We have a new poll up. It asks:
*Milton hired a parks director for $85,000 / yr. Starting salary for a police officer is $39,500 /yr. Milton only has three parks: 1 is closed, the second is undeveloped, and the third is for baseball. Milton normally only has four officers per twelve hour shift and the city is right under 40 square miles. With the $85k, would you still have hired the parks director or two additional officers instead?
Have your say today in the upper right!
The previous poll asked:
Which makes Milton more unique; it's one home-per-acre subdivisions or it's equestrian estates?
One-home-per-acre subdivisions: 63%
Equestrian Estates: 36%
Seriously? Subdivisions are more iconic of Milton than being "equestrian-centric?" Maybe Milton's logo should be changed to a gate instead of a horse!
Or a soccer mom in an Escalade?
Or a soccer mom in an Escalade?
The logo should be a Mcwaste of money Mcmansion. Patch of grass in the front and a stick for a tree.
Let Chris do his job and hire who is needed to make the city grow in the right direction. He might have jumped the gun on this position but we dont know what is coming down the road. The town will grow and most do not want it. So strap in and hold on !!! Transportation improvements will only cause increased traffic flow.. Its here already so but start building your way out.
Forget the last poll - it means nothing for any of us. A Parks Department on the other hand....WTF? Whether we spend that money on more cops, firefighters, or any other of 1,000 other ideas - any of them have to be better than a Parks Director.
As a Milton parent I am glad the city is moving forward with a parks director. My kids have had enough interaction with the police as they seem to have that area covered, but have not had any parks to use while growing up here.
Hey idea!!! Someone with land open it up to play baseball like we did in the old days. Do something different for a change and dont do like other cities spending all your money on a park that never gets used.
Ah, yes! The good old days of pickup baseball games in the cow pasture where we waited for the bases to dry.
If you look at the field schedules at Bell Memorial, Wills Park, North Park (or ANY suburban park with sports fields) you will find that these parks are in constant use after school hours.
The only "park that never gets used" is Birmingham Park - because there are no sports fields there.
We should have used the $85k to carve out a field (for soccer, lacrosse, football, etc.) at Birmingham Park. Any fees generated from the field could have gone towards hiring more police officers.
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