by Accessmilton.com
At its May 9 work session, the Milton City Council was joined by the Sons of the American Revolution, Piedmont Chapter, and members of the police and fire departments in celebrating Peace Officer Memorial Day, observed May 15, and Police Week, observed during the week of May 15.
As part of the proclamation read during the meeting, Mayor Joe Lockwood explained that Robert Forsyth of Augusta, an American patriot, was selected by President George Washington to be the first United States Marshal for the state of Georgia and became the first U.S. Marshal and first of more than 200 U.S. Marshals and Deputies killed in the line of duty.
Click here=> http://www.cityofmiltonga.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={62F4A19F-4962-4217-B250-C9AA3B138F41} to learn more about your police department.
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