We have a new poll up. In light of the recent poll's results which showed the overwhelming majority do not want Birmingham Park to offer equestrian facilities, we thought it might be nice to piggy back on those results this time around...
"Should the city change it's borrowed horse logo to something else?"
Have your say today!
Here are the results from Accessmilton.com's most recent poll.=>

great poll!!! why not change it to joker sense thjis cities a joke?
The City of Milton should keep the horse. Access Milton should give it up.
i like the city's use of the enloego
The city's logo should be changed from a horse to a highrise building. The question for the next poll: Should Milton's name should be changed to Orkinville or Wallace Station?
Why do you say that the horse logo was borrowed? Who or what was it borrowed from? By the way, I think we should keep it. I don't have a horse or want one but I think the logo is fine as it is.
8.57 = in regards to our reference of "borrowed" Please review the following story posted a while back.
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
colectorI remember when the city did take the accessmilton logo as theirs. In my thoughts, this is theft by our city.
Should have added a question to the poll, do you live in a subdivision or on over 3 acres of land. Poll is skewed.
I grew up on around 3 acres of land in what is now Milton and I voted against it, is that skewed?
I live in a subdivision, voted against equestrian facilities in the previous poll, and voted to keep the horse logo in this poll.
517 what a hypocrit you are you want the fake image of a horse to rep the citie but you dont want the largest park in the citie to offer equestrian facilities that is the probelm with you sd people; all about image with out any substance
5:17 here-you don't know me at all. I'd like to see the largest park in the city offer services that the majority of Miltonians can use. Get a clue 10:56am, not everyone in Milton owns a horse.
ucra5:29 am - What's the problem with equistrian facilities at the largest park in the city??
To the one guy on 3 acres, yes.
most of the bloggies on this site are subdivies, not landies.
New poll Tim:
Bloggers are you:
1. subdivision dweller
2. large tract land dweller (over 3 acres) not in subdivision.
How is living on 3 acres and voting against equestrian facilities skewed? I've lived here my entire life and I don't own a horse, and don't identify with "equestrian culture" in the least.
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