Thursday, October 08, 2009

My fellow supporters of Mayor Joe Lockwood:

Campaign ’09 is underway. The great news is that Joe is running unopposed: a testament to his determination, achievements and our city’s appreciation of his efforts! But we still have much work to do. This is our city’s third election and it’s the most important one yet. A very healthy, diverse balance has developed amongst the council since the last election. This balance has been pivotal to Joe’s success in managing an exceptional ’09 for the City of Milton, as the detrimental factions that plagued our first few years have been forced aside. It’s taken three years to get this point. Joe asks for your help to keep our momentum going.

Three of our incumbent city councilpersons, listed below, are running for re-election this November. All have worked closely with Joe and tirelessly on our behalf. Joe supports them and asks for our help in making sure that they are re-elected so that our City Council can continue to help our citizens map our future. Let’s crank-up the campaign engine. Please start aggressively spreading the word and please contact the email addresses below to request yard signs. Let’s help Joe keep the momentum building and thank our City Council for their endless hours of leadership and dedication!

Please Re-elect: Karen Thurman – Incumbent Councilwoman Tina D’Aversa – Incumbent Councilwoman

Bill Lusk – Incumbent Councilman

Early Voting starts next week, on Tuesday, October 13, 2009.
Advanced Voting starts Monday, October 26, 2009.
Election Day is Tuesday, November 13, 2009.

Our nearest Early Voting location is:
North Fulton Service Center
7741 Roswell Road, Suite 209
Sandy Springs, Georgia 30350

Of course, you can always vote by mail.

Let’s keep working together! Please help Joe Re-elect our City Council!

Thanks to All,
Chuck Campbell


Anonymous said...

Chuck comes out of 2-year hiding to help his friend Lockwood get the developer and sewer friendly KT and BL re-elected. Wonder why he not concerned with what goes on in Milton until his friend Joe needs his help? Cronism at its best. Wasn't this the same group that was fighting to get JZB, BH, and AT elected last election? I don't understand why Joe is turning his back on the citizens that elected him and the values he supposedly stood for!

Anonymous said...

no, its sad

Anonymous said...

Yes it's very sad.

What's arrogant is that in blasting out this broadcast he believes that "the same group that was fighting to get JZB, BH, and AT elected last election" have also all turned their backs on their values.

Anonymous said...

Case 2006-0049

Lockwood pleads guilty to avoid embarassment or revelations of hearing, gets stiff fine for campaign finance fraud.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you dont like Joe or Chuck then get back at them by voting for Bernie, Al, and Joe Longoria!

Lets get Julie, Alan, bernie, Al, and Longoria in and run our city, that will be wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Must be a Crooked Creek resident

Anonymous said...

Maybe the moderator

Anonymous said...

Joe Lockwood with an state ethics violation? Why didn't we hear about this in the paper???

Anonymous said...

Tip of the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

Let's hear it, then we get his crooked a** removed too. My God!

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see some facts to sink our teeth into. When it is guys on here, it is salacious and verifiable.
The girls tend to be all emotion and feelings, devoid of fact or verifiable news. Fewer words like: tried, meant to, helped, volunteered, hoped for, hugged, etc.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to investigate the association between Joe, Bill, and Karen. It is odd that Joe supports them when he worked so hard 2 years ago to get their friends Neil O'brien and Rick Mohrig defeated. He has done a complete reversal on his promises to citizens. What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Good to see Chuck Campbell has been resurrected. We couldn't have a milton election w/o him. Enlighten us yankee.

Anonymous said...

The plea to put up more campaign
signs will only continue to make the City of Milton look trashy.
But,as we continue to trash the look of Milton , it's time to follow the guidelines for the placement of signs and if they don't concur , then they should be removed !

Anonymous said...

Must be the guardian of the sidewalk in front of cityhall.

Anonymous said...

So since Joe has turned his back on his supporters and is now backing Karen and Bill, his nemisis on Council, let's vote them out of here.

Why does Lockwood support them now, what has changed? We know Karen and Bill have not changed, so has Joe changed, obviously so? Why else would he support them now if he didn't agree with them now on increase development and sewer extension. And what is up with Chuck, geeze,you've got to be kidding me, Chuck is asking for support for Karen and Bill? That would be like McCain asking everyone to vote for Obama. Why doesn't the newspapers look into that?? This is crazy!@

All you Lockwood supporters, are you going to do what he tells you to do, or are you going to vote for what is best for the City. Do you have your own mind or are you all drinking the koolaide?

Anonymous said...

Now we've heard everything.

It is beginning to sound like Joe can't function without claiming someone is agin' him. Didn't Chuck say they just got that all fixed up, only to have the poster above say it is Karen or Bill. My gracious! Poor Joe can't get a break, can he?

Can we go over this one more time?
Do we do what Chuck says and support the incumbents....or what Joe really, really needs, even if he doesn't realize it...thus voting for...???...nah, nah...umm, ok, ok, we vote out Bill and Karen, cuz Joe isn't really like them, and then we'll be ok. But what about Tina....???........???

Anonymous said...

Joe turned his back on the citizens right about the time he tried to start the First Bank of Milton?????

Anonymous said...

Steve Beechum Marie Garrett, Billy Beckett and Joe Lockwood...what do they have in common?????

Anonymous said...

Joe hasn't changed one bit. What has changed over the past three years was the revelation that Julie is dysfunctional and doesn't have the talent or skill set to govern. Governing takes compromise and pragmatic decision making and she is just not capable of this. Joe has struggled to build a coalition that is actually capable of making decisions and moving this young city off of the dime.

Anonymous said...

The "fear of sewer" is going to sound awfully stupid when we lose our city charter because of poor finances! I think Joe Lockwood understands that!

Anonymous said...

I think it's wrong to sit behind an anonymous keyboard and call Joe a crook, JZB crazy and all the other crap that can be expoused on this forum. I think for the most part, they are all decent people trying to do what they feel is right.

How do you explain that Joe supports different folks from diffeerent camps. He's a Centrist. He sees the value in both points of view. It's pretty evident. I'm not a huge supporter of his, but see value in his pragmatic Centrist approach.

And as far as the Campaign fraud issue. I looked that up. Come on, it was an honest mistake on his part. Don't try to make that more than it is.

Let's enjoy Milto more and complain less!

Anonymous said...

Tina's back on line...........

Anonymous said...

"lose our city because of poor finances" ???????

Calling Accountant Thurman! Accountant Thurman? uhhhhh, A-c-c-o-u-n-t-a-n-t Thurman? No answer.

She must be stuck in Crabapple traffic.

Anonymous said...

Everyone, take another look at Chuck's letter.

Notice, if you lean away, so to speak, it is all about JOE. Not what is best or good for Milton. That has been a problem for 3 yrs. It is all about Joe, to him and his elitist friends.
Chuck & Company went to great effort to dump half the previous council, even though they voted with Joe all the time, installing two who vote against him all the time. Now we are supposed to re-elect one of 3 incumbents who will continue to vote against him all the time?
It almost seems as if Joe had 6 pals, voting in lockstep, there still would be policy gridlock, because there is no policy. Not anti-growth, not pro-growth. Just, lets go to Milton's and relax.

Anonymous said...

"Notice, if you lean away, so to speak, it is all about JOE. Not what is best or good for Milton. That has been a problem for 3 yrs. It is all about Joe, to him and his elitist friends........."

Interesting. I've noticed the same thing. Used to think he was a "down home" type of guy with a heart for the city. I don't know now, seems like it's all for his own ego.

Anonymous said...

Like a frat guy hustling a pretty freshman girl during rush. Great for a few minutes, she wakes up alone and feels cheap, never hears from him again. Especially if he is unopposed three years later.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I too am a bit confused about this sudden change even as a big Joe supporter. It does feel like maybe we don't really know EVERY little thing. Perhaps every little "move". To the above poster, very creative writing there without being too nasty. Thank you whomever you are in blogland.

Oh, and as I was driving thru Milton today I noticed something very peculiar about the signs popping up. Can you guess what it is?

A little hint: Something to do with the number 3.

Anonymous said...

Joe's a "centrist"?

No, he's in the construction business.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with being in the construction business? Do you live in a house? Do you have a job and and go to an office? Have you ever bought anything in a store?

Anonymous said...

Nothing's wrong with being in the construction business as long as you remember your obligations are to the citizens, not to special interests.


Let's not kid ourselves that Karen Thurman, Joe Lockwood and Bill Lusk --- all with high stakes in the construction business -- are taking out their hammers and saws and building houses.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong, as long as you are not building, say, a bank. Joe said when he ran he wouldn't do any business in Milton. Now, it seems all he does is try to make a profit with his corrupt cronies, instead of doing his job.
Also, he aggressively resisted the contractor label in 2006. Guess it isn't a problem now.

Anonymous said...

He was always a contractor and just said he would not build in Milton for a profit. I am a teacher and I do know he has donated work to our schools.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ask Nancy Murphy at Summit Hill.

Anonymous said...

The problem you are going to run into when trying to cut down Joe is that he's helped too many people over the years here in this commmunity - and way before he was ever a Mayor. Saying he has turned his back on the people or he is only in this for political gain isn't going to fly with someone whose house he came to to personally help with a problem.

Anonymous said...

I bet all the old ladies in Chicago that love Blago, friends of Bernie Madoff and pals of Bill Clinton say the same thing.
Just because you are fun, a good neighbor or faithful son doesn't mean that you aren't corrupt.
Hey, Jon & Kate are getting divorced, for goodness sake.

Anonymous said...

What kind of corruption has he been involved in? Hey I might want to get into politics!

Anonymous said...

Challenge: You say corruption. OK, name it. And, don't use campaign fraud. We've already determined that charge was simply a form turned in a few days late the first time he ever ran for office.

I always hear corruption, but never hear a concrete answer. I think that is devious on your parts.

Anonymous said...

I think he might be somewhat sucessful, have a balanced life so therefore in some of these bloggers eyes, he must be corrupt?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, one doesn't get a huge fine for a form a couple of days late.
Nice try, sycophant.

I am sure any other items of the long list would be met with: "everybody does that.." or "he is entitled to do that as mayor..." or stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

He should having to deal with bozo's like you!

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the honeymoon with Julie is over.

Anonymous said...

That was over before they moved up from Florida. As soon as they got here she removed his nads and put a weed whacker in his hand and said "boy this is you now"!

Anonymous said...

Joe, not Bill/

Anonymous said...

Joe never married Julie. She just hit on him for a while but went underground against him when she realized that she couldn't control him to do exactly what she wanted. A scorned woman will do stupid things!