Courtesy 11alive.com
ROSWELL, Ga. -- Parents from the Edenwilde subdivision in Roswell let their windows and wheels to do the talking during a protest of the Fulton County Schools redistricting plan.
They gathered early Wednesday for a caravan to Milton High School.
"We're worried about safety and time traveled to school," said parent Krista Elema. "We're worried inexperienced drivers on the road."
Edenwilde sits in the city of Roswell, so the children attend Roswell High School and its feeder schools.
But Fulton County school officials are considering moving almost 500 students from Roswell to Milton High School to relieve overcrowding and fill the seats in a new high school that's now under construction.
Edenwilde parents took the streets to try to prove Crabapple Road, which leads to Milton, can't handle anymore traffic.
"It was worse than I thought it would be," said parent Kimberly Miller. "It's going to get worse. We were 50 cars or so, and it took us 30 minutes to go 2 miles."
Fulton County school officials have their own take on the traffic.
They believe redistricting will have no impact because when they add students to Milton High School, they'll take away students, sending them to the new school that will open in August of 2012.
The board will talk about the plan next week and vote on it next month.
Roswell Mayor Jere Wood plans to speak out against the redistricting plan during next week's school board meeting.
He'll urge the board to keep students together who live within the city limits.
The Fulton County Board of Education is a Bullying government entity that needs to have a reality check, they will make an utter catastrophe out of Crabapple and an utter mess and mockery of the city of Milton Traffic Plan. At least Roswell has a mayor who has a mouth and knows how to use it! We got Mimes on Milton city council!
Milton citizens whether you have kids or not this fight belongs to everyone in Milton who's tax money has been spent planning the future for Milton. Our tax money is being flushed down the toilet into our septic tanks thanks to the FCBOE and a silent Milton Council!
That picture is not backed up traffic. It is a figment of your imagination. Those are not cars lined up one after the other. You are hallucinating.
- Fulton County Board of Education
It's time to call in Ron Tesch for a solution to this fiasco.
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