By Accessmilton.com
Police Chief administers daily updates.
MILTON, Ga., May 10, 2011 - As the City of Milton's Facebook and Twitter followers may have noticed, the Police Department has begun posting arrests on the city's social media accounts.
These posts do not contain the suspect's name, age or address. It is merely a record of their charges and gender and, in accordance with state and federal law, implies no guilt.
To make sure you see them, "Like" the City of Milton's Facebook page (click here to visit the page=> http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-City-of-Milton/130465006992408?ref=ts ) or follow cityofmiltonga on Twitter (click here to visit the feed=> http://twitter.com/#!/cityofmiltonga ). You must have an account on these social media sites to see the daily arrest postings, but initial incident reports are always available at City Hall through an open records request (click here to download the form=> http://www.cityofmiltonga.us/vertical/Sites/%7BABDC6828-BCD1-4EB9-8063-A52F3C899020%7D/uploads/%7BD2AC80D7-686B-46E6-8A77-CCF121D7978D%7D.PDF ).
This free service is administered by Milton Police Chief Deborah Harrell, who decided to begin making the arrests viral after several meetings with citizens.
"Our residents like to know what their police agency is doing every day, and this simple, free service is the most direct way we can keep in touch with them," she said.
In addition, said Harrell, residents can keep up to date with reported incidents in their area with the Crime Reports system from the city's Web site, located here=>
http://www.crimereports.com/# . Simply input your address and recent reported incidents populate the map.
This free service is always available at the City of Milton's Web site, www.cityofmiltonga.us, under "Your Government" > "Police" >"See reported incidents in your area." It is also available as an iPhone app.
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