The following information has been provided to us by Katherine Fies of the Milton Police Department regarding the severe wreck that took place at the intersection of Bethany Road and Hagood Road earlier this month. Many thanks to Mrs. Fies and the wonderful Milton Police Depaartment for helping these people in need and providing with the information.
SEX: Female.
VEHICLE: 1996 Ford Explorer.
SEX: Female.
VEHICLE: 2008 Ford Expedition.
INJURED TAKEN TO: North Fulton Hospital
BY: Rural Metro
Driver #1 stated she was on Bethany Bend attempting to make a left turn onto Haygood Rd when she was struck by vehicle #2. Due to the injuries suffered by driver #1, she could not remember exact details of the accident. Driver #1 suffered lacerations to her head, along with pain in her left arm and neck. Driver #1 was transported to North Fulton Hospital by Rural Metro Ambulance. Vehicle #1 has extensive damage to the drivers side and was removed from the scene by United Towing. Driver # 2 said she was traveling north bound on Haygood Rd, approaching Bethany Bend , when vehicle #1 pulled out in front of her. Driver #2 said she was not able to stop in enough time and struck vehicle #1. Driver #2 had a visible injury to her right hand, chest, and back and neck pain. She was transported to North Fulton Hosptial by Rural Metro Ambulance. Passengers #2 and #3 refused EMS transport and were released to their father on the scene.
Witness #1, who was on south bound on Haygood Rd approaching Bethany Bend, said driver #1 did not stop for the stop sign and pulled into the path of vehicle #2. Witness #1 said vehicle #2 could not stop in enough time to avoid accident.
Driver #1 was cited for disregard of a stop sign (OCGA-40-6-73) and was assigned a court date of March 15th, 2010 at 1330 hours. Driver #2 was issued a case card with a case number for the accident.
Does it really matter whether Idiot #1 stopped?
No, because she pulled in front of Driver #2, so stop or no stop, she's still at fault.
How does one not see another vehicle coming right at them? Use your eyes and mind when you drive, and do it with heart, people.
Was #1 on the phone? That's usually the case.
Travis, if idiot #1 had been your mother, would you have labeled her as idiot #1 or driver #1?
Appears the investigating officer was not sure of the correct name of the roads at this accident site.
That depends, anonymous prick #1...
If she had been at fault and hadn't stopped, then yes, she'd still be idiot #1.
Fortunately my mother can read and recognizes those 4 big letters...STOP on the big red octagon.
And, to agree with the poster following you, apparently people still haven't figured out all the Bethanys...this would have been Bethany Way, not Bethany Bend.
And if she turned left from Bethany Way, it would be on Bethany Rd. If she'd turned right it would be on Haygood Rd.
Tim, can you edit or delete Travis' filthy posts? He starts with bad language and then gets very nasty because he can't take constructive criticism or listen to another point of view.
That depends, anonymous jerk #1...
If she had been at fault and hadn't stopped, then yes, she'd still be idiot #1.
Fortunately my mother can read and recognizes those 4 big letters...STOP on the big red octagon.
And, to agree with the poster following you, apparently people still haven't figured out all the Bethanys...this would have been Bethany Way, not Bethany Bend.
Looks like ole Travis has a burr under his saddle.
No, just sick of all the bad drivers on our roads.
Cell phones practically didn't exist 20 years ago, so I'm sure people made out okay while driving without talking on them.
Too many people not paying attention to what they are doing. I think they should make people re-take their driver's license tests every 5-10 years...I think you'd we surprised at how many would fail.
Well tell your old man to quit getting drunk and speeding all over in that Cobra all the time then!
Hey Travis, now that you've straightened us out about the stop sign deal, why not wade into the "NO LOVE LOST BETWEEN FULTON, CITIES" and see if you can clear this up for us.
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