Hello Neighbors:
I want to share information on a tremendously important topic for the aesthetic appeal and quality of life in our new City.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution published an article last weekend on the threat of billboards in Milton. A companion concern I have are the negative influences of sexually oriented businesses, or “sex shops” such as our sister city, John’s Creek, is fighting now.
Read the AJC Article here.
I am proud to have taken a leadership role in preventing billboards and sex shops here. I have worked to prevent them from adversely affecting your family or property value for the foreseeable future.
The overwhelming majority of residents prefer that the presence of billboards and sex shops be excluded to the extent possible.
Preventing billboards requires thoughtful, experienced leadership to achieve the outcome we all desire.
Make no mistake, for the sign companies and their lawyers, this is a high stakes game and your home turf is the playing field.
It legally doomed from the outset to “just say no”. Any such policy is absolutely indefensible on First Amendment grounds and would be struck down in court, according to city attorneys for Milton, John’s Creek and Sandy Springs.
The outcome of such a naïve policy initiative has been demonstrated in court again and again to have the opposite effect than that desired. An extreme city’s billboard law would be tossed out, allowing an immediate window of opportunity for unlimited signs and billboards. On a separate, but similar matter, this happened in John’s Creek when the state obscenity law “overreached” and was overthrown allowing the Love Shack to try to sneak in.
I advocated a strategy to render Milton a legal and practical impossibility as a billboard target. The tremendous Staff and our exceptional legal team flawlessly executed this strategy in recent months.
Similarly, I strongly supported our approach which has rendered the presence of sex shops in Milton most improbable. I believe we have slammed the door on the moral decay and negative influence presented by such an element here.
Residents can be proud that our Sign law has been lauded as “...the best in Georgia...” by the foremost legal authority advising municipalities in this state.
Milton AJC Article here.
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Be assured, my priority is to protect and preserve what we love about Milton, while building value as homeowners and stakeholders. Before we are finished, I want a home in Milton to be the most desired address in North Fulton. Outstanding Staff and Council leadership on policy issues will make it a sure thing.
Great things are happening at all levels of the Milton experience. We are at the cusp of a fantastic increase in the quality of life here, with dramatic improvements on many fronts. I will continue to strive to preserve the special reasons each of us chose to make this area home.
It is an exciting time to be in Milton and I am proud to provide leadership that is making a difference!
Very Respectfully, Your neighbor,Neal O’Brien Milton City Council District Four
Paid for by Friends of Neal O’Brien, 635 Devonshire Farms Way, Milton, GA 30004-4322
Way to go Neal........Spread that manure. Thought I got a whiff when this post was opened.
Why is it only when campaigning we get to hear from the candidates or incumbants on what they stand for. Once they are in office, it's mums the word, then when up for re-election they start interacting with the public again. Why can't they do this publicized all the time, and not only when they need the votes. How about all the other things in Milton, sewer extension issue, school placement controversy, general stores, developments, commercial zoning etc. How about commenting on those issues so everyone can see how you would VOTE TODAY to "protect" our rural area. How are you going to help make this the most desireable address in N. Fulton? in addition to preventing billboards from dotting the canvas out here? After all actions speak louder then words. - A Concerned citizen.
Neal, you have got to be kidding! Have you fulfilled any of your promises yet? I'm looking at your track record so far and it's not looking so good! I'm sorry, Sir, but you are not representing the community of Milton. You are representing your potential political career and that is not very "Neighborly" of you at all.
Susan L.
Mr. O'Brien-
It's certainly nice to see you take a stand on these issues...however, it's also unfortunate that you sided with Jan Jones in favor of placing term limits to city council and mayor positions...it certainly would have been nice to know that we could count on these promises for years to come and not less than a decade...
Shouldn't the title of his "blast" read as follows instead:
Nattering nabobs of negativism!!
All his blabbing about leadership, he wouldn't know what leadership was if he stubbed his toe on it.
Why hasn't Mohrig put anything on Access Milton? What exactly do you stand for, or did you forget you were campaigning?
Mohrig should be voted out in November and his appointed City Planning Commissioner (Moheb) needs to step down since he seems like he's strung out on drugs everytime he shows up at City Hall. "Who you walk with, is a reflection of who you are", an old but wise saying.
Neal, one question.
Will you explain why you supported term limits for mayor and council?
Still waiting for your answer.
very respectfully,
your neighbor
I'm pretty sure it has to do with who gave him money and a promise for a political career as evidenced in his Campaign Contribution Disclosures (public record at City Hall). Check it out!
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