A lot of people, all across the city and all across the board, economically and socially, have recently experienced tough times. And while things are slowly getting better - I think we're all thankful for that - the progress doesn't mean everything is fixed and back to normal.
In fact, what we considered normal before the downturn of 2008 might never come back - so it's time to reassess the situation and take stock of what matters now. It seems to me that it's exactly times like these when we need to open up our hearts, drop those cynical defenses, and be truthful about how lucky we are. I'll be the first.
First off, I’m thankful for my family and my friends. Without their love and support, life simply wouldn’t be as rich or fulfilling. On that note, my daughter will be coming home from her freshman year of college at Alabama for Thanksgiving break this year. I’m really looking forward to having her home again, if only for a little while.
I’m thankful for where we live. Of course I’m a bit biased, but Milton is a simply wonderful place to raise a family. It’s peaceful, quiet, and full of good folks willing to make their community something special.
I’m sure everyone has their Thanksgiving traditions. At the Lockwood household, family comes from all over to share time and have a great meal. Both my wife and I have extended families that stay with us, so it’s a busy place come the end of November.
When the meal’s done, we like to get out and see if there are any holiday decorations up yet. I know it’s a bit early, but nothing gets you in the holiday mood quicker.
While I’m out looking this year, I hope to see some of you out there as well.
Oh, and make sure to block off time on Saturday, Dec. 4 for Milton’s two holiday events – Christmas in Crabapple and the Annual Tree Lighting. It will be an entire day of holiday cheer, and in multiple places in the city. Keep your eyes peeled for more information about the events. Staff is working on them right now, so it’s coming soon.
Have a great November, and, as always, my door is open at City Hall if you have comments, questions or concerns.
Mayor Joe Lockwood
In regards to your statement above
"It’s peaceful, quiet...", you obviously haven't seen the following videos:
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
Tim I love your toon.
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