MILTON - We have recieved numerous emails asking if we knew why Council Member Zahner Bailey's website; www.julie4milton.com has been offline for the last few days.
Per request, we have sent Mrs. Zahner Bailey emails asking the same to both her city and website emails.
If and when we receive a response, we will post it here.
Have a Milton question? Email us at
tmenloe@aol.com and we will be happy to find the answer!
imlaiShe has been "chippin" trees dummy! Also please note that her landscape business is not a big impact retail business.
Where are the decent people in the city of Milton? First comment is totally unnecessary.
I saw the Bailey Burban, with the stickers removed thanks to the BOE, at the funeral home today?
It is now up to Jon "Mc" Fail to carry on the tradition with Jack and his lovely wife Francine.
Please dont mind the bloody red colored chip and be proud you are part of history.
Sorry, but why do we care?
who actually does care?
Numerous emails??? Numerous. Oh yeah, like anyone would believe that. Stirring up a little controversy perhaps. I agree, who cares. Must not have an article to copy, newsroom slow today?
I've got a newsflash for you. Major accident on Hopewell Road. "Numerous" sirens.
You sure do have a tremendous amount of time on your hands and it appears you have no new years resolution to become a better human being and contribute to humanity.
Last commentor, you may want to look in the mirror. This news is Stupid, Boring and Insignificant.
Does anyone know if she really was thrown thru the chipper?
yes she was and is still arguing with it right now
If it's so boring and insignificant than why are you reading it and blogging several times. Attracted to things like yourself?
No, to you. Lol.
She is really a loser!
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