By Accessmilton.com
Rumors are floating around Milton about the possibility of White Columns Subdivision suing the Fulton County Board of Education regarding the redistricting issue.
While nothing is concrete at this time, please keep an eye on Accessmilton.com as this potential story unfolds.
To find out more about White Columns Subdivision in Milton, click here=> http://www.accessmilton.com/Neighborhoods/white_columns.php
I heard that possibility too. On a related topic, isn't it interesting that Linda Schultz held a separate meeting to address the concerns of her community regarding redistricting (my assumption is to give them time to talk) while Katie Reeves cut off her constituents two months in a row after forty five to sixty minutes? If Katie has been serving so long that she feels, "if it's not you in the room complaining, it will be someone else" then I think her time of service is far too long. She sees concerns as interchangeable and unimportant. I think the timing of her unopposed re-election and this redistricting is unfortunate. She gets three and a half more years to feel blase' about the folks she represents.
There is always the recall option.
They all unanimously voted for the map.
White Columns reps have spoken with attorneys about how to proceed. Recall may be a viable option. It is certain that the people affected by this chain of poor decisions will be primed to fight against SPLOST IV if the Freemanville Road MS is on it. One bad decision does not mean another one has to be made. Just because the land was purchased...
Wish the residents rallying against the new school(s) could come up with the perfect school location and redistricting solution for everyone.
Residents elect board members to do that.
THE BOE SPENT $14,000,000 on the Freemanville property for a middle school?? 116 acres? WOW!! And no one even says a word to them about how much tax payer money they have wasted. But you all will complain and bemoan about programs being cut like band and orchestra and furlough teachers.
REALLY???? People!!!
So vote for Splost for what reason, so they can waste more and more of our money?
There is no perfect solution for everyone. Life ain't perfect and neither is any human on this earth.
Deal with what is done for all, not for what is in your best interest.
Stop you're whining and move on. The Freemanville site will be built regardless of how you vote.
Yes the Freemanville MS will be built, get over it. My only hope for those friendly neighbors is that it will be in the Alpharetta HS style!
freemanville will never be built they need sewer. look around to any property bordering sewer and that is where the ms will go.
Freemanville MS won't be built because of NIMBY's ties with BOE and lawsuits. They need WC, and WC needs them. They all say " we'll sue" and the BOE caves.
Double dip comment above, remember Birmingham Falls is on septic it can be done!
it wont be they are already looking at properties next to sewer
Oh goodie.
And exactly where are these so called properties that they are looking at? What inside information do you have and who are you? If you can't or won't answer these questions then why should we believe you?
find any sewer map that acreage is next do and can be amassed and you will find your answer
I would like the middle school to be built on Freemanville.
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