&T. (David Frizzell, IT Manager)
10. Approval of a Resolution Adding Republic Services of Georgia to the List of Approved Solid Waste Haulers for the City of Milton. (Agenda Item No. 10-1267) (Matt Marietta, Fire Marshal)
11. Approval of a Resolution Adding GW Lovelace Hauling to the List of Approved Haulers Pursuant to the Milton Solid Waste Management Ordinance. (Agenda Item No. 10-1268) (Matt Marietta, Fire Marshal)
1. ZM10-03/VC10-02 - Requested by Global Payments, Inc. located on Deerfield Parkway along the west side for a distance of approximately 674.41 feet (11.62 acres). To Modify Condition 2.a (99Z-011, 99U-008, 99VC-007) to replace the current conditional site plan, which was marked received by the Fulton County Environment and Community Development on December 11, 1998 with a new site plan received by the City of Milton Community Development Department on September 7, 2010. To delete zoning condition 3.b., parking shall be shared with adjacent property zoned C-1 (Community Business), pursuant to 99Z-012, currently Zoned) O-I (Office-Institutional) Pursuant to 2007Z-019. To request a concurrent variance to reduce the subject property's minimum on-site parking requirement from 122 spaces to 100 spaces (Section 64-1410).
(Agenda Item No. 10-1253)
(First Presentation on October 4, 2010 Council Meeting) (Lynn Tully, Community Development Director)
2. Public Hearing for Possible Rescission and Reconsideration of Previous Council Denial of Zoning Case RZ10-01 pursuant to Order of Remand. (Agenda Item No. 10-1269) (Lynn Tully, Community Development Director)
1. Approval of An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 58, Utilities, of the City of Milton Code of Ordinances to Establish Commercial Car Wash Water Recycling Requirements; to Repeal Conflicting Provisions; To Provide for Severability; to Provide for an Effective Date; and for Other Purposes.
(Agenda Item No. 10-1254) (Discussed at September 13, 2010 Work Session)
(First Presentation on October 4, 2010 Council Meeting) (Ken Jarrard, City Attorney)
2. Approval of An Ordinance to Amend Chapter 62, Vehicles for Hire, Article II, Taxicabs, of the City of Milton Code of Ordinances.
(Agenda Item No. 10-1255)
(First Presentation on October 4, 2010 Council Meeting) (Ken Jarrard, City Attorney)
3. Approval for the Removal of Billy Lovelace Hauling from the List of Approved Solid Waste Haulers for the City of Milton Due to Non-Compliance with the Ordinance. (Agenda Item No. 10-1140) (Public Hearing Deferred on May 17, 2010) (Public Hearing Deferred on June 21, 2010) (Public Hearing Held on August 16, 2010) (Matt Marietta, Fire Marshal)
1. A Resolution to Adopt the North Fulton Comprehensive Transportation Plan. (Agenda Item No. 10-1270) (Carter Lucas, Public Works Director)
2. Approval of Agreement for Sale of Real Property between the City of Milton, Georgia and Wooden Cross Investments, LLC, for property located at 13690 Highway 9, Milton, Georgia 30004. (Agenda Item No. 10-1271) (Ken Jarrard, City Attorney)
15) ADJOURNMENT (Agenda Item No. 10-1272)
Friday, October 15, 2010
Exide Technologies Aligns Global Industrial Businesses Under Common Name.
MILTON, Ga., Oct. 14, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Exide Technologies (Nasdaq:XIDE), a global leader in stored electrical-energy solutions, announced that it will be aligning its global industrial businesses under a common name effective immediately. The new name for this division of Exide Technologies is GNB ® Industrial Power. These changes affect only the names of the global industrial divisions, not the types of products manufactured and marketed or any other aspect of this business.
"I am confident that this change will help strengthen us as a company going forward as we leverage the power of our industrial businesses around the world under one common name," said Jim Bolch, CEO and President, Exide Technologies. "We will continue to provide our Industrial customers around the world with the highest levels of professional service, advanced technologies and competitive solutions."
City seeks veterans' information for Veterans Day.
MILTON, GA., Oct. 15, 2010 - The City of Milton will once again display commemorative markers for Veterans Day, Nov. 11, and in preparation is adding veterans into the city's registry of service men and women.
Through more than two years of hard work and the generosity of residents, Milton has amassed a list of more than 150 fallen veterans memorialized with markers placed on Deerfield Parkway the week of the holiday.
Each year residents ask how their family members may be added to the registry. The city does not have access to a government database revealing who served in the military. Instead, we need you to tell us.
If you, a friend or someone in your family is or was a veteran, please fill out the attached form below. You may drop it off at City Hall, fax it to 678-242-2499 or mail it to:
Milton City Hall
13000 Deerfield Parkway
Suite 107A
Milton GA 30004
Attn: Linda Matthews
There is also an online form available anytime at the City of Milton Web site. You may either click here or go to To access the form, click on the "Find a Form or Permit" tab at the top of the page and choose "Register military veterans' information" from the "Online Forms" section at the top of the page.
Once you give the City of Milton the information, it will be placed in a secure database. The names will then be sent to City Councilman Bill Lusk, who for three years has personally built, painted, engraved and placed the markers at his own expense.
The names will then also be used in the City of Milton's yearly Memorial Day service.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Manicure Pedicure Massage Facial Specials!!

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There's no greater compliment than a referral to your friends and family. Thank you for your business.
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Bringing cultures together through golf.
Milton - The eighth Atlanta-Kauai Team Challenge took place Friday, Oct. 8 on the Alpharetta Athletic Club's golf course, featuring 16 young golfers from both the Atlanta area and Kauai, Hawaii.
The competition was created in 1998, when Atlanta Junior Golf Association Director Marilee Giddings and her Kauai counterpart, Mary Bea Porter King, decided to create a tournament pitting both Atlanta and Hawaii against each other. Kauai is the fourth-largest island of Hawaii.
Sixteen youths, both boys and girls, take part. The visiting team stays with the host team, making the tourney just as much about forging new friendships and cultural exchanges as it is about playing golf.
Every year, the course changes, alternating between Atlanta and Kauai.
"Some parts of the country have a different culture than others," said Atlanta Junior Golf Director Matt Hooper, who himself played in the challenge in 1999. "This tournament brings kids together to play golf and make new friends."
The Beverage Depot Scaring Up Some Deals!

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Milton man makes living on horseback.

October 14, 2010
Milton – Hunt Tosh should be considered the quintessential resident of Milton, a town whose logo is a horse.
Tosh capped perhaps his most successful year by competing in and winning the $100,000 Chronicle of the Horse/USHJA International Hunter Derby in Lexington, Ky. Just to make the field, you had to be one of the top 75 riders of the year.
The 32-year-old Tosh is a professional rider who says he has been riding "forever." Since he first began riding as a boy, it has been all he wanted to do. But to be successful, it takes more than a "good seat."
Riding at this level is demanding and it is expensive. Horses can start at $20,000 and go right up to the sky. So in addition to his time in the saddle, Tosh must be a good judge of horses to buy and sell. He has to be a good trainer, because that is what makes the horses worth more than he paid for them.
Like their cousins, the racing thoroughbreds, Hunters are valued for what they can do in competition. Tosh also trains horses for others and trains riders, too.
"People invest in their horses, they want to see them win," Tosh said.
Tosh has a stable of 16 horses, some he owns, others he trains. His favorite horse right now is Lone Star, the million-dollar Hunter owned by Dr. Betsee Parker of Middleburg, Va. He is the Hunter Tosh rode in the Hunter Derby in August.
Another horse he is training is owned by Hollywood actress Michelle Pfeiffer. The owners span the breadth of the United States from California to Florida, Mandy said. But most of the Hunters are bred in Europe.
The Derby is only in its second year. But Tosh says the organizers have done a good job of promoting it, so that it is expected to be the crowning event of the year,
After a year-long qualifying period, Tosh was one of the 75 top riders chosen to participate in the Derby's first round. Twenty-five were invited to show in the second round. Tosh amassed a huge lead in the second round and never looked back in the third and final round.
"Lone Star is an amazing horse for me, the horse of a lifetime. Every time you call for him to do his best, he steps up and does it," Tosh said.
Tosh has also won the 2009 Hunter World Champion Hunter Rider Professional Finals where the top six riders are expected to show their horses, and then show on each of the other riders' mounts. The best overall score is crowned.
"There is no practice, you just walk right into the ring," he said.
Being a professional rider means spending a lot of time on the road. And you have to take everything with you. Tosh takes a string of 10 to 20 horses with him, which means two semi-tractor trailers, and he drives one of them.
For now, leaving their Freemanville Road home and going on the road is still a family affair with wife Mandy and 4-year-old Madison. Mandy, a former rider herself, says she loves the life too. Not surprisingly, she and her husband met at a horse show.
"I was a rider, but now I am more like the cheerleader. We show two weeks out of every month," Mandy said. "We try not to overdo it. We could show every week if we wanted. Winter is in Florida – at Ocala and Palm Beach. In summer its Atlanta, Nashville and Lexington. In the fall we go to Washington, D.C., Harrisburg [Pa.] and Syracuse [N.Y.]"
It is a seven-days-a-week job, but Tosh says he is indeed living his dream.
"I love it. It is a great life. I get to travel, I have my family along and I love being around horses," he said. "The lifestyle is incredible, and to have my whole family involved is incredible."
Tosh said he likes the competition but that is not all.
"It's fun to bring along a young horse and turn it into a winner that can produce at the top level," he said. "It is the same with riders. They can start out raw, but then they come along and can produce too."
But the special time is that two minutes in the ring when all the work between horse and rider comes together. That is a special thrill also – perhaps the thrill.
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Stay busy this weekend in Milton.
MILTON, GA., Oct. 14, 2010 - Saturday, Oct. 16 is going to be busy in Milton, with two events helping build a stronger community: The 2nd Annual Milton Mayor's Run and River's Alive 2010.
The 2nd Annual Milton Mayor's Run begins at 8 a.m. sharp in the parking lot of the Kohl's at the corner of Ga. 9 and Deerfield Parkway (10397 Ga. 9 North) with a 5K run. A 1K fun-run for younger children will begin at 8:45 a.m., or immediately following the finish of the race. CorePhysique founder and Milton Fitness Camp coach Kolleen Riddick will warm-up racers before the start.
Spots are still available for runners, and race-day registration is encouraged. The cost is $25 for the 5K run and 1K fun-run. That fee includes food and fluids after the race and a quality, moisture-wicking T-shirt with an event logo designed by Milton resident Andy Furman. Proceeds benefit the Milton Parks and Recreation Department.
Awards will be given to the 5K male and female Open and Masters winners and top three finishers in 14 age groups ranging from under-10 to 70-plus. All finishers in the 1K fun-run receive ribbons, while the top five racers under 12 will be awarded medals.
Results and photos from the race will be posted Monday morning on the City of Milton Web site,
Drivers in the area should expect delays on Deerfield Parkway from 8 to 9 a.m., as there will only be one lane open in each direction and no left hand turns from Ga. 9 to Morris Road. In addition, there will be no through traffic on Webb Road at Deerfield Parkway.
After the race, why not pitch in to keep Milton clean and beautiful? The "Rivers Alive" waterways cleanup, education and protection program will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, as well.
The Milton Grows Green Committee (MGG) is co-sponsoring the event with Bailey Farm & Gardens, Inc., which has been involved with the project for 13 years. Rivers Alive 2010 will kick off from its traditional location at Bailey Farm & Gardens, 255 Hickory Flat Road, one mile west of the Birmingham Crossroads.
Everyone, regardless of age, is welcome to this unique, hands-on opportunity to learn more about our Coosa River watershed and help improve the quality of our drinking water.
Depending on age and capabilities, volunteers will be assigned to predetermined local waterways to remove debris deposited from upstream and left by passers-by. Waders and boots will be a plus for those who want to get in the river. Volunteers should wear appropriate shoes with good traction, as the river banks are slippery.
For younger participants there will be an opportunity to apply storm drain markers in a local neighborhood.
For more information, e-mail or
Clean out the garage: Bulky Trash Day is back.

October 14, 2010
The cities of Alpharetta, Roswell and Milton, along with Keep Roswell Beautiful and Keep Alpharetta Beautiful, are offering residents a bulky trash amnesty and computer/electronics recycling collection.
On Saturday, Oct. 30, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., residents of Roswell, Alpharetta and Milton may bring items to the Roswell Public Works Division at 1810 Hembree Road. Proof of residency will be required - utility bills preferred. Roswell residents with a window decal do not need any other form of identification.
Residents in these areas will have a chance to clean out their garages, basements and attics to dispose of unwanted items at no charge.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Experience the Milton Roundup Oct. 23.
MILTON, GA., Oct. 13, 2010 - The City of Milton will hold its fourth birthday party Saturday, Oct. 23 at Birmingham United Methodist Church from 12-6 p.m., and everyone is invited to let loose and have a ball.
"Come out for a great afternoon of family fun," said Milton Mayor Joe Lockwood. "I always look forward to this community event and can't wait to see all my friends and neighbors enjoying themselves."
Parking and admission are free. The first 250 entrants who bring two canned goods for North Fulton Community Charities receive a free T-shirt, which will be available at the main information tent. Come early to take advantage of this offer, as supplies will go fast.
The shirts, featuring a logo designed by Milton resident Andy Furman, will then be on sale for $10 for adult sizes and $8 for youth sizes.
This is the biggest Roundup yet, said Cyndee Bonacci, Milton's Parks and Recreation Director. This year's blowout includes two stages hosting entertainment throughout the day (click here for a full schedule) and 62 vendors offering everything from information on local services and animal rescue groups, to jewelry, to dog biscuits, to holiday decorations, to barbecue, pizza, sandwiches, desserts and anything else that tickles your fancy.
And don't forget the helicopter, pony and hay rides, rock wall, moonwalks, bungee stations and, of course, the event's signature mechanical bull.
Click here for directions.
To see a full list of vendors, click here.
To see a map of the event, click here.
"We're especially excited about the two areas for children this year," said Bonacci. "There will be a play area for younger children that focuses on inflatables, plus more challenging fare for the older kids."
Throughout the day the non-profit Milton Public Safety Fund will hold its charity softball tournament, with all proceeds going to the Milton Police and Fire departments. Spots are still open if you would like to participate.
Click here to sign up online.
The 2010 Milton Roundup is sponsored by Birmingham United Methodist Church, Quantum National Bank, Traditions in Tile and Stone, Optech, Community and Southern Bank, Flowers From Us, PizzaVito, Fun-Fare, AT&T, Around About Community Magazines, Ashley Blencoe Photography, Crabapple Beds and Bones, Appen Newspapers, Inc., L&L Specialties, It's My Party Rentals, Scottsdale Farms, Domino's Pizza, Birmingham Produce Market, Fast Signs of Cumming, Publix and the Dumpster Company.
City of Milton needs volunteers for Milton Roundup Oct. 23.
This is Jason Wright, Communications Manager for the City of Milton. If you are receiving this e-mail, it is because you have expressed an interest in volunteering in your community.
Sorry to send this again, but it was brought to my attention that the subject line of yesterday's e-mail was incorrect. This e-mail pertains to volunteers for the Milton Roundup Oct. 23.
An opportunity for volunteerism is available Oct. 23 - the Fourth Annual Milton Roundup. This event will begin at noon at Birmingham United Methodist Church, 15770 Birmingham Highway, and last until 6 p.m. It is the birthday party for the City of Milton and features dozens of vendors, games, rides, food, entertainment and a whole lot more.
In order for the event to go as smoothly as possible, the City of Milton needs several volunteers to help with set-up/breakdown, greeting attendees, event information, helicopter rides, parking areas, and T-shirt distribution.
If you are interested, please contact Milton Parks and Recreation Director Cyndee Bonacci by Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 678-242-2489 or at
Thank you for your interest in serving your community. Without your help, the Milton Roundup would not be possible.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A Hero's Hero.

By Jonathan Copsey / Appen Newspapers
Milton - It's 3:30 a.m. on Monday morning when his shift ends. Wearily heading home to his family, memories of the past 45 hours of service come to mind as his cruiser's lights chase the darkness away.
Lt. John Borsey, a Milton police officer, helped remove a drug dealer from the city streets. The following night, he helped a teenager who was found unconscious at a high school party.
Then there was that guy breaking into houses. Next he rushed to help a man experiencing chest pains. EMS arrived and stabilized him.
Borsey's job is to keep the people of Milton safe. That was the pledge he took when he was sworn in as an officer. Some say that his kind offer great sacrifice. He scoffs at the notion when he considers another, who sacrifices much more.
On the other side of the world, Borsey's son, Army Private Steve "Rusty" Moss, 21, beds down for another night on the front lines of Kunar. This southern province of Afghanistan is one of the most dangerous in the war.
Moss knew the dangers when he enlisted for three years in January of 2009. All the training, medals and sharpshooter certifications he earned had helped prepare him for his time in Afghanistan. Every day, with a 70-pound backpack in tow amidst the searing heat, his company braves danger, aiding and fighting when necessary.
"Everybody knew there was a pretty good chance he would be going over there," Borsey said, thinking of when Moss enlisted. Borsey and his wife, Kim, chat with Moss through Facebook at least once a week and sometimes by phone.
Moss is aware of the risks. He knew that danger could be around the corner. It is worth it though. He is serving his country, and has pledged to keep it safe, just as his father, Borsey, keeps the streets of sleepy Milton safe.
"I'm proud of him and that he's doing what he's doing," said Borsey. "But you've got the uneasy feeling that you think something bad is going to happen."
In December, Moss and his company will be transferred back to Italy, where they are based.
Borsey does not know if his son will return to the warzone or stay in Italy.
To help Moss and his company, residents can send supplies to a local group, Alpharetta American Legion Post 201.
Post 201 has an ongoing program to help local soldiers who are serving overseas. To date, over 2,200 boxes of goods have been shipped from the post.
According to Steve Olesnevich, who has organized the effort, the list for goods to send overseas contains some surprising items one might not think about.
"Anything non-perishable is a no-brainer," said Olesnevich, "but also anything with sugar. Brain games and magazines are good. Oreos and Cracker Jacks are especially perfect for shipping."
He added that, since Halloween is just around the corner, candy and sugar items can be found aplenty, and for good prices.
American Legion Post 201 is at 201 Wills Road, Alpharetta. To send items to Moss, Milton city hall has set aside space to collect goods.
Tim Enloe contributed to this article.