Bethany Way Residence.
By Accessmilton.com
Over the course of the past two weeks, vandals have destroyed or damaged numerous mailboxes throughout the city.
While incidents have occured on both Providence and Birmingham Roads, most recently residents on Bethany Bend and Bethany Way were victims. (Out of respect, we have deleted the address numbers in the photos above. )
Due to no notice being sent out, it has been requested that we contact the city manager, police chief, city council, and city council-elect with the hopes of finding out what is being done to apprehend those responsible.
Therefore, the following email was sent late Sunday evening:
"All - Recently, there has been numerous mailboxes destroyed in Milton's open road neighborhoods. Accessmilton.com has received inquires asking what is be done to address the vandalism taking place in these residential nodes.
Also, please advise how many officers have been on duty each night over the course of the past two weeks.
Any responses given will be posted on Accessmilton.com.
Thank you for addressing the concerns of Milton Citizens.
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552"
If and when we recieve responses, they will be posted. If you or someone you know experiences this or any other type of vandalism, we encourage you to report it to the authorities and then Accessmilton.com at tim.enloe@yahoo.com.
Tim, there is some doubt as to whether this bunch at Milton is capable of tracking an elephant in the snow.
This prank has been going on for decadescwhere teenagers hang out their car windows smashing mailboxes w baseball bats. It's easier on open roads due to the faster speeds to do this as opposed to neighborhoods. Plus many open road mailboxes are practically on the road making them easy targets for kids. Good luck mpd tying to catch these kids. If it was their fathers mailbox they would see how funny it is, it's not.
Maybe a watch program would be more likely to catch them. Plus knowing we hardly have any police coverage entices the kids to think they can get away with it easily.
Well since the police dept. gets rid of the "REAL" police officer's all but a few hand full(6 or so good ones) and now only wants bodies that drive and be seen...That dept couldn't locate sugar in a sugar factory..
As long as the "Bloom" remains on the bush, do you really think anything will change for the better in the MPD?
our mail box has been smashed 4 times in the last 2 months. once with a bat, twice with a pumpkin and our mailbox got hit again today at 3 pm with a nice piece of high school made pottery. they dented our new indestructible mailbox.
we plan to get with the milton high school ceramics teachers and match up the art work to the student. they wrote profanity on the bottom of the pottery and we were able to piece together the message "destination mailbox" written on the side with a marker.
our teenagers believe the students are milton sophomores. it seems they may be bragging to other students. we'll get em.
Who is the bloom so we can get rid of it?
627 i disagree, i believ em track a elephant and it was in the snow...what you tink dey was doing last year ice storm ca it they sho werent on them roads cuzz i hit dat pole on hopwel and it hurt tanks alot
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