There is still time to volunteer, sponsor or have your business be a part of the 2nd Annual Milton Earth Day Festival Saturday, April 16.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or vendor, please click here to download a packet of information. This packet is also available on the Milton Grows Green Committee events page, located in Your Government > Boards and Committees > Milton Grows Green > Volunteer Events.
To make sure you are included, please return the registration forms and payment, if applicable, as soon as possible.
Volunteers are also needed. Please e-mail mgg@cityofmiltonga.us if you can lend a hand.
The festival, sponsored by Airsoft 360, Childrens Healthcare of Forsyth, Optech, Recycle Bank, Republic Services, Southeast Electric Cars, LLC, The Comfort Zone, Verizon Wireless, Waste Management and Whole Foods Market and presented by Milton Grows Green (MGG) and the City of Milton, is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in pristine Birmingham Park (click here for directions).
Click here for more information.
Whose in charge of crowd control?
One of our 3 police officers on duty should be able to handle the 10 people who show up. (they are all MGG people anyway!) hey isn't the hamster ball made out of plastic, you know petroleum, how dare they!! Shame on MGG!
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