Courtesy Large 4 Milton Inc
Dear Friends,
Over the next four weeks you are going to hear a lot from each candidate. Each will share with you their thoughts on the past, present and future. Some of it will sound familiar, but do not be mistaken. The differences are clear.
Make your online contribution=> https://large4milton.com/contribute
My vision for Milton starts with a steadfast belief that we absolutely must protect our heritage. My opponent will say something similar, but his actions are inconsistent. As a conservative, I believe our overall security begins and ends with securing our financial standing. This is the only way we can protect our heritage. According to Milton's 2030 Comprehensive Plan, in just two years our expenses could surpass our revenues. This means a deficit and this is a fact.
The same report goes on to say that the city lacks a capital plan. Our Mayor and several members of the Council have worked to create one, but my opponent blocks substantive progress on this issue. Worst yet, he has not initiated any initiatives to turn this tide.
Click here to join my team=> https://www.large4milton.com/contribute/volunteer-and-support
My wife and I chose to make Milton our home. We chose Milton because of its rural character and sense of community. Milton is unique. I want to preserve this heritage for generations to come. I have a plan to move our city forward.
Click here to see my platform => http://large4milton.com/platform
I have nearly 30 years of experience working in communities across the southeast. As a designer, I've worked with community groups, citizens and governments to build award winning parks, joint use facilities and community centers. I recently led projects in nearby communities such as Peachtree Ridge Park in Gwinnett County, the Cherokee County Airport and Fall Line Trace Trail in Columbus, all of which received awards for quality. I am experienced with low impact, traffic reducing, and environmentally sound projects like those under consideration in Milton. My opponent is a federal regulator; I do not regulate, I create. This is a fact, not fiction.
It is also fact that regulation is strangling our national and local economy. As a Conservative, I believe we must pay our bills and protect our heritage.
Other key facts: In spite of what my opponent says, Milton’s near 200 miles of roads are more than Alpharetta’s 175 miles and many of our roads need improving. Yet, Milton has the smallest operating budget in the region. Milton's population and its financial obligations will grow. If revenues fail to keep pace with obligations, our ability to provide those services that influence our quality of life will also be impacted.
Lance Large
There is no hope for you Lance, especially if you keep twisting the facts. For example, check your own video for the facts...you didn't even know you had moved to Milton until your wife was told by Alpharetta you lived at a Milton address and now you want to help run our city. The facts do not work in your favor Lance.
Federal employee and HOA president? He probably thinks every job he gets is for life. It bothered me to watch Tart's video and hear him wax poetic about term limits, "I don't know if I'll run for reelection, yada, yada, yada"
A true conservative wouldn't have already spent over $18,000 (including a $12,000 loan to himself) in campaign contributions with approx. one month left in the campaign. By comparison, AT has spent about $3,200, which is less than half the money LL has spent on campaign consultants alone. A conservative at least in the fiscal sense? Don't think so. http://media.ethics.ga.gov/Search/Campaign/Campaign_ByName.aspx
Tart's relative campaign investment is probably a function of his overconfidence.
Maybe...but none of the other candidates have spent more than $5k in this election yet either. With a city council salary of $13k per year, makes you wonder what's in it for him esp. since he works for an engineering firm.
Interesting that the developer who is putting in the gas station at Highway 9 and Bethany Bend (D-Squared Development) contributed to LL's campaign. LL spoke in favor of this application at the council meeting. Tart voted against it.
There's probably lots of people that support Large just because they don't like Tart, not because of a vast pro-development conspiracy theory.
Get real, 5:24. Drive by any large development in our city. Drive by any developer's house or property. You see two signs in the yard... Large and Kunz. Why is that? Why are the big money developers so bent on putting them into office?
Cruise through Duluth or Roswell at rush hour if you want to see their dream for a new Milton.
Are these the same "developments" where you shop and eat and whose property taxes pay to have our roads paved and intersections fixed? Give it up Julie. Your scare tactics no longer work in Milton.
Was Kool-Aid the featured cocktail at the party this week? Did they also hand out the 3D glasses required to see the vast pro-development conspiracy? Cruise through the Alansong subdivision if you want to see Tart's dream for a new Milton: a city run just like an HOA.
Sounds like yet another person who moved to an HOA and doesn't like it that he/she has to follow the rules. cry me a river...Alan Tart has been good for our neighborhood and city. He does what he says he will do. He is a consummate professional who works as hard in his volunteer positions as he does his paying job. This speaks to his work ethic and character. What's Lance done for his neighborhood or our city since he accidently moved here four years ago? oh, wait a minute............Nothing.
Then, why are Kunz/Large signs in the yards of small farms and humble homes?
Check out a replay of "Modern Family" in prime time tonight on ABC. It includes a good characterization of what an incumbent councilman like Tart can be like.
Thanks for bringing that up, 9:53 PM. [That's actually Pacific time; you must be losing sleep posting in the middle of the night]. Anyways: how many jobs, paid or otherwise, do voters want a candidate to have before they're spread too thin and become that "call-in and put me on speaker phone" guy?
The developers are paying our taxes and paving our roads? Most of us moved here because there ISN'T much commercial development. We expect to carry the cost of the place we decided to live.
Just because the largest commercial property owners and developers are funding his campaign and spreading signs on all of their land, doesn't make him a decent candidate.
Alan represents all of Milton. Most negative posters seem to have some personal problem or a vendetta. That is not objective and has nothing to do with results.
We need protection, not developer yes men.
Sounds like yet another lemming. Cry me a river...anybody who posts negatively about him has a personal problem or vendetta? Thinking that everyone must like you or they have a personal problem is a symptom of narcissistic personality disorder. Objectively, that's not an attractive quality for someone in office to have.
Sounds like "Hype" not "Heritage" and we are over the "hope" thing being used in politics.
When this is all said and done, Lance Large and Matt Kunz can thank Karen Thurman, Bill Lusk, Neil O'Brien, Rick Mohrig, Roger Santi, Ron Wallace, Adam Orkin for making utter fools of them in this town. You are being used like small town pooches to do the bidding of a select few with an agenda of development and profit.
To 9:10 Post re. :"Thinking that everyone must like you or they have a personal problem is a symptom of narcissistic personality disorder."
Its not "everyone." Its the few negative posters that are posting over and over again.
Does fire and police qualify for the services they are going to improve, such as hiring more police? Or just hire more overpaid parks directors who do nothing and have no vision for our 200 acre parkland? Or are we going to continue to improve BOE property and use tax payer money to lease it when we have a huge park we already own that we should be investing our money there???!!
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