While you have probably seen e-blasts and press releases up to your chin, let me take this last-minute opportunity to remind you about the Milton EarthDay Festival sponsored by MGG, THIS SATURDAY in Birmingham PArk from 10-3. It's free, and there will be fun activities, carriage rides, walking tours, displays by vendors of Earth-friendly products and food provided by Milton restaurants that are interested in a greener food/waste cycle, some of which have already made great strides in improving their packaging, water conservation and incorporating local produce. I hope you'll join us, and bring your neighbors! Have a great day in the park, celebrate EarthDay, and learn about environmentally-preferable actions you can take today and in the future.
Jon McPhail
Jon McPhail & Associates, LLC
P.O. Box 783
Alpharetta, GA 30009-0783
770-442-9566 (V)
770-442-1834 (F)
Jon, are you partnered up with Gordon to give tours and smiles?
How come the community did not come to this event? Really, how come?? Please don't respond with the smart A-- comments about Bailey, I just am trying to understand why it was poorly attended,as it was well advertised. Any real answers or opinions, please post your thoughts?
Only serious responses please!
I can tell you why, but it might take some time.
Give me a call.
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
Do it on a Sunday afternoon next year - I would have loved to but had kids sports all day Saturday as did hunderds of other city residents.
Where's the Park? The City should have a Park Opening Event, so everyone knows where it is and what is available..Most people think its just a chunk of land set aside for a park, and nothing there.
Earth day, Smurf Day! Go feed the hungry instead with all that green energy inside you!
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