By Accessmilton.com
With what has been a common topic among North Fulton residents over the past month, the Board of Education finally released it's redistricting map for high schools in anticipation of Bethany Bend High opening in 2012.
With numerous potential set ups intially offered, the map most closely related to what active residents refer to as "plan c."
A final meeting will be held at Alpharetta High School at 7pm on Wednesday April 13th. Residents will be given time to share comments and concerns at that time.
The majority of North Fulton High Schools will be affected by the redistricting. Those schools include Roswell, Northview, Alpharetta, Johns Creek, and the new Milton High School.
The last time notable controversy came about was in 2002 when the Board of Education forced seven families out of their homes and off their land on Freemanville Road for the sewered 100 million dollar Milton High School. This time around, however, citizen protests have been much louder and larger in mass.
Changes will be as follows and it appears as though Milton and Roswell students will be the ones experiencing the most change.
Areas where students who would be attending MHS who will now be attending Bethany Bend=>
1. Children who reside in what is known as the Birminghall Falls Elementary area. Subdivions include Taylor Glen, Triple Crown, Highland Manor, Sable Pointe, Tullamore, White Columns and Nettlebrook Farms.
2. Children who reside in what is known as the Summit Hills Elementary area. Subdivisions include Plantation Trace, Crabapple Forest, Bethany Oaks, Brookshade,
Potterstone, Manor Bridge Drive, Shadowood Farms, and Champions view; basically anything that sits north east of Hopewell Road.
3. In addition, the Lake at Cooper Sandy as well as the area east of Haygood / Bethany Roads and North of Providence Road.
4. Finally, regarding the Cogburn Woods Elementary area. Subdivisions include Five Acre Estates, Crooked Creek, Gatewood, Sandy Creek Farms, Coventry, The Hermitage and Rhodes Plantation.
Subdivisions where students who would be attending AHS who will now be attending Bethany Bend=>
5.Lake Laurel, Avensong, Deer Creek, Bethany Creek, Fairmont, Wyndham, Bellemeade Farms, Summit,and Belleterre.
Areas where students who would be attending RHS who will now be attending MHS=>
6. Anything east of Etris Road including Summerhille Farms and Edenwilde Subdivisons.
7. Subdivisions Taylor Oaks, Hembree Farms, Crabapple Walk, Orchard Trace, The Gables,
Crabapple Parc, Saddle Creek, Crabapple Lake. Suffice to say, anything east of Crabapple Road and North of Hembree Road in Roswell.
8. More Roswell Subdivisions that will now become Eagle fans include Hembree Springs Drive, Creekside at Mansell, Old Ellis Point, Hawkins Cove, Arbor Creek, Old Roswell Corners Plantation, Hembree Grove, and Rosemont.
9. On a smaller change, Subdivisions Myers Park and St. Ives in Johns Creek will now be attending Northview High School as well as any students currently within the Wilson Creek Elementary area.
In addition, middle school attendance zones have changed as well. That information can be found on the BOE website.
With any traffic improvements regarding the shift, the Fulton County Board of Education does not compensate cities for any of those costs nor do they pay property tax.
While Roswell Mayor Jere Wood has been vocal, elected city officials from Milton, Roswell, Alpharetta, and Johns Creek have been silent on the issue.
Crabapple Plan? Start over.
Not presented is the fact that Milton High School will be undergoing a name change - Once this plan is enacted it will be called Roswell High School Two. (Yeah, its confusing having two high schools so close to each other named the same, but who cares?).
What a travesty. Where were our guys on city council?
WTF? This was by far the worst of the three plans.
Not good for Milton High School. Actually not good for the new High School either. The atmosphere can be very tough for kids when everyone has "everything." This plan takes some crucial big income neighborhoods from Milton and adds them to the already long list of big income neighborhoods at the new school.It will be the richest of the rich schools. This plan also removes some of the backbone that Milton was built on and relies on for involvement (not just money).
Milton didn't know it needed to be in the battle. Now it is probably too late. We will see tonight.
12:29 you are so right on. Thing is with this plan I am also not as upset because of the new demographics of the new school on this latest map. Personally, I'm beginning to think that Katie Reeves and No Fulton reps are in cahoots with Milton County supporters in local government and now we will all surely vote for Milton County because they've screwed around with this so so bad it seems. People are pissed all over North Fulton. It's not looking good FCBOE. Not that they ever really look good no matter what they do. Just hoping for the best and that my local Politicians and Activisits take a more vocal stance on behalf all of us, all cities, all schools, all children.
Where is the Sheriff when she's needed?
The battle started in 2006 when a school was announced to be built out here. Only a few residents had the insight and backbone to say the school doesn't belong in milton, and now everyone is in an uproar that most of Milton kids wont attend Milton. Where was all this unhappiness back then. It's now everyones problem and not just a few.
What did everyone think, that the new school would be filled with kids from where? Notice hardly any complaints from Alpharetta on this, why is that? They still own MHS in their own minds! It's theirs, not Milton's. We took it from them when Milton became a city, it ended up behind our city lines and not theirs. But Roswell kids going to Milton, really?? Come on BOE, for a business in education you people really are dumb and lack common sense. These are families and kids, not numbers and livestock u r shuffling around with no feeling or compassion. Absolutely zero common sense. We need to FIRE the entire BOard members and the staff currently supporting them. Start over with all new untainted un politically connected representatives.
Milton chose not to be in this battle years ago. Agreed. Now everyone is paying the price in this redistricting. They can build schools anywhere, they have no obstruction to finding the very best location for the population need. Instead they bailed out a well known local developer and got the city off their backs from the citizens challenge of environmental problems with the first choice, and the school is on sewer now. The first choice was even worse than where it is now but that doesnt mean Betany is the right location either. It's not.
Oh well. We gotta deal with it now don't we?
I spent 2 years at an exclusive New England Prep school, my dad left mom and took his $$ with him so I spent the next two at public school in a melting pot environment...I grew and learned alot more in years 3-4 that the first 2...you all will survive this change - chill out and stop posting all your negative views. God forbid your precious kid has to attend class with a child that lives in a townhouse...
I don't have kids so my negative comments confront how this plan will reduce my quality of life by the east to west traffic flow. This for me doesn't have a thing to do with which school will be better. It appears the people on the east side of Milton are the ones who want all of milton to attend the new school so their kids are going to school with upper white middle class kids. They are the ones who don't want their kids going to school with kids in town homes. Those on the west side of Milton are going to suffer in the traffic that our Milton roads cannot support. The east side of Milton isn't thinking about this. They are making a mess out of Milton high by making it mostly Roswell and Alpharetta kids. Shameful.
Once again people, Milton High School was named for the county of Milton, not the city of Milton. The citizens of Milton have some mixed up idea that this school belongs to them and no one else. The new high school will be just as wonderful as MHS: smart kids and supportive parents will make it as good, if not better than MHS. So, the change is coming and make it good for these kids and this community.
Also remember when White Columns and Julie Bailey did not allow the school to be built at Freemanville road they sealed their fate to have to drive to the other side of Milton now. You made your bed, now lie down in it. Just because you live on Birmingham Hwy it does not mean you own Milton HS.
Welcome to Milton's new Bend Over
High School.
Since the county of Milton does not exist I guess it may be perceived as the city of Miltons school. You know the same way Roswell, Alpharetta, Johns Creek all have schools named after their city. What does it matter which came first the chicken or the egg? Milton county or the city of Milton. Right now Milton county is non existent anyway. This isn't the original school anyway, this is the second or third version. The original little historical school is on Milton and canton st anyway. What the heck does this have to do with the mess plan c will make of our entire city? Nothing actually. The feedback on the maps and comments coming from the east side of Milton makes me believe the neighborhoods there want most of Milton to go to Bethany? Why is that? Why did the map indicate the east side of milton, aka crooked creek prefer plan C. For traffic reasons? Not. Maybe those on the west side just want to go to the school closer to their homes? Proximity? The number UNO criteria supposed to be used. Not in plan c, at all, for Milton.
If the school was on freemanville now, white columns and the entire west side and east side of milton would have gone to freemanville not MHS due to proximity. Same situation just different location. You would have the exact same lines drawn only the east side would be coming westward. How many kids from each city attend MHS right now? MHS is now going to be the overflow school for Roswell Alpharetta and Milton kids now.
BTW Julie and white columns had nothing to do at all with moving the school off freemanville. People think that is the case but is a joke, you do not know your facts. Ask Tim Enloe he knows the entire real story and reported on it constantly back then.
Julie Bailey had nothing to do with the Freemanville HS site being moved. That was started by Lisa Cauley and a group called Protect Milton. They hired attorneys to fight the school based on the fact that it was in an environmentally sensitive area.BTW, the Cauley's own the huge mansion across from the previously proposed sight on Freemanville. There is a book I might recommend to all..."How to Behave, so our Children will too" By Dr. Sal Severe. Have a lovely Earth Day, y'all.
Maybe if the community would have pulled their heads out of their butts back then and rallied behind the protect Milton people the school would have been back at the old Milton high site in Milton avenue or closer to Alpharetta or Roswell and we all wouldn't be b-chin now.
All of Milton kids would still be all stayin in Milton high mostly.
Oh well. Too late now. No one was listening. They were practically begging the community to help them put the proposed school back at old Milton. Amazing how the BOE couldn't move those kids from Independence High until GA Tech became interested. Now for ten million the old school site can be that of Ga tech and no problem kicking those kids out now.
MGG reads Access Milton? Earth day Smurf day. I bet the park was slap overcrowded this year.
Tim feel flattered MGG and the city combined make up the six people who supposedly reference your website. That is funny!
we know when you blog, you can't hide it. not very nice. tsk tsk tsk
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