Sunday, October 04, 2009

Vote for Al, Milton City Council -District 3, At-Large

Dear Milton Neighbors:
My name is Al Trevillyan, and I am running as a write-in candidate for the Milton City Council (District 3 -At-Large) The election is on November 3, 2009.
I need your help. With an understanding of the issues and what is at stake, you will also understand why you need my help.
We, the citizens of Milton, enjoy a wonderful rural quality of life. When we became a city, we adopted a vision: "...preserving and enhancing our rural character." I support that vision. I believe the residents of Milton share my ideals, and I further believe a change is required in District 3 to maintain our truly special community character and quality of life.
Milton is surrounded by high density development in Alpharetta, Roswell, Cherokee County, and Forsyth County. There is a coordinated effort by a majority of City Council members to extend that high density development into Milton. My opponent, by his actions and voting record, supports high density development.
He and several others on the Council claim higher density is necessary to increase tax revenues. That, however, will require increased city services, increased traffic, and road expenditures that will consume any increased tax revenue and degrade the quality of life in Milton. Unless there is a change in the Milton City Council in the coming election, the Milton we know now will not exist in four years. When the economy rebounds (and it will rebound), there will be aggressive pressure to accelerate and approve inappropriate density increases. We must take action now. As a member of the Milton City Council, I will continue to support reasonable, managed growth and development, consistent with my tenure on the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC).
We also must actively resist attempts to increase the size of city government, which would increase taxes. Milton was established on the premise that we would deliver all city services on existing revenues. I believe it is our responsibility to the citizens of Milton to adhere to that promise. As a member of the Milton City Council, I will recommend and help establish an Economic Development Commission. This commission will help fill the empty retail buildings throughout our city and to provide guidance to the Council in developing commercial operations in appropriate sections of Milton, consistent with our comprehensive plan. Basic points in my platform are:

I will oppose high density development in residential areas of Milton.
I will not support extension of sewer service.
I will support appropriate development in the Highway 9/Deerfield and Crabapple areas consistent with Milton's comprehensive plan.
I will oppose tax increases and will insure the city operates within its means.
I will support our public safety department, crime prevention programs, and improving traffic safety.
I will support development of existing parks, reciprocity agreements with adjoining cities, and acquiring new parkland.
I need your vote on November 3, 2009. And please remember, I am a write-in candidate.
Please help me by talking to your Milton friends and neighbors about me and what's at stake in this election. Please also let me know if you would be willing to place a sign in your yard, distribute campaign information, or host a meet-and-greet. Thank you for your support!
Al Trevillyan
Candidate, Milton City Council (District 3, At Large)
1975 Birmingham Road
Milton, GA 30004
(770) 410-1193 (Home)
(770) 241-5366 (Cell)
Paid for by Al Trevillyan Election Committee
You are invited to meet Milton
District 3, At-Large Candidate
Al Trevillyan
Hosted by: Marty and Jan Lock
Paul and Kathy Moore
Curtis Mills
Carter and Cary Schlenke
Please Join Us
Wednesday, October 7th, 2009
7:00 - 9:00
At the home of Marty and Jan Lock
14140 Freemanville Road
Milton, GA
Casual Attire
Appetizers and Dessert
770 663 0794 678 232 7219


Anonymous said...

Plenty of drinks served

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone can see through this. This is so obvious that it is scripted by Julie Bailey and is only a ploy based on lies to get another pawn like Alan Tart on council so she can stop everything.

Can he name one instance that the council has supported high density or anything ouside the existing comp plan?

Anonymous said...

Pretty long, distinguished list of co-hosts.


A few Jezebel flunkies hosting an event for a Jezebel flunkie. She doesn't even have the courage of conviction to stand by her man, notice. Too important to protect her political options.

Anonymous said...

JZB isn't running people. Keep your eye on the ball.

Anonymous said...

Actually, she is running........two proxies.
By the way, what are the appropriate areas for commercial development? Oh, thats right, we can dump all the trash with the highway nine people. They won't know the difference.
Julie told Al she wrote off the area years ago, while fighting Birmingham Crossroads.

Which she now loves.

And claims credit for.

Anonymous said...


She claim credit for the biggest real-estate disaster in the world.

The "For Lease" shopping Center.

Anonymous said...

She is the master of disaster!!

Anonymous said...

Ever drive over to Crabapple?

We have Thurman to thank for that "great" plan.