Monday, Nov. 15, 2010 Regular Scheduled Meeting Agenda 6:00 PM
INVOCATION - Chairman & Imam Tareef Saeb, Hamzah Islamic Center
2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Led by the Mayor)
3) APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA (Add or remove items from the agenda) (Agenda Item No. 10-1283)
4) PUBLIC COMMENT 5) CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the October 18, 2010 Regular Council Meeting Minutes. (Agenda Item No. 10-1284) (Sudie Gordon, City Clerk)
2. Approval of the November 1, 2010 Regular Council Meeting Minutes. (Agenda Item No. 10-1285) (Sudie Gordon, City Clerk)
1. A Proclamation Recognizing Hunt Tosh, Winner of Chronicle of the Horse/USHJA International Hunter Derby. (Presented by Councilmember Karen Thurman)
2. A Proclamation Recognizing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Day. (Presented by Mayor Joe Lockwood)
1. Presentation of the City of Milton's Draft 2030 Comprehensive Plan: The Community Agenda. (Agenda Item No. 10-1286) (Previously Introduced at November 1, 2010 Special Called Work Session) (Presented by Michele McIntosh-Ross, City Planner)
1. Approval of a Text Amendment to Chapter 54, Telecommunications of the City of Milton Code of Ordinances, Sections 54-4.(3), 54-7.(b), 54-11, and 54-21.(1). (Agenda Item No. 10-1287) (Presented by Lynn Tully, Community Development Director)
2. Approval of a Text Amendment to Replace in its entirety Appendix A, Fees and Other Charges of the City of Milton Code of Ordinances. (Agenda Item No. 10-1288) (Presented by Lynn Tully, Community Development Director)
1. RZ10-05/U10-01/VC10-03 - Deerfield Parkway (West Side) by Alpharetta Land Partners to rezone from C-1 (Community Business) and O-I (Office-Institutional) to C-1 (Community Business) with a Use Permit to construct a Special School for a transitions vocational school for adult students at least eighteen years of age with autism and an assisted living facility for autistic adults with 72 studios. The applicant is also requesting a concurrent variance to:
1) Allow the exterior wall materials of all non-residential buildings and townhouse, duplex and multifamily buildings to consist of a minimum of 65 percent in lieu of 75 percent (per vertical wall plane) of the following: brick or natural stone [Section 64-1095(p)] for the assisted living facility;
2) Allow accent building materials for all non-residential buildings and also townhouse, duplex and multifamily units to be limited to a maximum of 35 percent in lieu of 25 percent brick, tile, non-reflective glass, natural stone and weathered, polished or fluted face, with fluted, split-face, broken face finish, Portland cement plaster and lath systems, architectural (either precast or tilt-up) concrete (fluted or with exposed finish) or Hardi-Plank [Section 64-1095(q)] for the assisted living facility;
3) Allow the following exterior siding colors as produced by Cabot Solid stains to be permitted: Napa Vine, Newport Blue, Brickstone, Colonial Yellow, [Section 64-1095(t)] for the assisted living facility. (Agenda Item No. 10-1279)
(First Presentation on November 1, 2010) (Lynn Tully, Community Development Director)
2. U10-02/VC10-04 - 13120 Arnold Mill Road by Frank Schaffer, The Landscape Group, Inc. for Use Permit for a Landscaping Business (Section 64-1820) and a 4-part concurrent variance in the existing buildings:1) Beginning at a point on the west property line at the northwestern property corner; to reduce a portion of the 50-foot buffer and 10-foot improvement setback to 0 feet beginning at a point on the west property line at the northwestern property corner for a total distance of 126 feet to a point on the west property line located 126 feet south of the northwestern property corner (Section 64-1141.3.a);
2) Beginning at a point on the east property line located 40 feet south of the northeastern property corner; to reduce a portion of the 50-foot buffer and 10-foot improvement setback be reduced to a 30-foot undisturbed buffer with a 10-foot improvement setback for a total distance of 98 feet to a point on the east property line located 138 feet south of the northeastern property corner (Section 64-1141.3.a);
3) To reduce the 50-foot building setback to a 44.09-foot setback for the warehouse along the east property line [Section 64-1820(b)3];
4) To reduce the 50-foot building setback to a 47.58-foot setback for the warehouse and a 28.25-foot setback for the steps to the office deck along the west property line [Section 64-1820(b)3].
(Agenda Item No. 10-1280)
(First Presentation on November 1, 2010)
(Lynn Tully, Community Development Director)
3. Public Hearing for Possible Rescission and Reconsideration of Previous Council Denial of Zoning Case RZ10-01 pursuant to Order of Remand. (Agenda Item No. 10-1269) (Deferred at October 18, 2010 Council Meeting - Public Comment was Heard)
(Lynn Tully, Community Development Director)
1. Approval of an Ordinance Establishing Solid Waste Collection Services within the City of Milton; Providing for the Scope and Nature of the Operation; Providing for The Disposal of Garbage, Solid Waste and Refuse; Requiring the Execution by Service Providers of a Non-Exclusive Agreement with the City of Milton; Providing Procedures for the Handling of Complaints; Providing for an Infrastructure Maintenance Fee; Requiring Indemnity Insurance; Providing for Revocation and Amendment; Prohibiting Assignment and Subletting without Consent; Providing for Forfeiture; and for Making Other Provisions. (Agenda Item No. 10-1278)
(First Presentation on November 1, 2010) (Matt Marietta, Fire Marshall)
14) ADJOURNMENT (Agenda Item No. 10-1289)
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