Monday, October 05, 2009



Anonymous said...

I attended an event in the Crooked Creek subdivision last Saturday night. I have lived in Milton for four years and have followed Milton as it has developed. I am not involved at all in politics but I cannot watch this without commenting. This is my first time to this website but I have a friend who visits and told me to post my thoughts.

Council person Daversa represented the city Saturday evening and she was very professional. I have met her in the past at school related events and know her to be very polished. She was on this evening.

The HOA Board invited the Mayor and city council to attend the event.

Mrs. Daversa introduced along with two other council members Karen Thurmen and Burt Lusk.

The HOA board was very disrespectful to Mrs. Daversa. They introduced Mrs. Daversa's oponent in the upcoming election and supported him for his election and made it appear that Crooked Creek Supports this man.

I do not and never will support this type of behavior nor will I support Mr. Longoria. This board and the audience was disrespectful and I am embarassed to have attended. I am embarassed to be a member of Crooked Creek. My husband and I stay to ourselves and we will continue to do so.

This bahavior made Crooked Creek look like snobs.

To make things worse, I received a thank you note from Mrs. Daversa for inviting her to the event. She is a professional and I will support her in this election. I want someone of this type of professionalism representing me and my family.

I am pasting the email she sent to me and hoping that she will forgive those of us in Crooked Creek who do not support the boards actions.

Anonymous said...

Many of you are aware that I am seeking re-election for my District 5 City Council position serving the city of Milton. I have worked hard volunteering to support our diverse community for 11 years – since 1998. For the last three years, I’ve had the privilege to serve as one of your seven council members. Today, I am asking for your vote on November 3, 2009 to keep me on your City Council working hard for you and the citizens of Milton.

My voting record of support is open, fair, and strong. I have worked to support the Milton Vision and to support the ideal that all citizens will be included as we develop a community our children and their children can be proud to call home; a community that embraces diversity of culture and lifestyle.

As a 20 year publishing industry executive and now as a teacher and college instructor, my experience speaks for itself. I have listed a few highlights so you can know me even better.

Highlights of my accomplishments as your City Council member:

• I ensured the safety of our citizens by quickly adopting ordinances to provide an effective public safety infrastructure, fully funding the public safety department in annual budget cycles, and supporting the early deployment of an outstanding, fully equipped police and fire service.
• I encouraged quality growth and development by adopting a comprehensive zoning ordinance and adhering to our developmental standards.
• I have worked to preserve our unique, rural, equestrian character and protected our natural resources and environment by consistently applying our land use policies and ordinances.
• I sponsored a resolution to establish the Milton Disability Awareness Committee to promote the inclusion of persons of all abilities in every aspect of community life through education, advocacy, and influence on public policy.
• I sponsored and the entire council approved the creation of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to ensure public involvement in the development and expansion of our parks and green space.
• I supported the formation of a Tree Preservation Committee to ensure that the beautiful trees that help make Milton so unique are protected.
• I co-sponsored a resolution to form the Highway 9 Design Review Board to proactively enhance the quality of life and look and feel of the Highway 9/Deerfield area. We are continuing these efforts and have only just begun to work to promote the appropriate redevelopment of Highway 9.
• I have wholeheartedly supported continuing efforts to develop our 25 year Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan to chart our future, maintain Milton's unique and rural attributes, and provide for appropriate improvements in our transportation infrastructure.
• I supported the formation of an Historic Preservation Committee to ensure that all historic structures in the city are identified and protected.
• I am working with volunteers, consultants, and city staff to ensure that Milton is an all-inclusive community providing efficient service delivery to our citizens. We are an ADA compliant city and we have been recognized by the state for our hard work ensuring inclusion of people at all ability levels.

In my next term as your city council member, I will continue to lead in a manner supporting our citizen’s Vision for Milton. I promise to:

• Preserve our city’s unique history and rural, equestrian character by upholding our new 25 year comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance and not supporting the expansion of new sewer service within the interior of Milton;

• Promote appropriate development of the Deerfield and Highway 9 character areas by upholding the Highway 9 Design Guidelines currently under revision and seeking proactively to attract the type of development and business Milton citizens want on Highway 9;

• Expand Bell Memorial Park and begin the development of Birmingham Park, utilizing our Parks Authority (established by our charter) for funding;

Anonymous said...

Tina D'Aversa for Milton
In 2006, I provided my clear vision of Milton: Preserving our equestrian heritage and diverse lifestyles, managing and funding appropriate growth.
I have listened to the citizens of Milton and, my vision is the same in 2009 as the day I came to Milton.

Many of you are aware that I am seeking re-election for my District 5 City Council position serving the city of Milton. I have worked hard volunteering to support our diverse community for 11 years – since 1998. For the last three years, I’ve had the privilege to serve as one of your seven council members. Today, I am asking for your vote on November 3, 2009 to keep me on your City Council working hard for you and the citizens of Milton.

My voting record of support is open, fair, and strong. I have worked to support the Milton Vision and to support the ideal that all citizens will be included as we develop a community our children and their children can be proud to call home; a community that embraces diversity of culture and lifestyle.

As a 20 year publishing industry executive and now as a teacher and college instructor, my experience speaks for itself. I have listed a few highlights so you can know me even better.

Highlights of my accomplishments as your City Council member:

• I ensured the safety of our citizens by quickly adopting ordinances to provide an effective public safety infrastructure, fully funding the public safety department in annual budget cycles, and supporting the early deployment of an outstanding, fully equipped police and fire service.
• I encouraged quality growth and development by adopting a comprehensive zoning ordinance and adhering to our developmental standards.
• I sponsored a resolution to establish the Milton Disability Awareness Committee to promote the inclusion of persons of all abilities in every aspect of community life through education, advocacy, and influence on public policy.
• I sponsored and the entire council approved the creation of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to ensure public involvement in the development and expansion of our parks and green space.
• I supported the formation of a Tree Preservation Committee to ensure that the beautiful trees that help make Milton so unique are protected.
• I co-sponsored a resolution to form the Highway 9 Design Review Board to proactively enhance the quality of life and look and feel of the Highway 9/Deerfield area. We are continuing these efforts and have only just begun to work to promote the appropriate redevelopment of Highway 9.
• I have wholeheartedly supported continuing efforts to develop our 25 year Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan to chart our future, maintain Milton's unique and rural attributes, and provide for appropriate improvements in our transportation infrastructure.

In my next term as your city council member, I will continue to lead in a manner supporting our citizen’s Vision for Milton. I promise to:

• Promote appropriate development of the Deerfield and Highway 9 character areas by upholding the Highway 9 Design Guidelines currently under revision and seeking proactively to attract the type of development and business Milton citizens want on Highway 9;

• Expand Bell Memorial Park and begin the development of Birmingham Park, utilizing our Parks Authority (established by our charter) for funding;

• Increase availability of green space and pocket parks through alternative funding and partnerships with business owners and citizen groups;

• Support the development of the new Fulton County Public Library in the Highway 9 Web road area that is unique to Milton and adds to our unique character; and

• Encourage the appropriate development of our City Center and an efficient, financially viable Town Hall and Municipal Services center.

You can rely on my continued support for Crooked Creek and the vision of our citizens with the same aggressiveness and vigor that I have for the last three and a half years as your City Council representative.

Anonymous said...

All of the HOA board members were introduced and spoke at the Crooked Creek event, including Mr. Longoria who served as the Treasurer and secured the financing for the event ( in a year where finaning was hard to secure). His speech focused on his work on the HOA - not his campaign.

He WAS introduced as a candidate and the people of Crooked Creek applauded. Since when is it rude to applaud for a candidate?

Anonymous said...

It must be awkward for an incumbent to be in such a situation, but they should "grin & bear it". If any other challengers attended, they likely would have been mentioned, as they should. It is part of the landscape to endure a situation like that for Tina, as uncomfortable as it may seem to those sympathetic to her.

Anonymous said...

$4 Million dollar loan to pay. Sounds like another spending bill. Don't bring that spending idea to the rest of Milton.

Anonymous said...

If the first blogger really does exist, then you have been trapped into her "spider web."
Tina is an expert in writing in the "third person" and has no humility about doing so.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't at this event, but it sounds like Mr. Longoria was the professional. He had a captive audience and chose not to use it as a vehicle for his campaign, but stuck to the spirit of the event - celebrating the neighborhood's new ammenities. Do you think Tina would have missed an opportunity to campaign if she had a captive group of voters? I seriously doubt it as she used the attendee list as a means of sending follow up election propaganda! Shame on you Tina!

Anonymous said...

To the previous blogger... I WAS at the event. Tina went storming off in a huff after the HOA board members spoke. That was REALLY professional!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You weren't at the event but it sounds like he was the professional. interesting point of view from someone who wasn't actually there.

You could write opinion for the Beacon, they need more's like you to write for them. Too bad there wasn't a professional reporter there to report the truth. Maybe we can call FOX news to report the truth since you bloggers don't have a clue how. You just want to smear whoever you oppose.

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy, but I thought blogging was an opportunity to express our opinions.

Anytime, anyone has a good opinion of Joe Longoria they get shot down.

Tina, would you please get back to work? The kids need you to be teaching, not blogging all day...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the site could at least pull down the double pump paste, if for no other reason it is so long.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the Milton Herald to be called liars and the AJC when it picks up the story.

EVERYONE lies except Tina!

Anonymous said...

To the first poster, if you don't agree for your HOA money to be to endorse candidates, why don't you file a complaint against your HOA board for using YOUR money in an unauthorized and perhaps illegal way?