By Accessmilton.com
At its May 2 meeting, Milton’s City Council honored the dedicated staff and volunteers who keep city government working as part of Public Service Recognition Week, held this year from May 1 to 7.
For the honor, council was joined by a number of Milton board and committee members, plus staff from each department in City Hall.
As part of his reading of the Proclamation, Councilman Alan Tart, himself a federal government employee, thanked all American servicemen and women for their sacrifices and bravery in reaction to the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death.
Campaign time!
No mention of course how our Planning Commission asked for a resolution against the redistricting Plan C by the Fulton County Board of Education? Oh, wait a minute, all but one Planning Commission member signed the letter.
So they thank the Planning Commission and volunteers for all their hard work, as they put it all in the toilet and flush it due to the FCBOE ruining all of their hard work...
We got a bunch of Yahoos on Council folks.
Does anyone report the entire story anymore, you all realize that the City and Appen and what used to be the Beacon and the AJC pick and choose what part of the story they tell you right? Even the Herald, Candy Waylocks story on Reeves Crabapple Crossing story, completely left out and didn't mention Lockwood saying the City didn't want plan C due to traffic.....amazing the lack of journalistic responsibility. Any mention in the Milton Herald on how our CPAC, Citizens Planning Advisory Committee also asked for a resolution against Plan C along with residents? That happened the same exact day the Mayor met with the group saying they liked plan C. Well why do they like plan C? because it will improve the traffic??
Tim you need to hire a reporter that will write the truth about things in Milton since the newspapers and online websites choose to play politics. Who asked John Copsey to come to City Hall and cover the story of the goup women meeting with Lockwood in favor of Plan C, did the Mayor call him, or the angry women who were mad at him for speaking out against plan c for traffic in Milton? It wasn't the Mayor.
Campaign time is right! They need not bother, I think the communiy is ready for new blood!
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