Courtesy Friends of Alan Tart
Friends of Alan Tart Newsletter
Important Message Regarding Next Tuesday's Election
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YES . . . I HAVE.
Four years ago, I committed to the citizens of Milton that I would do the following:
Preserve Milton's unique, rural equestrian character
Support smart growth and development that adheres to our land use plan, zoning ordinance, and design standards
Support fully staffed, equipped, and trained fire and police departments
Be fiscally conservative with your tax dollars and cut waste
Take steps to improve the look and character of the Highway 9 area
Support adoption of a new comprehensive plan that charts our vision for the next 20 years
Support efforts to strengthen preservation of our trees, waterways, and historic structures
Vote against extension of sewer to areas of Milton not already on sewer in order to control development density
Support the creation of a city-wide crime prevention network
Expand recreation opportunities, acquire additional parkland, and begin the development of parks we already have
Provide for a local government that is accessible to and inclusive of everyone
A quick review of my accomplishments over the past four years clearly shows that I have done everything I committed to citizens that I would do during my first term. This speaks to my integrity and strong commitment while serving as your representative on the city council.
Click here to view my record of accomplishments.
As you consider next Tuesday's important election, let's compare who will be better serving you from District 6...
I am proud to have made decisions over the past four years that have made our city financially strong. My fiscally conservative decision making over the past four years has enabled us to accumulate a $7,800,000 fund balance (in reserves) as of the close of FY '11. Reserves are required by law and are part of good financial stewardship. In fact, our fund balance is 2.5 times that required by GA law. Our healthy reserves will allow us to use $1,500,000 of these funds in 2012 to make paving and intersections enhancements - not because we have to use the money but because WE CAN. These are your tax dollars being used to improve your quality of life.
In spite of this, my opponent continues to claim that our 86% residential versus 14% commercial property tax base - the intentional design of Milton that makes us unique from our neighboring cities - is "unsustainable."
Ironically, this claim was recently refuted by our own city manager in an email to the mayor and city council, and I quote:
"I am not comfortable with the idea being out there that 'Milton Finances = Not Sustainable.' It frankly isn't true...you all have made some very, very, very sound financial decisions in the last couple of years to position Milton to successfully weather one of the worst downturns in the economy and emerge strong. We will have plenty of opportunities to make more hard decisions in the future, but as I presented to you earlier in the year, I am confident with active management of our budget, we are very sustainable." - (C. Lagerbloom, personal communication to mayor and council, October 31, 2011)
In addition, I am proud of what our parks and recreation department has accomplished in its short one year history. During this first year, we have worked to secure agreements with schools and adjacent municipalities to provide relief to our citizens. We obviously need more. To that end, I am fully supportive of developing Birmingham Park to include a mix of active recreational fields and trails for walking and horseback riding.
The master planning process will be completed in the spring, and we will be ready to execute the development of Birmingham Park soon thereafter which will coincide with the final remediation and acquisition of Providence Park from Fulton County. I am also supportive of acquiring additional parkland adjacent to Bell Memorial Park in the coming year, and we are the funds to do so.
My opponent claims that we have done enough "planning" and "studying" for parks..."it's time to build." I've been asked by citizens why we can't have a parks system like Forsyth County. We can and will, but a large and complex parks system like Forsyth's requires comprehensive planning to ensure citizens' needs are met over the short and long term and tax dollars are spent efficiently and effectively. The "shot gun" approach to building a parks system proposed by my opponent, without the benefit of a master planning process, is unheard of. It would ultimately fail to meet your needs and expectations and would result in millions in wasted tax dollars. You deserve more thoughtful leadership.
In his recent email distribution, rather than focusing on my proven track record of accomplishments, my opponent chose instead to focus on the things he perceives have not been accomplished during my tenure as your city council member. He also attempted to disparage my 15 years of service with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. He referred to me as a "government regulator" and implied that by nature of my job, I lack experience and innovation and am somehow unfriendly or unsympathetic to industry's wants and needs. Like many other things my opponent has said, this is but another clumsy, uninformed statement we have come to expect from him.
Although I work for the FDA, an important regulatory agency whose mission is to ensure the safety and security of food, drugs, medical devices, and biologics, my position with the agency is expressly non-regulatory.
From 1997-1999, I served as a microbiologist responsible for testing food for pathogens. Due to my efforts, deadly food was removed from shelves before it could harm American families. Since 1999, I have worked as a member of a highly specialized, 40-person team that provides technical support, consultation services, and training in the area of retail food safety to state and local health departments and industry.
The FDA does not regulate retail food establishments like restaurants, grocery stores, nursing homes, and hospitals; state and local health departments do. My team works through collaboration and education, not regulation, to assist our stakeholders with implementing best practices to minimize the risk of foodborne illness and death. I feel fortunate to have a career that provides a vital service to my country and its citizens, and I rest easy knowing that lives are saved through my efforts.
Furthermore, my industry peers' opinion of my ability to build consensus, understand their needs, and get results through innovative means is quite different than my opponent's stereotype of me.
Click here to read the endorsements I have garnered from industry and regulatory officials across the country, as well as from City of Milton residents.
Ironically, my opponent claims he is the only candidate from District 6 with "real life" experience. My opponent must forget that he is vying for the job I have held for the past four years. His experience in addressing the wide range of issues that are addressed by our city council, frankly, is non-existent and pales in comparison to mine. You can't get anymore "real life" than that.
My commitment to public service is even stronger close to home. I have been working hard to make my neighborhood of Avensong a better place to live and play since moving to NW Fulton in January 2005. I have served as Avensong's HOA president for the past five years.
For four of the five years the city has been in existence, I have served as the Milton Council Member from District 6. I have made the tough decisions one would expect an elected official of a new city to make, some of which were referenced by our city manager above. I am not beholden to developers. I do not accept campaign donations from individuals who are likely to want to do business with the city or be considered for rezonings or new development. I consider each and every application objectively, and I have an exceptional track record of "doing what I say I'll do."
Click here to see the many Milton citizens who have endorsed my re-election to the city council.
In contrast, my opponent acknowledges in an interview that he moved here by accident four years ago. He thought he was moving to Alpharetta and only discovered after moving here that he had actually moved to Milton.Click here to see this interview=>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jC0QgaVXGg. His only frame of reference for the kind of city Milton should be is his hometown of Virginia Beach - a city with a diametrically different vision than our city.
Until he decided to run for public office, my opponent's only involvement in neighborhood or city affairs was when he spoke in favor of the gas station currently being constructed at the corner of Highway 9 and Bethany Bend. Citizens in the area were overwhelmingly opposed to this application, yet my opponent was the only citizen at the November 2010 public hearing who spoke in favor of it. This came after he led the same group of citizens to believe he opposed the application.
Not only did this act show that my opponent is unable or unwilling to consider the wants and needs of his fellow citizens in his decision making process, but it later earned him a campaign contribution from the developer. It is extremely concerning that my opponent would so willingly choose to ignore the desires of the community in favor of a developer who doesn't even live here and then later accept a campaign contribution from him.
Click here to hear my opponent respond to questions about his support of the gas station and the campaign contribution he received.
And that's not the only developer who has contributed to my opponent's campaign. In fact, when you take his own money out of the equation, my opponent's campaign is almost entirely financed by developers, civil engineers (most of whom live outside the state), and others who could benefit financially if he is elected.
If my opponent was unable or unwilling to listen to the wants and needs of citizens in November 2010, it is highly unlikely, after receiving thousands of dollars in campaign funds from developers, engineers, and surveyors, that he will be willing to do so in the future if elected.
So, fellow citizens, when you go to the polls next Tuesday to choose who will represent YOUR interests on the city council over the next four years, please re-elect the person who:
Has a proven track record of service and accomplishments on behalf of our city
Is unbiased, objective, and willing to listen to YOU, the citizens
Demonstrates the thoughtful, informed leadership and unwavering commitment necessary to get things done with efficient, fiscally conservative use of your tax dollars
Clearly has the on-the-job experience needed to effectively address the wide range of issues typically taken up by the city council
Possesses the integrity necessary to assure open and transparent government
On November 8th, RE-ELECT ALAN TART, and together, we will work to ensure that in the next four years we have:
Fully staffed, equipped, and trained police and fire departments,
A parks system that is the envy of the region,
Safe streets and intersections, and
A lean, financially viable city government that answers to you, the citizens of Milton.
Thank you for your support and vote next Tuesday!
Alan Tart and His Opponent Interviewed by Milton Herald and AccessMilton.com
Alan and his opponent were interviewed by Milton Herald and AccessMilton.com. The questions were not known in advance. The questions dealt with:
Possible changes to Milton's charter
Safety on our open roads
Whether our sign ordinance should be changed to allow neon lights
Strategies for preserving our rural, equestrian character
Privatization of streets
Click here to see the interviews=>
Yes, but AM never acknowledged it
Alan hasn't actually accomplished a one whit of anything
He has remarkably gotten a pass on his amazing number of absences and his "call-ins" via speakerphone...(illegal/unethical)
His crappy record should insure he is replaced, but who knows!!!
Check the record/check the facts.....despite norms of Enloe webops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could he write any more? I don't think he siad enough there. Talk about a pile....
Alan is on point. He's got my vote.
9:08. Wow. Those comments mean that you a) can't read; b) never met Alan; c) are running scared because your guy has no experience, track record, or nothing to prove his salt except support from people who will get paid back financially if he wins; or d) a combination of all of the above. Tart has accomplished a heck of a lot in his four years. Hell, if he just keeps the rest of the bozos honest, he's done a service to the city!
All those accomplishments, but yet no endorsement to date from the mayor or anyone else on the council. That's like calling an old employer for a reference and being told,"Hire date 1/1/08, separation date 1/1/12, would not rehire".
I'd be more impressed if he promised and delivered on things like more humility, less arrogance, more playing nice with others, less calling them names when they disagree, more authenticity, less desperation, more brevity, and less wordiness.
No doubt food is rotting on the shelves and the subdivision is going to pot while he takes the time to write these memoirs. Maybe he needs to promise to quit one of his other 2 jobs to deliver on his promises going forward.
9:55, it's not like that at all, and you know it. If you aren't going to be genuine in your arguments, then you are never going to be able to persuade people to see your side.
Using your example, I quit a job a couple of years ago after discovering that the culture of the company was sour. They openly bribed customers. They lied paperwork to secure better pricing from suppliers than they were entitled to receive. They were openly dishonest in every imaginable aspect of their business, and they bragged about it. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I'm sure that, if asked, they would give me a reference of, "Hire date 1/1/08, separation date 1/1/12, would not rehire." That wouldn't be a reflection on me, though!
Just because Alan is actively keeping the rest of the council and the mayor from (openly at least) crawling in bed with those who would tear at the fabric of our unique city doesn't mean that he isn't doing his job. To the contrary, he is doing exactly what he was elected to do by the people who want this city to maintain its character. The others won't endorse him, because he is spoiling their fun.
That's ok 9:55. Keep talking like that. All that crap does is energize Alan's base of supporters to get out of bed and vote next Tuesday. Anyone who knows Alan, which obviously you don't, knows that Alan works his butt off for his neighborhood and city. It never ceases to amaze me how people who contribute so little to this town can say so much. Keep running your mouth.
Maybe he doesn't want an endorsement from anyone on council. "People that lie down with dogs rise up with fleas."
The mayor won't publicly endorse anyone after what happened when he endorsed all three encumbants last time. He played it safe last time by supporting Lusk and Thurman to keep them from attacking him. He knew they'd find someone to run against him, qualified or not, just like now, so he backed them to keep them off his back. Smart politician Lockwood is.
What about Tina?
If consorting with the others is so distasteful, why does he want to be re-elected so much? Does he enjoy drama? He wants to extend term limits so he can stick around forever.
He is a drama fan.
Lockwood knew D'Aversa wouldn't attack him, so his best bet to stay as Mayor was to support all three incumbents. It was brilliant. He stayed. they focused on Tina instead of him, and their nasty politics worked. It worked because they relied on the lack of voter turn out. Typically Milton has 3,000 people vote in these elections. Why? Shouldnt the place you live and call home have the number one priority for your VOTE? That's like crapping where you eat.
Hey speaking of the Mayor, how come he remained silent on the naming of the school? He wore that red Milton shirt to all the redistricting meetings, if he loves milton so much, how come he didn't help those poor souls in White Columns get Milton in the name of the school somehow, I'm sure he could have helped them considerably.
He has no influence outside of Dorris Road. Help with the BOE? Dream on.
Joe is sitting back letting HEG run roughshod over Milton. Too bad. I liked Joe once.
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