Monday, February 28, 2011
Break Ins Follow Up - Incident 2.
As we shared this past week, we reached out to the Milton Police Department requesting information on the recent breakins throughout the city.
Thanks to Police Chief Harrell and Katherine Fies of the Milton Police Department, we have received police reports involving these burglaries.
Out of respect for the victims, we will not post their names or numerical address. In addition, any information that could aid our Milton Police Officers regarding this or any other investigation will be removed. However, the rest will be complete and verbatim via the officer's report.
Additional reports will be posted one at a time every 24 hours.
Many thanks to the Milton Police Department for coming to those in need.
Agency Name: Milton Police Department.
ORI: GA 0605700
Location Of Incident: XXXXX Providence Lake Drive, Milton GA 30004
Crime Incident: Burglary / No Force / Residential.
16-7-1 Resi No Force
Crime Incident: Entering auto to commit a theft
Premise Type: Resident / Home
Case #: 11-00244.
Date time reported: 02/15/2011 03:36 Tue
Last Known Secure: 02/15/2011 03:36 Tue
At Found: 02/15/2011 03:36 Tue
Weapon / Tools : Not applicable / None.
Victim 1: XXXX, white male / 41
XXXXX Providence Lake Drive, Milton GA 30004
Victim 2: XXXX, white male / 58
XXXXX Providence Lake Drive, Milton GA 30004
Officer / ID#: Wong, J. (1198)
Invest ID#: Barry, K. (1188)
Supervisor: Borsey, J. (1115)
Assisting Officer: Hickerson, J.M. (1166)
Narrative: On Tuesday, February 15, 2011 I was dispatched to a report of a burglary at XXXX Providence Lake Drive. The complainant;XXXX; stated that he observed two unidentified offenders inside of his garage.
The complainant stated the he observed two offenders, described as white males age 16 to 18 years wearing hooded pullovers and baseball caps, inside of his garage at the incident location. One male was approximately 5 '8
and the other male was approximately 6'. The offenders fled on foot from the incident location and headed north on Providence Lake Drive.
Shortly after calling 911 to report this incident, the complainant observed the offenders across the street at XXXXX Providence Lake Drive by a 2006
Infiniti Sport Utility vehicle bearing GA license plate XXXXX. The complainant yelled at the offenders, who then fled on foot northbound on Providence Lake Drive.
Alpharetta Police were called to the incident location in order to perform a canine track, but were unable to locate the offenders.
It was then determined that the offenders entered the garage by using a garage door opener. The opener was stolen out of the complainant's unsecured vehicle, described as a 2010 Jaguar sedan bearing Ohio license plate XXXXX. The complainant's vehicle was parked outside of his residence in the driveway. The complainant had examined the vehicle prior to police arrival. No developable friction ridge impression evidence could be located.
I contacted XXXXX, the homeowner at XXXXX Providence Lake Drive and the registrant of the 2006 Infinity Sport Utility vehicle XXXXX stated that he left that vehicle unlocked. XXXX then verified that nothing was removed from the vehicle. No developable friction ridge impression evidence cold be located.
The complainant stated that the only stolen item was the garage door opener. No serial or model number information could be provided at the time of this report.
Ethics here, Ethics there, Ethics everywhere...
Mayor Elect Rahm's Transition Team Sets Record For Fastest Resignation Due To Ethics Violation.
Courtesy The
The Chicago Tribune is reporting that Judy Erwin, a recent appointee to the transition team for the newly elected mayor of Chicago has resigned due to news surfacing about an admitted ethics violation. Erwin was also co-chair of Rahm Emanuel’s campaign. The Tribune detailed the ethics violations:
Erwin, the former executive director of the Illinois Board of Higher Education, admitted using her office e-mail and phone while working on a campaign committee for presidential candidate Barack Obama, using staff resources to plan her trip to the 2008 Democratic National Convention and engaging in campaign fundraising activity while on the job, the state’s Executive Ethics Commission ruled in a decision filed Feb. 16.
After paying a $4000 fine, and reimbursing the state for their lost time, Ms. Erwin resigned her position last summer and also had to promise to NEVER work in state government again. Ever.
Emanuel’s staff claimed that they were not aware of the violations, a position echoed by the guilty party. When the newspaper contacted Judy Erwin about the ethics problems, she resigned almost immediately from the seven-person transition team, stating:
“The bottom line is the mayor-elect has very important work to do and I certainly don’t want to have any distractions, I will be stepping aside from the transition. I don’t want any distractions at all.”
Mission Accomplished.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Herman Cain Wins Tea Party Straw Poll.

According to CNN, Herman Cain, the dynamic and possible 2012 candidate, won the the American Policy Summit's presidential live straw poll on Sunday held by the Tea Party Patriots conference.
Capturing 22% of the 1600 votes cast, Cain, the conservative talk show host and former Godfather's Pizza chief executive, won handily. Second was Gov. Tim Pawlenty with 16% who was also there.
Interestingly, Rep. Ron Paul won the summit's online poll winning nearly half the votes cast by more than 2,300 online registered attendees.
Many thanks to AM reader Melissa for bringing this to our attention.
Break Ins Follow Up - Incident 1.

As we shared this past week, we reached out to the Milton Police Department requesting information on the recent breakins throughout the city.
Thanks to Police Chief Harrell and Katherine Fies of the Milton Police Department, we have received police reports involving these burglaries.
Out of respect for the victims, we will not post their names or numerical address. In addition, any information that could aid our Milton Police Officers regarding this or any other investigation will be removed. However, the rest will be complete and verbatim via the officer's report.
Additional reports will be posted one at a time every 24 hours.
Many thanks to the Milton Police Department for coming to those in need.
AGENCY NAME: Milton Police Department.
ORI: 0605700.
LOCATION OF INCIDENT: XXXXX Birmingham Highway, Milton GA 30004.
CRIME INCIDENTS: Burglary-Forced-Res 16-7-1.
PREMISE TYPE: Residence / home.
WEAPON / TOOLS: Pounding tool / device.
CASE#: 11-00234
DATE / TIME REPORTED: 2/11/2011 18:06 Fri.
LAST KNOWN SECURE: 2/11/2011 12:35 Fri.
AT FOUND: 2/11/2011 18:06.
VICTIM 1: XXXX / 39 yr white female / Resident Status / Resident.
VICTIM 2: XXXX / 37 yr white male / Resident Status / Resident.
1. James Avery Bracelet / Value: $200.00
2. Precious Metal / Value $100.00
3. James Avery Bracelet / Value: $100.00
4. James Avery Pin / Value: $60.00
5. James Avery Pin / Value: $100.00
6. Gold Ring /Dolphin / Value: $250.00
7. Gold Ring / Saphire / Value: $50.00
8. Gold Ring / Saphire / Value: $50.00
9. Cameo Broach / Value: $100.00
10. Cameo Charm / Value: $100.00
11. Class Ring / Value: $50.00
12. Class Ring / Value: $50.00
13. Ring Heart Shaped / Value: $$50.00
14. Scarab Bracelet / Value: $150.00
15. Pendant Fashion / Value: $270.00
16. Credit Debit Card / Value: $100.00
Officer/ID# Baronian, A.P. (1211)
Invest ID (0)
Assisting Officers: Mulvey, S (1203), Parker, T (1119)
Narrative: On February 11, 2011 at 18:06 hours I responded to XXXX Birmingham Hwy for a possible burglary. On arrival I met with the homeowners; Mrs. XXXX and Mr. XXXX. They had just returned home and found that one of the rear doors leading to a storage room had been broken into. The door, mainly made of glass, had been clearly smashed around the area where you would need to reach through to gain access to the deadbolt. Mr. & Mrs. XXXX had already cleared the home prior to my arrival. They also stated that the only thing apparently missing was Mrs. XXXX jewelry box which was located on her dresser in her bedroom. The bedroom is located in the opposite corner of the house, passing a big screen television, laptop computer, WII system, and several other items before obtaining the jewelry box. The exit point appeared to be the bedroom door which was unlocked. Both doors are entry/exit points to a fenced in backyard. The items in the jewelry box and their estimated values are as follows: Cherry wood jewelry box with two side opening doors, $100; James Avery Horse bracelet, silver, $100; James Avery Heart Shaped Pin, mother holding two children, silver, $60; James Avery oval pin, turtles, #1 Mom, little girl, silver $100; James Avery charms bracelet, boy and girl holding hands, cradle, silver, $200; Gold ring, single dolphin shape with blue pearl on top, wyland engraved on the inside of the ring, $250; Sapphire ring with a gold band, $50; Sapphire ring with gold band and three marquis sapphires on top, $50; Cameo Broach, reddish brown background with white front, $50; Cameo charm on gold rope chain, blue, mother holding child, $100; two class rings that say XXXX highschool, one has a blue stone and says XXXX, band,basketball#45, $100; Silver ring with heart in middle with XO on either side, $50; scarab bracelet, oval with several jade stones, $150; fashion pendant, 14k gold with one round sapphire, $270, RBC debit card, a Home depot credit card and possibly some other retail store credit cards. I gave Mrs. XXXX my card with a case number and asked her to e-mail me any further information. Ofc Symanowski went to the scene later and finger printed the entry and exit points...(the remaining part of this sentence has been removed to protect the MPD's investigation.) The XXXX also told Ofc Symanowski that they discovered a charge on their RBC account for $100 that had occured at 16:00 hours, and two other failed attempts to extract $100. The apparent location of the transaction was at a XXXXXXXXXX Check Cashing location in Roswell. This report along with a photo copy of a certified appraisal (fashion pendant) , and a hand written page containing the debit card information will be placed on file and forwarded to CID.
Supervisor: Taylor, C (1114)
Case Status: Active / Pending 2/11/2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Grant aids Milton Highway 9 corridor project.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Milton officials already have drawn up plans for a new look for their busiest commercial corridor; now they're getting help in deciding how to develop it.
The city learned Wednesday it was awarded a $100,000 Livable Centers Initiative grant to create a quality growth plan for the Highway 9 corridor, the city's commercial and transportation core.
The funding, through the Atlanta Regional Commission, would create an overarching plan for potential development and redevelopment of the four-mile stretch from Bethany Bend south to Mayfield Road in Alpharetta, said Lynn Tully, Milton Community development director. The plan also would define appropriate land use and zoning changes, and include improvements for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, she said.
The Milton City Council adopted a 31-page design guide for the corridor in December, portraying a visually pleasing and accessible commercial center.
It has recommendations for building placement near the streets, with parking on the side or in back. It also promotes inter-parcel access between lots, enabling customers to drive from one location to another without re-entering the street.
Both studies should help the area qualify for future transportation grants, Tully said.
The latest LCI grants included two $100,000 awards for new studies, one for Milton and another for Cobb County's Six Flags area. Twelve other communities will receive varying amounts of funding for supplemental studies that will help them further implement their existing LCI studies.
“LCI has helped communities across metro Atlanta retool and redesign over the years, creating more places that attract residents and businesses alike,” said Tad Leithead, ARC Chairman. “Our local government partners have used these grants to the benefit of their communities and the entire region.”
City of Milton to fund playing field at local Elementary School
"Our Local School Advisory Council has been hard at work collaborating with the City of Milton to develop a viable land and building use contract agreement with the school. At this time we are in the final stages of the contract negotiations. If all goes well, we will enter a five year agreement with the City as follows: the City will improve and maintain our entire playing field, with irrigation and a combination of seed and sod, and in return, we will host youth activities on school grounds."
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Rash Of Break Ins Hit Milton.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Meeting will focus on Milton's Crabapple, City Center projects.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Lew Oliver, Inc. Whole Town Solutions will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m. Monday at Milton City Hall to explore long-term planning needs of the Crabapple Crossroads community and Milton's future City Center.
The meeting will feature a short presentation and discussion on a number of topics, including zoning tools, like the transfer of development rights. The goal of this process is to update the existing Crabapple Crossroads Master Plan to reflect current economic, transportation and growth realities of the area. For more information on this meeting, contact city planner Michele McIntosh-Ross at 678-242-2538 or e-mail
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Noise Pollution - Milton GA.
Double Click To Enlarge Screen. Turn Speakers On. Video edited for time.
"Incorporated on December 1, 2006, the City of Milton is a distinctive community that embraces small-town life and heritage while preserving and enhancing the City's rural character. The City of Milton is committed to maintaining the unique quality of life for its residents while efficiently delivering essential services to residents and businesses in an interactive community environment." - City Of Milton GA website.
The United States was born with a Declaration of Independence that proclaimed, as a self-evident truth, that, “all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men.” According to the founders of the United States of America, all people are equal, by virtue of their humanity, in possession of certain rights (such as rights to liberty) that it is the responsibility of government to protect. -
Can MHS fight City Hall?Milton ordinance could limit crowd, stadium noise at Friday night games. |
February 15, 2007
A high school football game without the roar of the crowd? An outdoor graduation without fireworks?
A proposed noise ordinance in Milton has local high school officials concerned about its effect on activities at the school, many of which are held outdoors such as football games and marching band practice.
If passed, the ordinance would limit "unreasonable" noise if it met three of five conditions. Those conditions include if the noise is
• between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.;
• plainly audible inside a dwelling;
• amplified by a machine
• abnormally high or low [as judged] by a listener with normal hearing;
• and is constant for at least 5 minutes, or is repeated at least three times within 30 minutes.
The ordinance as proposed is not directed specifically at school activities, but the new school would be one of the few establishments in the city affected by the law. The law also seeks to control noise from construction equipment and lawn tools during early morning hours and late at night. Council is set to vote on the ordinance this month.
Milton High School Principal Ron Tesch said noise coming from many sports activities or marching band practice meets at least three of the five conditions, and therefore would be unlawful.
"I don't want to have the Milton Marching Mimes," laughed Tesch during a meeting with Milton City Council members last week to discuss the ordinance.
Tesch told the council he has worked hard to limit noise from the school, and detailed steps administration has taken to appease residents of nearby homes, some of which are less than 200 feet from the school boundaries.
"We've tweaked a lot of things since last year [when the school opened] to help alleviate concerns we've had over noise," said Tesch. "We're making the best effort we can to get the sound under control with the resources we have."
When asked, he noted there have been no more than five complaints about noise in the two years the school has been open. Those complaints were centered mainly on the sound of the loudspeaker during games or music during practices. Members of the City Council also confirmed receiving only a handful of complaints about school noise, again from the same residents also complaining to the school.
Tesch said he takes all complaints seriously, going so far as to take a decibel reader to areas outside the stadium on game nights to judge noise levels. What he has found is the noise is not unreasonably louder than other sources of noise, such as passing cars.
The school has worked on realigning speakers, limiting the times when the stadium's loudspeakers could be used, and even keeping percussion members of the marching band indoors during practice.
Tesch even tested a mobile loudspeaker with good results. However the $40,000 price tag was beyond the means of the school. He admits mistakes have been made in the past with regards to excessive noise, but the school is committed to being a good neighbor.
He told the council the school was in an unusual situation since relocating two years ago from downtown Alpharetta, where it stood for more than 80 years as one of the oldest schools in Fulton County. At that location, the school was also surrounded by homes, but the city passed a variance to its ordinance exempting noise from organized youth activities.
"When we left downtown Alpharetta, I had many people saying the thing they were going to miss most was the sounds of Friday night football," said Tesch.
Council members acknowledged that Milton High School is one of the most visible aspects of the new city, but clearly want to balance the needs of the school with the concerns of the community.
"No one from the city is saying we want to eliminate school activities," stressed Milton Council member Rick Mohrig. "We just want a balance."
Milton resident Jose Creamer told the city council during its recent work session he fully supports the noise ordinance, and also wants to make sure residents have the right to weigh in on any variances. The proposed noise ordinance provides for a variance, which Milton High School could apply for in specific events.
The noise ordinance in Milton has sparked the attention of at least one state politician. State Rep. Charles "Chuck" Martin, R-Alpharetta, whose son was a standout on the Milton football team, said he has problems with "perceived perception of a noise violation", written in the ordinance.
"From what I read, and I'm not an attorney, I think it is inherently unconstitutional to ask a police officer to make a ruling on what is 'unreasonable' noise without a clear measurement," said Martin. "It's like asking them to make a ruling on what is speeding [without designated speed limits.]"
City Attorney Mark Scott said he saw potential legal issues with an ordinance based on decibel ratings, and therefore opted for "perceived perception."
Martin said he hoped the city and school system come to a consensus that considers the needs of the thousands and kids and parents associated with the school system and the needs of the community.
Resident John Miller, who addressed the Milton City Council during a recent work session, echoed Martin's sentiment.
"I just want to make sure we do not keep schools from having Friday night football," said Miller.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Milton students assigned saplings for Arbor Day.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The City of Milton helped Summit Hill Elementary School celebrate Arbor Day Friday, donating $420 to purchase 830 saplings students will plant on public property. Milton firefighters joined Summit Hill staff and parents Friday handing out red buds, maples and oaks to students as they boarded buses home.
Lynn Tully, Milton director of community development, said the money comes from Milton's Tree Recompense Fund, which developers pay into when they remove trees that cannot be replanted on their property. The money goes to greenery on public land. Students and their parents have been given maps detailing public property and a planting guide created by City Arborist Mark Law.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sen. Albers Introduces Bill to End GA 400 Toll.
“The extension was approved without any involvement from the people who drive through the toll every day. Voters originally approved the toll with the understanding that it would expire after it had paid off its debt, and had no say in extending the project for at least another 10 years,” said Albers. “With this legislation, we are establishing a process that would only allow tolls to be extended with the approval of SRTA and a joint resolution from the Georgia General Assembly. This is about preserving voter trust by ensuring that future decisions are made with community engagement and support.”
The bill prohibits any toll that is no longer paying off debt or interest from collecting a toll from drivers. SRTA is also required to review all operating tolls and create a schedule for paying off any interest as quickly as possible.
# # # #
Sen. John Albers represents the 56th Senate District, which includes portions of North Fulton County. He may be reached at his office at 404.463.8055 or by email at
To the 2,450 contacts of the City of Milton's e-newsletter.
As such, I am taking two weeks to care for her and my wife and will return Tuesday, March 8. During this time, you will not see the regular updates from the Communications Department to which you have become accustomed (regular press releases, pre- and post-meeting updates, etc.).
Per state law, the City of Milton will remain active online, as agendas and minutes will be posted on the Web site. During this time, if you have questions or concerns, please continue to e-mail or call 678-242-2500 and a member of the City of Milton staff will be happy to assist you.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you as Milton's Communications Manager.
Jason Wright
Milton's Open Road Neighborhoods - A Ticking Time Bomb.
Once again, familes who reside in Milton's open road neighborhoods were put in danger this past week.
58 year old Charles Boatright of Canton decided to use the residential node of Batesville Road as his drinking and driving playground on February 13 around 4:20am.
A witness saw the suspect drive by and heard a crash a moment later. Mr. Boatright had flipped his vehicle after plowing through a "Stop Ahead" sign, going into the other lane, and into the front of a Milton resident's yard, according to Milton Officer Fregosi's report. The Nissan Morano came to rest on it's side.
The suspect would end up being ticketed for failure to maintain lane and DUI.
With Milton announcing a surplus, many residents hope that more officers will be hired to focus on speed enforcement and safe driving in the open road neighborhoods throughout the city.
Taxpayer advocate won't fight Milton County anymore.
By Johnny Edwards
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
In an act of protest, taxpayer advocate John Sherman has quit a group formed to stop Milton County secession.
Sherman, president of the Buckhead-based Fulton County Taxpayers Foundation, said it's because the Fulton commission has yet to adopt any of the cost-cutting recommendations by two of its own blue ribbon committees and a legislative subcommittee.
"Not a single one," said Sherman, whose foundation estimates that the committees' unanimous suggestion would cut expenditures by 38 percent. "That's anarchy. Unless we accommodate the residents of north Fulton, we will become divided, as we are now, de facto."
Earlier this week, he sent a e-mail to all seven commissioners resigning from the One Fulton County advisory committee, formed by Chairman John Eaves in 2009. The gesture gives a symbolic boost to the Milton movement, as last year Sherman was one of the strongest lobbyists against the House bill that would pave the way for Milton to re-form.
"I think as time passes, more and more people are going to understand the tyranny that has been placed upon north Fulton," said Michael Fitzgerald, a member of the Milton County Legislative Advisory Committee.
The House measure has been re-introduced this legislative session, with all 10 north Fulton senators and representatives dropping their own bills. The breakup of Georgia's largest county would subtract hundreds of millions of dollars from the general fund and school system. Buckhead leaders oppose the idea, fearing it would make their affluent area the county's new cash mine.
Commissioners contend that Fulton is one of the best-run, most efficient county governments in the state. The recommendations Sherman is referencing date back to 2006 and 2008.
"Some of the recommendations have already been acted upon," Eaves said. "Some of them are irrelevant. Some of them, it takes the legislature to act upon, not the county."
Sam Massell, president of the Buckhead Coalition and a One Fulton committee member, said he's disappointed with the commission, too, but he doesn't think quitting is the answer.
"That doesn't change the damage that Milton secession would do to the City of Atlanta," he said.
Staff writer Pat Fox contributed to this article.
Former ‘Most Wanted' madame convicted of murder.

By Christian Boone/The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A Sandy Springs madame who avoided capture for more than two years was sentenced to life in prison late Friday for her role in the murder of a former client.
Prosecutors say Kisha Rutledge engineered the June 2007 plot to rob construction worker Keith Alan Brown at his Milton apartment because she knew he carried large amounts of cash. Brown was shot several times by already convicted conspirators Jeff Dulcio and Stephen Woods as Rutledge and adult entertainer Michelle Morrison waited in a car outside, according to the Fulton County District Attorney's Office.
The murder was the first in the history of the north Fulton city, incorporated in December 2006.
Dulcio and Morrison were sentenced in 2009 to life in prison plus five years for their roles in the slaying. Woods reached a plea deal with prosecutors and was sentenced to 15 years in prison on armed robbery and weapons charges.
Rutledge was arrested in August 2009 soon after her case was featured on the television show "America's Most Wanted."
'Milton Madam' sentenced to life in prison.
Convicted of masterminding Milton's first murder.
By Jonathan Copsey; Appen NewspapersFebruary 17, 2011
MILTON – Kisha "Key" Rutledge, the notorious "Milton Madam" accused of orchestrating Milton's first murder in 2007, has been sentenced in Fulton County Superior Court to life in prison.
Rutledge, owner of an Atlanta escort service, discovered a Milton man, Keith Brown, was in possession of thousands of dollars at his home. Along with three accomplices – Jeff Dulcio, Steven Woods and Michelle Morrison – Rutledge drove to the home June 12, 2007, where Dulcio and Woods attempted to rob Brown. During the burglary, shots were fired from both Brown and Dulcio. Brown was wounded and, after dialing 911, died.
It was Milton's first homicide, occurring less than a month after the police department was launched in May 2007. Police detective Travis Parker was assigned to the case. It was his first murder investigation.
"It feels pretty good to have closure on that case," said Parker, who worked with GBI agents to catch Rutledge.
Parker, now a patrol supervisor, said Dulcio and Woods were unknown to the victim, but that Rutledge was in contact with him, setting up "dates" with her escorts.
"There was evidence from the victim's phone that led to Michelle Morrison, and once we got her, she pretty much cooperated with us and she was able to give us nicknames," Parker said. "From those nicknames we were able to find Woods and Dulcio."
Rutledge was on the run until 2009, when she was captured in Houston, Texas, after her case was dramatized in the television show "America's Most Wanted."
She was smart, said Parker. Rutledge did not have her own cell phone. Instead, she would use disposable phones or those of other people, so she could not be easily traced. Parker said that there was no telling if Rutledge had done this sort of crime before.
The night he died, Brown had contacted Rutledge to set up a date with Morrison, an escort. All four conspirators arrived at Brown's Milton home and tried to force entry. Both Brown and Dulcio were armed and shots were fired.
Both Dulcio and Morrison were caught soon after the murder. They were tried and sentenced to life in prison in 2009 for their roles in the murder. Woods pled guilty in a plea agreement and was sentenced to 15 years in prison for attempted armed robbery. "I want to express how pleased I am that all the parties involved in this crime have been brought to justice,"
Milton council mulls changing road privatization rules.
State change to law allows flexibility
By Jonathan Copsey; Appen NewspapersFebruary 15, 2011
MILTON - Privatizing a road is a touchy subject. Residents of a subdivision may be concerned over the safety of their roads thanks to commuters cutting through. However, those commuters are using their roads because the main ones are clogged with too much traffic. If the subdivision is cut off, that's one less route through Milton.
At last week's meeting, the council heard from city staff, which said Milton should look at changing its rules now that state law has changed to give municipalities more leeway in deciding what roads to abandon.
When a municipality abandons a road – thereby privatizing it – the city stops paying for the upkeep. The residents who wished their road privatized would be responsible for keeping it up to city code, but they would have the freedom to do what they please in regards to traffic-calming measures– installing speed bumps or even gating off the road.
A new law introduced by Jan Jones (R-Milton) last year relaxes the burden on cities that want to abandon roads. Under the previous law, cities had to get 100 percent approval of all residents who may be affected by the abandonment. In a subdivision, that could mean every resident within.
City Attorney Ken Jarrard said that, under the new law, council could have wide leeway in how it decides who gets to privatize their roads, basing judgment on whether it serves the public interest to keep the road.
"That is altogether a different thing," Jarrard said to the council. "You as a city council get to determine what is in the best interest of the city. That's why you were elected."
He added, "I think that's a significant change."
All North Fulton cities have the 100 percent rule and, to staff's knowledge, there are no other cities thinking of changing their policy.
Now that the door is open to change the city's law, most council members voiced concern to requiring every affected resident's approval.
"I don't believe 100 percent approval is a realistic standard," said Council member Karen Thurman, whose sentiment was echoed by the others on council, with Joe Longoria adding that homeowners' associations should get more of a say.
"Something like 75 percent of Milton's citizens live in a subdivision that has an association coupled with it," Longoria said. "I think we should allow the HOA to play a role."
Several subdivisions in Milton have pushed to close off their roads to cut down of traffic and crime, however they cannot gate off a public road. The residents of Crooked Creek subdivision have long been asking to gate their roads, and that was a major issue during Longoria's election campaign. However, they have fallen short of the 100 percent resident approval.
Staff will take council's comments and revise the ordinance, bringing it back before council for approval in a few months.
Also discussed at the meeting:
* An alcoholic beverage license was unanimously approved to "Erwood's," a new business to open in Crabapple.
* Qualifying fees for this year's municipal elections were set at $390, or 3 percent of the salary a council member would make in the year. The elections will be held Nov. 8, with the seats of Julie Zahner Bailey (District 1), Burt Hewitt (District 4) and Alan Tart (District 6) on the ballot.
Mastermind of a 2007 murder will spend life in prison.
Courtesy The
Former fugitive Kisha Rutledge was featured on America's Most Wanted; and, on Feb. 11 of this year, she was sentenced to life in prison. Fulton County District Attorney Paul L. Howard Jr. said Rutledge was the mastermind of the June 12 shooting death in the City of Milton. Milton was a newly incorporated city of Fulton County at the time.
Rutledge, the owner of an Atlanta escort service, was convicted of malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, criminal attempt to commit armed robbery and conspiracy for the shooting death of Keith Alan Brown.
It was the City of Milton's first murder, which occurred less than a month after the police department launched in May of 2007. Rutledge consequentially fled the city and the state; but was captured, in 2009, in Houston, after she was featured on America's Most Wanted.
"I want to express how pleased I am that all the parties involved in this crime have been brought to justice," Milton Police Chief Deborah Harrell said. "I especially want to highlight the determination and hard work of Milton Police Lt. Travis Parker who led the initial investigation, and the GBI for their invaluable assistance on this case."
According to the investigation; co-defendants Jeff Dulcio and Stephen Woods, previously convicted of Brown's murder, tried to break into the victim's home and steal money. Brown defended himself by shooting at the intruders. One intruder shot back while fleeing the scene. Brown managed to call 911 for help, but died shortly after being shot.
Rutledge orchestrated the robbery after learning that the victim kept thousands of dollars in cash at his residence. Rutledge enlisted the help of Michelle Morrison -- a local adult entertainer -- to drive her and the other defendants to the apartment. The women waited in the car while the men went inside.
Dulcio and Morrison were convicted in 2009 and sentenced to life in prison plus 5 years. Woods pled guilty in 2009. As part of his plea agreement, Wood was sentenced to 15 years in prison for his role in the crime's set-up.
Milton donates money for Summit Hill Arbor Day trees.

The City of Milton helped Summit Hill Elementary School celebrate Arbor Day in a big way this year, donating $420 to purchase 830 saplings students will plant on public property.
But that wasn’t all. Milton firefighters joined Summit Hill staff and parents Friday, Feb. 18 in handing out the trees to students as they boarded buses and left the school. Click here to see photos from the event.
Lynn Tully, Milton’s Director of Community Development, said the money comes from Milton’s Tree Recompense Fund, which developers pay into when they remove trees that cannot be replanted on their property.
By law, the money has to go to greenery on public land like parks and fire stations. So students and their parents have been given maps detailing public property and a planting guide created by City Arborist Mark Law. Each has pledged to pitch in and keep Milton verdant.
Click here for more information.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
February Specials From Le Grande Salon & Day Spa!

One process color with free haircut & Style
$25.00 Haircut & style
Keratin Smoothing Treatments startimg $198
( Please call for more details expire 02.28.11
One Hour Hot Stone Massage with Genevieve
One Hour Facials $39.95 Carmen
One Hour Swedish Massage $39.95 Miera & Chieko
Manicure & Pedicure $25
Brow Wax $ 12
$5 off Gel-Polish by Axxium or Gelish
(first time guest for gel polish)
Le Grande Salon and Spa
An Aveda Concept
980 Birmingham Rd. Suite #712
Alpharetta, Ga. 30004
(678) 526-6067
Please mention promotions when booking appointments.
Front desk will verify client email before applying email specials. A 24 hr. notice of cancellation is required. Restrictions may apply. Cannot combine with other offers.
There's no greater compliment than a referral to your friends and family. Thank you for your business.
To find out more about Milton's own Le Grande Salon & Day Spa, click here=>
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Herman Cain: "Black Garbage Pail Kid?"

Sadly, Mr. Cain's message regarding the dignity of the individual and the necessity of returning to the glory of the American Dream seemed to be ignored by those on the Left attempting to use racism to spew their hate across the Internet. One particularly offensive response came from AlterNet, a progressive liberal blog funded by liberal special interests, such as the George Soros-linked Tides Foundation, that boasts more than 2.3 million unique visitors each month. The remarks are too deplorable to repeat here, but we urge you to read them for yourself.
Just some of the many slurs used included "monkey," "black Garbage Pail Kid" and "minstrel."
Indeed, their behavior indicates their fear of the growing grassroots movement in support of Mr. Cain while he prayerfully considers a run for the White House. They fear his independence, his resolve and his beliefs. They resent OUR independence, OUR resolve and OUR beliefs.
Won't you join Andrew Breitbart, Niger Innis and other patriots who have demanded that AlterNet condemn these remarks, remove this vitriolic content and issue an apology to those offended by the piece? Won't you stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Mr. Cain, as he has done for all Americans time and time again, against these vile and vicious attacks?
Your generosity of a donation of $10, $25, $50, $100 or any amount you can afford makes all the difference as Mr. Cain continues to measure support for a potential run for President. Your strong showing of support will send a message that these ruthless personal attacks will not be tolerated. We will not be intimidated.
Friends of Herman Cain
P.S. The movement is growing! Please tune into Special Report with Bret Baier on Thursday, February 16, 2011 at 6 p.m. Eastern on the Fox News Channel. Mr. Cain sat down with Bret for an exclusive interview about the presidential exploratory committee and the ways we can work together to take our country back.
Former ‘Most Wanted' madame convicted of murder.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A Sandy Springs madame who avoided capture for more than two years was sentenced to life in prison late Friday for her role in the murder of a former client.
Kisha Rutledge received life in prison for role in arranging a Sandy Springs slaying.
Prosecutors say Kisha Rutledge engineered the June 2007 plot to rob construction worker Keith Alan Brown at his Milton apartment because she knew he carried large amounts of cash. Brown was shot several times by already convicted conspirators Jeff Dulcio and Stephen Woods as Rutledge and adult entertainer Michelle Morrison waited in a car outside, according to the Fulton County District Attorney's Office.
The murder was the first in the history of the north Fulton city, incorporated in December 2006.
Dulcio and Morrison were sentenced in 2009 to life in prison plus five years for their roles in the slaying. Woods reached a plea deal with prosecutors and was sentenced to 15 years in prison on armed robbery and weapons charges.
Rutledge was arrested in August 2009 soon after her case was featured on the television show "America's Most Wanted."
Mastermind of 2007 murder will spend life in prison.

The mastermind of the June 12 shooting death of a Milton man was sentenced to life in prison Feb. 11, said Fulton County District Attorney Paul L. Howard, Jr.
Kisha Rutledge, the owner of an Atlanta escort service, was convicted of malice murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, criminal attempt to commit armed robbery and conspiracy for the shooting death of Keith Alan Brown. It was Milton’s first murder, occurring less than a month after the police department launched in May, 2007.
Rutledge fled the state but was captured in 2009 in Houston after being featured on the television program “America’s Most Wanted.”
I want to express how pleased I am that all the parties involved in this crime have been brought to justice,” said Milton Police Chief Deborah Harrell. “I especially want to highlight the determination and hard work of Milton Police Lt. Travis Parker, who led the initial investigation, and the GBI for their invaluable assistance on this case.”
Roswell Principal Moving To New High School.

Message from Dr. Spurka =>
administrator .
Dear Students, Parents, and the Roswell High School Community,
Many of you have heard by now that I have been named the principal for Fulton County’s new high school on Bethany Bend, which opens in the fall of 2012. I am excited for and appreciative of this new professional opportunity. I am honored to have been selected to open this new school; however, I am holding in my emotions knowing this will be my last year at Roswell High School. I will continue to serve as your principal until the end of this semester.
Since Roswell High School first opened its doors 62 years ago, only seven people have been fortunate enough to be its Principal. For the last 10 years, I have felt the community pride and spirit for Roswell High School from the hallways to the Roswell Rotary, to our surrounding businesses and parks. Roswell High School has been so special to me. In fact, my 9-year-old daughter only knows her daddy to be the principal at Roswell High School. She was born my first year when I served as an assistant principal.
When I look back at my tenure, it is easy to list all the accomplishments we have achieved together in the past 10 years. I am forever grateful for our accomplishments, but I am the most grateful for the relationships I have built with all of you. I will keep Roswell High School close to my heart throughout my professional career. Roswell High School made me both a better school administrator and a better person.
I am pleased to share that my shoes will be filled by one of my respected colleagues in the Roswell school community – Jerome Huff. Those of you who have had several children come through our halls may remember him as an assistant principal here at Roswell High School. Mr. Huff is currently the principal of Elkins Pointe Middle School and before that he was the principal of Roswell North Elementary School. He is a familiar face to many in the community and I have no doubt that he will serve our school well.
There will be many opportunities to meet Mr. Huff in the coming months, but on Tuesday, February 22, from 7:45 a.m. to 9 a.m. we will hold an informal Meet-and-Greet in the media center. Please feel welcome to drop by and meet him.
There is still a lot of work ahead of us this semester as we prepare for graduating the Class of 2011. Please be assured that you will continue to receive the complete and full attention and dedication that I have displayed the past 10 years. I appreciate your continued support and look forward to working with you the next few months. My goal is to build a high school at Bethany Bend that resembles the culture here, a place where the students and parents love their high school as much as you do.
Once a Hornet, always a Hornet.
Dr. Spurka
A meeting will be held at Alpharetta High School Wednesday February 23 to discuss redistricting which will include shifting students among Roswell, Alpharetta, Milton High Schools, and the new facility.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Be One Of The First!

Milton holds Crabapple planning meeting March 14.
The public is invited to a special Crabapple planning meeting Monday, March 14 at 5 p.m. at Milton City Hall, 13000 Deerfield Parkway Suite 107 E (click here for directions).
This meeting, presented by Lew Oliver, Inc. Whole Town Solutions, will delve into the transportation, connectivity, building design, identity and long-term planning needs of the Crabapple Crossroads community and the City of Milton’s future City Center. It will feature a short presentation and discussion on a number of topics, including zoning tools like the transfer of development rights – a potentially powerful conservation option that could greatly influence the area’s “village” concept.
The goal of this process is updating and retooling the existing Crabapple Crossroads Master Plan to more accurately reflect the economic, transportation and growth realities of the area.
Click here for more information.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Milton Officer Hickerson Keeping Milton Roads Safe.
A thirty nine year old Roswell woman wa arrested on February 5th for DUI.While driving A Ford Explorer, Adrienne Oakley was witnessed by Milton Officer Hickerson swerving from lane to lane as she drove in the Crabapple area.
He would end up pulling the suspect over, arresting, and citing her for DUI and failure to maintain her lane.
Milton Police Officer Kiel On The Job!
A Cumming man was arrested and ticketed for the possession of marijuana and failure to keep drugs in the proper package on Feb 6 my Milton Police Officer Brian Kiel.
Ofc Kiel spotted the Chevy Impala swerving and crossing a double yellow line on Morris Road at 3:40pm. Once the suspect was pulled over, signs of marijuana use was obvious.
Due to the man in question refusing to allow his vehicle to be searched, the Police Dog DaSilva, which was donated by the Eddie Moore family, made a "hit" in the car.
Upon further investigation of the Chevy, a marijuana pipe was found in addition to four pills that are a known controlled substance.
Michale Muchmore's evening would end in the back of Milton Police Car headed to jail.
Officer Kiel was far from doing his duty, however.
On February 5th, he was parked in the Deerfield Parkway area when he noticed a Jeep Cherokee drive by. The vehicle in question appeared to have illegal tint.
After pulling over the suspect vehicle, he noticed the smell of marijuana as well as residue. The K9 unit Da Silva also confirmed that an illegal substance was present.
Eventually, eighteen year old Jacob Hansard of Cumming would be arrested and ticketed for the marijuana as well as illegal window tinting among other things.
Ambulance services to hike rates.
by Jonathan Copsey
February 11, 2011
MILTON – The cost to have a life-saving ambulance come your way is about to go higher. The Milton Council met last week with a representative of the city's ambulance provider, who asked to raise patient fees by 20 percent.
Reg James, the division general manager for Rural Metro Ambulance, the company that provides emergency services to all the cities in North Fulton, plead his case that the current contract is unsustainable for his company, which has seen costs skyrocket in recent years while income has dropped off.
"The system is working as designed, and we're proud of that," said James of the level of service given to Milton and her sister cities, adding that service has been consistently good in the two years since the deal was signed.
Fire Chief Robert Edgars noted the partnership "works wonderfully."
North Fulton's cities banded together to create a partnership with Rural Metro in 2009, each shouldering some of the costs of the contract. Previously, Fulton County had provided the contract.
"The North Fulton region came together to tackle the problem regionally, so we could say when you are in North Fulton, you get better care." said Chris Lagerbloom, Milton's city manager.
According to James, Rural Metro has two expenditures – payroll and vehicle maintenance – and several income sources – Medicare, Medicaid, commercial insurance and private pay (no insurance).
Payroll and healthcare costs have risen about 20 percent in the last year alone. The ambulances purchased in 2008 are starting to show signs of wear from constant use, and maintenance has skyrocketed 115 percent. Fuel costs have also gone up.
At the same time, the collection rate for payment has gone down 9 percent, along with a shifting makeup of who is paying for the ride to the hospital. There has been an 11 percent increase in private pay and a decrease in the amount paid by Medicare and Medicaid.
With the proposed 20 percent increase in cost, Milton residents who needed the ambulance would see their fees rise from $635 to $762. Insurance companies would shoulder much of those costs.
"This is the least disruptive and simplest way," James said, pointing out that even with the increase in fees, the costs are still below those of his competitors.
Someone should tell Obama: Business people are not stupid.
February 14, 2011
After I published my 2005 book, They Think You’re Stupid,I thought I should have titled it They Think We Are All Stupid All the Time because it appeared that pure politicians, especially liberals, didn’t think any of us were capable of seeing through their denial, deceptions and lack of leadership.
Based on President Obama’s latest speeches and comments from other prominent liberals like Howard Dean, the latter title would have been more appropriate. They continue to try to convince the public that their failed policies are working, that they need more time, and that more federal spending plus bigger government are the answers to our problems.
In a speech to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce last week, the president urged U.S. business leaders to “get in the game” in support of their country by spending more cash. He wants businesses to follow the government’s lead. Namely, ignore the real state of the economy and spend irresponsibly for the good of the country.
That would not be good for the country! The last thing we need is more bankrupt companies on top of the three million plus businesses that filed for bankruptcy in the last two years. That would only add to the already staggering level of unemployment.
The business people in the audience listened respectfully, but they are not about to spend their investors’ cash irresponsibly. They are not about to invest heavily during a stalled economy, and they are not about to hire people they do not need.
Successful business people are not stupid. That’s why they are successful!
President Obama also tried to invoke the challenge of President John F. Kennedy when he called on Americans to “ask what you can do for your country”.
This is not a persuasive challenge – telling business people to invest in an anemic economy – because President Obama is no JFK.
JFK had earned the trust of the American people. Obama has not.
Unlike JFK, President Obama has not drastically slashed tax rates, which stimulated the economy, and Obama has broken too many campaign promises. Businesses are not going to follow him off the proverbial economic cliff when doing what he asks does not make sense. Many Democratic members of Congress followed him off the cliff on health care deform, and they are now ex-congressmen.
Successful businesspeople are not that gullible.
At the same time President Obama was trying to seduce corporate America into spending money in a stalled economy, his proposed budget for FY 2012 increases the amount on which payroll tax insurance is paid by businesses from $7,000 to $15,000 per employee. That’s a sneak-a-tax! We were not supposed to notice it since the increase would not be effective until 2014. Well! We noticed.
This president refused to even acknowledge the failed policies of the last two years in an interview with Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly. He is in denial that his policies are redistributive of income in nature. He is in denial as to what the American people really want. He believes that the American people want what he wants for America. A government controlled socialistic America!
With all due respect Mr. President, your assessment is wrong.
Intelligent and informed thinkers are reclaiming America! We out-number the stupid people.
You’ll see in November 2012.
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Valentine's Special Le Grande Salon & Spa.

Valentine’s Signature Package:
One Hour Massage
One Hour Facial
Signature Pedicure & Basic Manicure
Shampoo & Style
Makeup Application $185
Valentine’s Le Grande Package:
90 Minutes Massage
One Hour Facial
Signature Pedicure & Basic Manicure
Shampoo & Style $205
20% Off Gift Cards End 2/12/11
Le Grande Salon and Spa
An Aveda Concept
980 Birmingham Rd. Suite #712
Alpharetta, Ga. 30004
(678) 526-6067
Please mention promotions when booking appointments.
Front desk will verify client email before applying email specials. A 24 hr. notice of cancellation is required. Restrictions may apply. Cannot combine with other offers.
There's no greater compliment than a referral to your friends and family. Thank you for your business.
To find out more about Le Grande Salon & Spa, click here=>
Release: Sen. Albers Introduces Bill to Stop Medicaid Fraud.
ATLANTA (February 9, 2011) – Sen. John Albers (R-Roswell) has co-sponsored a bill aimed at protecting taxpayer dollars from Medicaid fraud. Using enhanced technology, Senate Bill 63 requires that Medicaid cards integrate a computer chip that includes a digital photograph and fingerprint of the card holder. The use of smart card technology prevents such abuse as card sharing and phantom billing that cost U.S. taxpayers $60 billion a year.
“We’re leveraging technology to be better stewards of taxpayer dollars by eliminating any waste, fraud and abuse to preserve the Medicaid system for those who need it most,” said Albers. “Everyone wins when we can stop fraud before it ever occurs, including patients, doctors, insurance companies and law enforcement. I look forward to working with the bill’s co-sponsor, Senator William Ligon, to ensure that we’re protecting tax dollars from this rampant fraud.”
Smart card technology utilizes multi-factor authentication that ensures Medicaid patients receive the care they need while protecting patient privacy. When a Medicaid patient swipes their card, the doctor’s office can verify that patient’s identity using their digital photograph and fingerprint. Patients will provide a fingerprint scan when they enter the office and before they leave, providing proof that the patient received services and will prevent doctors from billing for services that were never rendered.
A pilot program will first be bid out to multiple vendors and implemented by the Department of Community Health. Participating medical providers will utilize a card reader and fingerprint scanner.
Albers noted that patient privacy is a cornerstone of the legislation. Patient information is encrypted and split between the card and the host system. Neither half is usable by itself. Additionally, the multi-factor authentication requires multiple factors to allow a transaction, including the card, the photograph and the patient’s fingerprint.
# # # #
Sen. John Albers represents the 56th Senate District, which includes portions of North Fulton County. He may be reached at his office at 404.463.8055 or by email at
After School Weights With Studio One To One!

There is a new manager at Studio One to One who is bringing a lot of enthusiasm and new programming. Nick Bates received his Bachelors of Science degree from Central Washington University for Exercise Science. He brings with him great experience working with students learning how to lift weights and provides a fun learning environment for all that attend.
After School Weights has proven to improve students strength, coordination, confidence, motivation and knowledge to name a few. The program was started in Charlotte, North Carolina and was a huge success holding eight classes spanning over one year before Nick and his fiancé made plans to move to her home town of Atlanta.
So I invite you to Studio One to One to introduce yourself and possibly your children to Nick and we can see if one on one sessions or After School Weights is the best direction to reach your goals.
Please contact Studio One to One with questions and to register (678) 367-3619
After School Weights
Number of classes: 8 Classes per session
Cost: $119 per session per student
Number: Maximum 6 students
Days: Mondays-Wednesdays
Time: 4:45-5:30p.m.
Class length: 45 minutes
Age: 12-15 years old
Elaina Smith
Studio One to One
Visit Our Blog:
To find out more about Studio One To One on, click here=>
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Registration begins for three new recreation programs.
Registration is now open for the three newest City of Milton recreation programs: Jr. Jazzercise, youth flag football and youth soccer.
Jr. Jazzercise
The City of Milton’s Jr. Jazzercise program is a six-session, co-ed dance class featuring a live performance at the March 12 Atlanta Hawks game.
It is taught by Jessica Miller, a Certified Jazzercise Instructor, at Wellness Centers of America, located at 13057 Ga. 9 North Suite 230 in the Deerfield Place Shopping Center next to Super Target (click here for directions).
Classes are held on Saturdays beginning Feb. 19 and open to children ages 4 to 9. Cost is $95 and includes a costume, Atlanta Hawks game day ticket and free Chick-fil-A meal on the day of the performance.
Space is limited to 10 participants, though extra classes may be added due to demand. To register, call 678-492-3029 or e-mail You may also register in person during regular business hours at Wellness Centers of America.
Youth Flag Football
Co-ed youth flag football for children ages 4 to 12 is offered through a partnership with national youth sports affiliate i9 Sports of Forsyth/North Fulton. This Sunday afternoon program is scheduled to begin Sunday, March 13 and last through May at Birmingham Falls Elementary School, 14865 Birmingham Highway (click here for directions).
Cost for Milton residents is $135 for an eight-game season. For non-residents, the cost rises to $145. To register as a resident of Milton, click here. If you are a non-resident, click here. You may also visit or call Pegah Jimenez at 678-731-9009. Registration ends Friday, Feb. 18; however, late registrants may be accepted after the deadline as space allows.
Youth Soccer
Co-ed youth soccer for children ages 4-12 will also be offered through a partnership with i9 Sports of Forsyth/North Fulton. This Saturday morning and afternoon program is scheduled to begin March 12 and last through May at Cogburn Woods Elementary School, 13080 Cogburn Road (click here for directions).
Cost for Milton residents is $135 for eight-game season. For non-residents, the cost rises to $145. To register as a resident of Milton, click here. If you are a non-resident, click here. You may also visit or call Jimenez at 678-731-9009. As with flag football, registration ends Friday, Feb. 18; however, late registrants may be accepted after the deadline as space allows.
Click here for more information.
Milton establishes filing fee for Council seats.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Milton City Council passed a measure Monday establishing a qualifying fee of $390 for those seeking to run for any of three Council seats up for election this year. State law sets fees at 3 percent of the total gross salary of the office paid in the preceding year.
The election has been set for Nov. 8. Those seats involved are for: District 2, currently held by Julie Zahner Bailey; District 4, currently held by Burt Hewitt; and District 6, currently held by Alan Tart.
Monday, February 07, 2011
In Search Of...

He is in need of two 55 gallon steel drums and didn't know if any of our visitors either had some they were willing to part with or knew where to find some that were affordable.
If you have any suggestions to help a Milton neighbor out, please share them in the comments section below.