MILTON - Next year this month, Milton will be holding it's third city election.
With seats 2, 4, and 6 up for grabs, current Council Members Zahner Bailey, Hewitt, and Tart will have their work cut out for them.
Earlier this year, Accessmilton.com conducted an impromptu poll; each asking if citizens cast their votes that day, where would their support lie. For those unaware, only Burt Hewitt came away the victor from those results. While the polls can be manipulated, Accessmilton.com has never been wrong in predicting the winners of council seats thanks to our readers.
If you are a resident who is not pulling for any one of the incumbants, who would you nominate to take their seats instead?
Have your say in the comments section below.
I would nominate a deaf mute for District 2.
Maybe Tina & Neal can run again so we can all have some fun.
How about we leave Neal and his evil computor at his home so they can stay up all night and plot against the "man". This way he cant snoop around city hall trying to steal documents and get caught like last time.
Why not wipe the slate clean and vote for new council members and then some.
People that have the character to represent ALL citizens of Milton in a fair and honorable manner. The word "ALL" is the key. No more favors, etc.
Dont worry he is gone for good.
We need council members capable of moving away from the present "Milton HOA" mentality. This is a city, it needs smart developement that will provide a tax base to support our infrastructure. Our Kids are getting squeezed out of available rec programs in Roswell and Alpharetta based on numbers alone. We need a real Parks and Recreation plan that will provide program for seniors and recreation space including sports fields for our children. The present 'tree-hugger at all costs' mentality is moronic and short-sighted at best. We also need real, executable traffic plans, NOW! The bottom line is if we are to move forward as a city our council has to reflect a much more balanced representation of its constituancy. I know there is some intelligent life out there, please step forward and run for Milton City Council!
Do you think Julie will get re-elected, or even run again?
I dont think she could win since she has pissed off so many of her supporters like me.
Julie, amongst a few others, is the reason we are in such a mess. Lets start over, no shame in trying to elect the right people.
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