By Accessmilton.com
For those unaware, currently there is a conflict between the City of Alpharetta and
an Islamic Center looking to expand it's facility on Rucker Road.
In May of 2011, the Feds actually came and investigated the situation.
To read more on www.ajc.com, please click here=>
Wsb ran coverage here=>
Rumor has recently come to surface that members might look to relocate their place of worship...possibly to Milton.
It should be stressed that this is strictly RUMOR; we have nothing concrete proving either way.
However, Accessmilton.com will always list both fact as well as possible fact for discussion by the citizens of Milton.
Once again, this blog lights a match, then sits back to watch who runs around and tries to stomp out the flames.
That would be wonderful.
stoke up some fire tim
Rumor, hmmmm, do we get a rumor report when a christian church wants to open?
Sounds like xenophobia to me.
Tell us 5:19 AM, would you welcome a mosque in our city? Come on now, let us know your feelings.
The more the Merrier!
Another lot in Milton that doesn't pay taxes.
Hey Tim didn't you say that Milton was the land of schools and churches, someone coined that phrase.
Instant plummet of property values.
But hey you have no right to protect your property value do you, not when it comes to a church being built next to you. Church wins, you lose.
Would a Christian Church or a Muslim Mosque cause more devaluation of one's property?
The more the Merrier!
Another lot in Milton that doesn't pay taxes.
Hey Tim didn't you say that Milton was the land of schools and churches, someone coined that phrase.
Instant plummet of property values.
But hey you have no right to protect your property value do you, not when it comes to a church being built next to you. Church wins, you lose.
Would a Christian Church or a Muslim Mosque cause more devaluation of one's property?
Believe it would drastically hit values if a mosque was built on bethany. It can happen. Let's welcome them foreigners. Ain't that right 5:19 AM. What a loser.
I can't wait to have a bunch of muslims "praying" here in Milton. just what we need.
Call the ACLU.
Merry Christmas to ALL!
We should ban all church buildings within the city limits. That will fix the issue.
And while we are at it, any private schools that are associated with a church - we can't support that type of education.
If only everyone were atheists, we would be so much better off.
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