From The Milton Beacon
By John Fredericks / Staff Editor's note: The Beacon does not endorse political candidates nor does it take advocacy positions on local issues. The following article is a subjective analysis of the November municipal elections in the cities the Beacon covers.
In the 1968 U.S. presidential election, independent candidate and Alabama Governor George C.Wallace justified his long-shot bid for the White House by using the now infamous catch phrase, "there ain't a dime's worth of difference" between the other two candidates, Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Hubert Humphrey. Not so in this election.
Area voters have very stark choices in deciding who is in and who is out.
All races are elected at large (all residents of each city elect each candidate).
Here is a candid assessment of the races, the candidates and the politics behind each campaign.
There are three City Council seats open and each incumbent is running for re-election after having served less than one year. The elections were staggered to bring Milton into compliance with Georgia law regarding municipal election cycles.
Under normal circumstances in a new city with a newly formulated charter and a new government, one would think even first-year incumbents would be a shoo-in for re-election. It's only been a year; give them a fighting chance, right?
Not so in Milton. These are not normal times and not normal circumstances. The first year of the city government's existence might be described by some as chaotic at best and a calamity at worst.
Unfortunately for the incumbents, many of their successes, like getting both their police and fire departments fully staffed and operational in their first year as a functioning government,are overshadowed by the three primary gaffes that have plagued the city of Milton in their first year. These include Mayor Joe Lockwood's losing battle with Georgia State Representative Jan Jones over changes she made to the city charter that resulted in a messy ethics charge levied against him by several of his Council opponents, the city manager's failure to file the necessary paperwork on time that has at least temporarily cost the city over $850,000 in lost state funding(the city manager has since resigned) and the awkward-looking decision by City Council to engage in private team building exercises with an industrial psychologist.
Milton District Two
Julie Zahner-Bailey, a twelve-year, vociferous and tireless community advocate with an astonishing record of success at the community activist level may have had a difficult time transitioning that record of accomplishment to a functioning city government.
Capturing just over 50 percent of the popular vote in her maiden quest for public office and besting two other candidates just one year ago, Zahner-Bailey garnered nearly 3,600 votes and was the leading vote getter among Council candidates on Election Day. She won outright and avoided a run-off by drawing a plurality of just under 51 percent.
A year later she is facing a very stiff challenge from a formidable candidate who she handily defeated last time, CPA and Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) appointee Roger Santi. Zahner-Bailey is in for the race of her life.What gives?
Zahner-Bailey is intense, focused and very passionate about her mission as it relates to the City of Milton. "I have consistently dedicated the last four years to the city of Milton and my experience and leadership are key factors in my ability to bring good stewardship to our new city."
The incumbent is a former corporate finance executive with Citibank and Equifax and is currently substitute teaching in Fulton County while she raises her family. Zahner-Bailey added, "I am supported by a broad base of listeners.Mayor Lockwood supports my efforts in Council." Regarding the campaign, Zahner-Bailey said, "I am continuing to work on Council and I fully focused on the issues facing our city. I will not let this campaign deter my efforts or distract me. I am truly humbled by the support and encouragement I continue to receive from the community I serve."
She defined her re-election effort this way, "My campaign is about stewardship. In one year we have got the city up and running, created a fully functioning public safety department and created and passed a balanced budget."
When asked about the missing $850,000, Zahner-Bailey skirted direct accountability and said, "Our governing charter clearly defines our role in issues such as these and this was the sole responsibility of our city manager. We have a strong city manager form of government in Milton and this was not something council should have been involved in, according to our governing charter."
The candidate would not disclose the amount of money her campaign has raised to date nor would she offer up a fundraising goal.
She depicted her two-time opponent this way: "He serves up rhetoric." "The real issue in this campaign is the risks we face. The risks of over-development, of special interests and of downgrading our quality of life are key issues facing our future.My mandate remains clear.My pledge to the citizens of Milton is to govern with consistent application of our land use plan and to restrict sewage facility growth."
Zahner-Bailey summed up the race this way, "What drives me is that we all have a common mission, which is to build a great city of Milton.We are at a critical point in our city's future and my pledge to protect our quality of life while finding long-term solutions for easing traffic and building more parks and recreation facilities for our residents are key factors in my relationship with our community."
Roger Santi ran against Zahner-Bailey last go around and got 1,000 votes to her 3,600. Gordon Hunter came in second with about 2,500. Gordon Hunter is now supporting Santi and has taken a position in his campaign organization.
Santi is a CPA with his own practice. He was appointed to the Atlanta Regional Commission district 12 by Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel and has served two years of a four-year term.
Santi says his name recognition is increasing steadily and he plans to campaign vigorously to defeat the incumbent. He partially blames her for the missing $850,000 and said, "While my opponent was focused on getting a salary increase for city council members the deadline came and went with no oversight. If I were there I would have pulled out all the key dates in the documents and made sure I had followed up on their implementation."
Santi also classified Zahner-Bailey as a "divisive force" inside City Council and said, "My opponent is the primary reason the Council's meetings go on until 2 a.m. She does most of the talking and attempts to wear everyone down to get her way. This approach may have served her community activist agenda well but it is [anathema] to building consensus and running a city government."
Referring to Zahner-Bailey as the "town bully," Santi pledged to bring order and process to the Council. "I am a unifying force that will bring different views and factions together to get the best solutions for our city." He cited his divorce mediation experience as his baseline for promising to do that.
Santi also outlined his financial analysis experience and said,"My financial knowledge will be a very important asset to making sure we have the appropriate fiduciary oversight as well as maximizing our ability to secure all available grants and funding. The challenger listed two of his key supporters as U.S. House Representative John Linder (R-GA/ 7th D) and Fulton County Commissioner Lynne Riley. "My support from the business community is very deep. Zahner-Bailey is the automatic "no" vote on most zoning requests. She wants to keep Milton just like it is now forever and simply ignore growth and progress. This is a short-sighted and simply not feasible. There has to be a responsible balance between controlled growth and resident quality of life." Santi concluded, "Many people in the business community are afraid of Julie Zahner-Bailey."
The Santi campaign has "so far raised several thousand dollars," said the candidate. "We anticipate raising $50-$60,000 and we are prepared to do what it takes to win this seat. The stakes are high and many of our supporters are very motivated to end her tenure." "I will knock on every door and talk to as many people as I can. We need a change."
This race has all the makings of an old fashioned humdinger with a knock down drag out atmosphere. This is the classic confrontation of business vs. community activism as it pitsthe longstanding public advocate against the upstart businessman and entrepreneur. Both of these candidates have intensity, both have an inspired base and both are very tough street fighters. Both are also highly intelligent and equally passionate in their beliefs. Zahner-Bailey has a huge edge in ground troops (volunteers) and Santi will have a tremendous advantage in funding.
This race is as much a referendum on Zahner-Bailey as it is about Santi.
Zahner-Bailey needs to get her entire contingent of supporters out on Election Day. She will need 3,000 votes to win again. This is a tall order in an off year. However, this candidate is not to be under-estimated as she is a relentless campaigner and a tireless worker.
If and when Santi goes negative, Zahner-Bailey has to stay off the defensive. If she doesn't, Santi will gain the initiative.
Santi is for real. He has one losing campaign under his belt where he got his clock cleaned and he has learned from that first foray. Santi must raise all of $50,000 and use every penny of it to get his name recognition to an acceptable level and to continue to highlight his differences with his opponent.
The Santi campaign has a lot of negative fodder to toss out on Zahner-Bailey and they can't be shy about using it. It appears they aren't. His supporters want her out as much as they want him in. He has to get the business community out in droves as he paints her as an obstacle to progress and growth. He must inspire new voters who did not participate in 2006 to come out this time and punch his ticket.
Zahner-Bailey is vulnerable on the issue of the dysfunction within the Milton City Council. Although she is the incumbent and has a 12-year track record of selfless community service, she is the underdog in this race.
Santi will likely take this seat.
The dysfunction on City Council arises from the 4 Council members, Lusk, O'Brien, Thurman, and Mohrig don't get their way. Julie is the check and balance on them running away with decisions on Council. Thank God she questions and seeks clarity. Roger Santi is a pawn and will bring unity by going along with the other 4 Council members stated. Go ahead and spend another 50,000 dollars on campaigning Santi. Why didn't Karen Thurman find out about the 850,000? Is she not a CPA?
I was under the impression that the individual should get the votes based on who they are and what they stand for, not votes based on how much money you spend on campaigning! I guess that's why Mitt Romney thinks he can get into the White House, since he has the most money! You won't get my vote if you spend 1 Million Dollars Mr. Santi! Money and Name recognition does not make you the right person for City Council. Gordon Hunter, SHAME ON YOU for supporting Santi!
Over It - Milton
Was anyone who reads this blog at the Council meeting last night? What did you think of the "political speech" Roger Santi gave against Julie during Public Comment? Who is calling who the town Bully now?
Then I watched one of the Sons of the American Revolution congratulate him on his comment and practically give Roger Santi a high five. Isn't there something wrong with this behavior at a Council meeting? The disrespect of our Council has now become mainstream and even a "Son of the American Revolution" in Milton publicly acted inappropriate in my opinion. Does his behavior reflect Americanism?
What about the behavior of Council member Bill Lusk? I wish more people heard what he said and saw what happened up there? It's disgusting. Yes, I realize some of YOU read this blog. You should be ashamed of yourself. Stop the public display of your grievances!
Take your personal feelings and disrepect OFFLINE and don't air it in Public. Surely you knew about this during your work session! Did the four of you (you know who you area) speak up and declare your opposition then or did you wait to spring it on D-Aversa and save it for the Public to witness.
You all have been an embarrasment by your behavior up there for almost one year now. Grow up already!
You all know who I am
Was anyone who reads this blog at the Council meeting last night? What did you think of the "political speech" Roger Santi gave against Julie during Public Comment? Who is calling who the town Bully now?
Then I watched one of the Sons of the American Revolution congratulate him on his comment and practically give Roger Santi a high five. Isn't there something wrong with this behavior at a Council meeting? The disrespect of our Council has now become mainstream and even a "Son of the American Revolution" in Milton publicly acted inappropriate in my opinion. Does his behavior reflect Americanism?
What about the behavior of Council member Bill Lusk? I wish more people heard what he said and saw what happened up there? It's disgusting. Yes, I realize some of YOU read this blog. You should be ashamed of yourself. Stop the public display of your grievances!
Take your personal feelings and disrepect OFFLINE and don't air it in Public. Surely you knew about this during your work session! Did the four of you (you know who you area) speak up and declare your opposition then or did you wait to spring it on D-Aversa and save it for the Public to witness.
You all have been an embarrasment by your behavior up there for almost one year now. Grow up already!
You all know who I am
To the Milton Beacon,
You think Santi will win even though Bailey has dedicated over 12 years to our Community. You say that Santi represents the business people and the developers of Milton. You state that Julie is the underdog because she represents the majority of community who do not do business within our City limits?
You say it all right here in your editorial. You must be a political paper. For heaven's sake, you just started in Milton. You've added fuel to the fire on our Council instead of what you could be doing which is educating readers.
I wasn't at the council meeting last night, can someone please give me a brief recap of the events.
RE:(the quote from above article under Jeannie)
The article from the Milton Beacon (scroll down) is a "kill off" on Santi's campaign -just read it.
It truly showed Santi's intentions and who is supporting him.
"My support from the business community is very deep." -Santi
Zahner-Bailey has a huge edge in ground troops (volunteers) and Santi will have a tremendous advantage in funding. - The Beacon
(The "ground troops" are the citizens that live in Milton and are the people that should be represented first and foremost)
This is the classic confrontation of business vs. community activism as it pits the longstanding public advocate against the upstart businessman and entrepreneur.- The Beacon
(yes it is and Santi appears to have only the support of those who stand to gain monitarily by the development of Milton) Bad move Santi -- you should have sought the balance between the people and business.
Gordon Hunter is now supporting Santi and has taken a position in his campaign organization. - The Beacon
The mistake the Hunters have made is attacking the character of people they do not know. It discredits Santi's campaign.
The article was too revealing and has hurt Santi.
Wanta bet....Santi promised to buy xmas trees from Gordon!!
Can someone please tell me what was said last night by Santi and what exactly Lusk did?
Travis Allen
Sorry, for not being there, I was busy serving my community by putting up signs for something positive, the Milton Roundup Celebration that will be held next Saturday, the 29th, at Birmingham United Methodist Church from 3 to 8.
Travis Allen
For those that did not attend the city council meeting last night:
Roger Santi continued his negative campaign against Julie Bailey, as expected, and made some ugly comments about the city presenting her with a proclamation addressing her work for "Rivers alive".
Can you imagine someone with this negative type of mind set actually representing the City..........?
Oh that reminds me.........?
and Bill Lusk made a complete ass of himself by commenting publically about how he didn't support this and wanted his name off of it, etc.
Keep in mind there were families, boy scout troops, and citizens in this meeting, not to mention city empoyees and the rest of council.
Four council members wouldn't even stand up for the pictures.
You didn't see this kind of behavior when Jan Jones got her proclamation?
True indication of who these people really are!
Hopefully the citizens of Milton have come to realize that four members of Council need to be removed. They are simply puppets for J.J. These four even refused to support a member of the council for doing something outstanding - which these four have never done. Bill Luck, Neal O"Brien, Thurman and Mohrig are an embarassment to Milton.
Can't print the commonly used slang when describing such a group, acting in such a manner. There are times when one has to act civil, although one does not agree with action being taken.
Rectum Aperture applies to the named group, don't you think?
Yes, they are definitely embarrassing the City.
The four mentioned council members have definetly proven the fact that they are puppets and have no class.
Let me tell you just how much class those four do not have!! Karen Thurman is calling residents in Milton and bad mouthing Burt Hewitt. Is she an idiot or what? Another Bully!! I can't stand her anymore. She is a spoiled brat too. Her big Daddy is a big developer, no wonder she favors Neil O'Brien and Roger Santi. Be advised the sewers are coming as long as she is on our council and same goes for Big Bully Santi.
Just say no to Santi this Nov 6th!
I have often wondered how many of these "Developer haters" built their own houses from hand hewd fallen logs or made their own adobe.
I wonder how many of them built their own roads and installed their own utilities.
I wonder if they ever go to a store for food or clothing for their family.
I wonder how many of them don't have IRA's but whose family's have worked the land for generations and that land is their main net worth.
I wonder how many of them want some politician telling them what they can or can not do with their investment in land.
I wonder how the Bailey's would make a living without those nasty developers.
I wonder why managed growth isn't better than no growth?
I wonder if the phrase Agrarian /Equestrian enviornment is pure folly.
I wonder if the days of making a living in agriculture in Milton aren't
l-o-n-g gone and weren't so great when they were here. I
I wonder if increased Property taxes haven't changed rural land into suburbs and cities for centuries in America.
I wonder if agriculture is good for the ecosystem. I think, pig sty, silage pit, dust-bowl or Africa.
I wonder if the problem people isn't people.
I wonder if we want to go to some Orwellian society........
I wonder if it isn't time to consider Pogo.
"We have net the enemy and he is us"
But mostly, I wonder if someone will.........
And reply politely.
Guess it depends on what your definition of is, is.
Or better yet it might be what your definition of if, is.
Replying as politely as I can...makes one wonder if the full moon last night had any bearing on your becoming the great wonderer or whether you been wondering for quite some time.
I wonder if you continue to wonder, after pondering, over your wonder questions, whether some answers will come to you.
Just wondering
Now I know the voters of Milton.
Or at least the poster of this board.
"res ipsa loquitor"
Is there a responsible alternative to this site to have sane serious discussion on important issues-or is this dribble the norm for Milton
"res ipsa loquitor" Counselor, if I didn't know better, I'd think you are using some legalese.
Some in legal field do have problems with spelling.
We do sometimes dribble and have been called for double dribbling, ....just trying to emulate the "big four" on council.
You wonder?
I wonder...
if Santi/O'Brien/Mohrig are only truly interested the concerns of Milton residents or in their own bank account and political career.
I wonder...
how much construction work Rick Mohrig does on Jan Jones' home.
I wonder...
why you think people who support Julie Bailey are all "developer haters".
I wonder...
if, whoever wrote the original "I wonder" post, built their own adobe.
I wonder...
if Bailey haters are such just because she puts a wrench in their plans. I doubt she hates anybody and certainly not developers.
I wonder...
if everyone wants to do with their land what you think they do or is it what YOU want them to do.
I wonder...
how Bailey haters make their living, or soon will, when they bring sewer extension.
I wonder...
not if but why the majority of Santi, O'Brien and Mohrig supporters are the developers and/or those who stand to profit with them on our Council.
I wonder...
why Rick Mohrig appointed someone who does not appear to own property in our city limits, to our city planning committee.
I wonder...
if you think it is okay that Karen Thurman, Councilperson District 1, is calling people in the City of Milton and telling them that Burt Hewitt beats his wife and other disgusting comments just so Neal O'Brien has even a slim chance in winning since they are such buddies.
I wonder...
if you think it is okay that Santi and Hunter are "touring" the baseball fields and other sports events to bad mouth Julie Bailey (so very tacky around the children she has taught in our schools). Newsflash: Word travels fast around here.
I wonder...
if you think it okay that Neal O'Brien was caught in the City Mangers office going thru files - in the dark, in the middle of the night, holding a flashlight. I wonder what he was looking for and if he knew that people were watching?
I wonder...
if you think evil can win over goodness in Milton.
I wonder...
who will win
Regardless, it is indeed a wonderful world.
Is Karen Thurman really spreading gossip and lies about Burt Hewitt? It really gives you a good sence about where her "buddies" campaigns are going!
Is it true that Neal was caught after hours snooping in the City managers office?
What is going on here? Why weren't charges brought against him? Who caught him and where is the story??? If this has been in the news and I have missed it somebody please tell me where the article is or post it. Why is he in the city managers office & what was he looking for?
Does this have something to do with the release of our City Manager?
Maybe people are scared to death they will lose their jobs if they speak up!
Dear people who don't think Ms Bailey is capable of bad mouthing people. She did me and it was a bald face lie designed for the single purpose to get her way. Honestly, although I have met her, I do not know her personally and I choose to be as far away from people like her as I possible can. She is the most manipulative control freak I have ever met.
I won't go so far as to say some of her efforts are good, she is a very intelligent person from what I have gathered, and there is no doubt that she is a hard worker and very industrious.
But her pushy in your face way of conducting herself is not the kind of person I want representing me.
Yes I can understand their fear of losing their job. good point.
WOW! That is quite a piece of information. Thank you to whomever put it out there for us to read.
To the person that said Julie was telling a bald face lie about you, what was the lie she told about you, and why don't you elaborate? How did she end up getting her way? Your comments are weak, back it up.
Maybe you too were getting some medicine and didn't like the taste of it going down.
I know just what to do!" Bailey laughed in her throat.
"I'll make empty vows in return for their vote."
And she chuckled, and clucked, "I've got a great con.
"Armed with yard signs and lies I'll simpily plough on"
As the Bailey and friends formulated their schemes,
Based on no growth theories and crazy extremes,
The MiltonWhos, calmly, while dreaming their dreams.
Said re-Elect Bailey, with a gleam in their eyes,
while about Santi's record told many lies
The plan was enacted,
The ballots were cast,
The sham made the voters return to the past.
Bailey was gleeful, and started gloating,
before all the Whos had completed their voting.
"We now have a mandate!" Bailey said with a laugh,
Even though, of the votes, they received only half.
With snickering Julie in the role of their speaker,
The prospects for Milton have never been bleaker.
"The plans that we've outlined, we won't be revising,"
said Bailey, "You know I simply ABHOR compromising!"
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