By Accessmilton.com
We would like to thank one of the Accessmilton.com readers for the new poll question.
This time, we ask "Should Birmingham Park Be Developed Like Fowler Park?"
This poll will run for ten days.
Below are some photos of Fowler Park located off of Highway 9 right past Midway in Forsyth.
This park offers numerous baseball diamonds, a football field, a skate park, various pavillions, tracks, and restrooms. It also ties into the Big Creek Greenway.










I wish we had something like that in our area. I mean, other than North Park, which is essentially the exact same thing.
Further development at North Park would be no fun, though, since it isn't surrounded by people's homes.
I like the idea of developing Birmingham Park into a venue for many different activities. There is enough land out there to have different types of fields, small childern playground areas and passive areas for a natural feel.
It doesn't have to be exactly like Fowler Park. There is no need to clear-cut the entire area and mount stadium lights all over it.
Considering the other facilities that we already have, I prefer a much more natural environment. Playgrounds, general-use fields, walking trails (that aren't covered in horse poop), etc would be nice to me.
Does anyone know of a good example of a park like that that you can share?
A few years back a survey of ALL Milton residents was taken asking a number of specific questions on what residents wanted for Birmingham Park. An unusually high percentage of residents responded. Why not take the results from this survey as a heads up on what to include and stop ignoring sound information? We could use this lead and make the park eco-friendly like Fowler but would also have to take into consideration the very hilly terrain at Birmingham. Duplication of Fowler would be costly and very destructive of the natural environment.
You are going to have to cut down trees to have a softball, baseball, and soccer fields with lights. This is for kids sports primarily and not horses Julie. Tree huggers will have to get over it.
11:03, which one of the posts are you addressing?
I agree with the comment about the survey taken a few years ago. What happened to it? Did y'all just throw it away? We need a park for EVERYONE to enjoy--ball fields, playgrounds, picnic areas and walking trails. It could even have a horse trail around its perimeter so horses could "do their thing" without fear of someone stepping in it. Let's get this done people--what's the big holdup?
It's a county park, and county funds
Fowler is
I think following a model like Webb Bridge Park would make the most sense. Hilly, interesting walking paths, playgrounds and fantastic multi-use ball fields. I love Fowler too, but don't believe we would ever have the funding to accomplish that at Birmingham. I am so excited that this is even being discussed, I have had extreme parks and rec envy for a very long time!
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