Thursday, October 08, 2009

Milton High School Band 60th Anniversary Proclamation Sponsored by Councilmember Tina D'Aversa

Friend and Neighbors,

Please join me Friday night, October 30, 2009, as we celebrate with the Milton High School Marching band 60th years of music and service to the community.

It is my privilege to sponsor a Proclamation by the Mayor and City Council of Milton honoring the current and alumni who participated in Milton Marching Band the last 60 years.

I played in my high school marching band and the symphonic band for four years. The opportunities for young people to grow through music programs in our schools is outstanding. Music programs and especially the marching band requires dedication and a focused work ethic. I am impressed by our young people throughout Milton and Alpharetta who participate in the band and other music programs. All three of my sons participate in public school music programs and my eldest son, Jacob is a proud member of the Milton High School marching band and symphonic band programs.

It is with honor that I sponsor this proclamation to be read at the October 19, 2009, meeting of the Milton City Council. City Council meetings begin at 6:00 pm at Milton City Hall, 13000 Deerfield Parkway, Milton, GA 30004

I look forward to seeing you all at Milton High School Friday night, October 30, 2009, as we honor these musicians.

Tina D’Aversa
City of Milton Councilmember District 5 at large

Tina D'Aversa
678-457-0677 Direct
678-212-3017 Direct Fax


Anonymous said...

Tina, for the love of heaven, you lose votes with every weekly "Proclamation". You may need to be careful bullying the staff to get these all done by the election...they work for the taxpayers, not your campaign, remember.

"The beauty of being a narcissist is always being confident you are the prettiest and most important"

Author unknown, Milton GA

Anonymous said...

Tina, don't you know that they have to be 18 in order to vote and most of them aren't registered?


Anonymous said...

Tina: This reeks of desperation.

Anonymous said...

Tina: This reeks of desperation.

Anonymous said...

Get ready for next week:

Julie Zahhhner Bailey proclaims, at great taxpayer expense, November 2009 is Professor-pro-tem Tina daversa Month!!!!
Complete with our firetrucks, extra staff, police and boy & girl scouts!!!! Maybe the Milton Band can be forced to provide some excitement, along with the Hopewell Middle School Spirit Squad.


Anonymous said...

I guess this is no different than when Karen wastes valuable staff time to write proclamations for the Milton cross country and lacrosse teams.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know. The flurry of action by Tina within a few weeks of an election seems a lot different, especially since Tina has done so little for 2 5/8 years.

Anonymous said...

Karen and Bill didn't even make motions in meetings until here recently when it came time to keep their jobs. oh, I forgot, they DID make the motion to extend sewer. Guess they they'd awake that night in order to help their developer friends.

Anonymous said...

As regards Tina you don't have to like her - that's your choice!

But decent and fair people give credit where credit is due and refrain from making comments that are completely untrue and fabricated.

Tina has put an enormous amount of voluntary time and effort through the years into this community and its residents (as have many of our Council members) - most of it behind the scenes. The fact that you don't see it or hear of it does not mean that it's not being done.

Perhaps you could, for example, ask the member's of the Disabled Committee to share with you how she regularly supports and reaches out to help them.

But then again perhaps you'll just have something mean to say about that...and maybe someone will take it a step further and be cruel and derogatory towards our disabled residents.

That type of hateful commentary seems after all to be the norm on this blog.

Anonymous said...

here, here.

Anonymous said...

Countless residents have contributed lots of time before and after incorporation.
Tina's work that may have gone on in the past is as laudatory as her singularly insignificant record on the Council.
Don't forget the seat is a position of trust bestowed temporarily, with the expectation of tangible results. It is not a reward for activism, a long-time service award or a courtesy title for someone wealthy, likeable or anything else.
It is also commendable that Tina is supportive of the disabled community, some of the most vulnerable and ignored in any community.

Anonymous said...

The meaningful contributions are mostly in inverse proportion to the rate of news photos.
The divas constantly in the pictures are short on real impact or accomplishment. Fact is, the cops and firefighters joke a lot that the only time they see Tina or JZB is for pictures. They make great props, though, with those big fire engines & shiny badges!
Hey, anyone see Tina's picture for the ALDI opening across from Target? Case in point.

Anonymous said...

Yea, I'm sure taking the time out of her personal schedule to attend the ALDO grand opening, complete with the V103 live remote, was real fun for Tina. Another "value added" business on Hwy 9. Not!!Crabapple gets downtown and Highway 9 gets Dollar General. Thanks a lot, council.

Anonymous said...

Wait, she did have that one meeting with Alan about Hwy 9 just before the campaign.
One token gesture in three years...that's plenty for "the little people".
She needs the votes from them, after all, even if she wouldn't be caught dead socializing with them!
Anyone else notice that just a couple of months ago, she began showing up nearly weekly on the front page of the Herald? Weird.

Anonymous said... that I have your attention , let me tell you about my children..............

Anonymous said...

I think it's time for our Mayor, Joe Lockwood , to put an end to Tina's grand standing. I find this to be an embarrassment and insult to the people of Milton.

Joe, stand up and do the right thing.

Tina's lack of humility is not a desirable trait.

Anonymous said...

Grand standing? At least she talks. Would you rather your council persons and mayor be paid to sit quietly like clumps of protoplasm while developers roll over our city? Oh wait, that's happening already. Lockwood wouldn't know what to do if he didn't have a script to read from during meetings. 3 years of saying the same thing and he still needs a script. That's pretty sad.

Anonymous said...

Thats not very nice.

Anonymous said...

Tina would make a great PTA President or Bank Leader, but she just doesn't have the skill set or intelligence to govern.

Anonymous said...

3:33 poster.........
Tina speaking again !!!

Anonymous said...

I would rather hear someone talking from a script and keeping some kind of order vs someone rambling on and on and on just to hear themeselves talk (for the people), and asking questions that they should have gotten answered long before a public meeting.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Joe/Julie alliance and partisans are at an impasse.

Julie idiot, Joe...Solomon?

Anonymous said...

The 7:00 a.m. poster has obviously been to a meeting with the City Council. You're right, why doesn't JZB have all of her basic questions answered before the meeting and why does she ramble on and on. She's just dysfunctional.

Anonymous said...

And why has Joe allowed it?
Maybe he just doesn't care.
Maybe it suits his needs.
Maybe he is incapable of leading.

Anonymous said...

Guess who benefits from public question and answer sessions during council meetings?


I suppose that little detail passed by many of you.

Anonymous said...

Wasting city time for theatrical effect and personal political gain is not valuable.
Public comment is for comment. Council comment is for brief, significant issues.

Litmus test is percentage. If one of seven takes up 90% of meeting time, clearly there is a problem. Jezebel isn't smarter or better informed than anyone else up there. Every one of the elected folks probably could, but don't, talk as much as she insists on doing.

Anonymous said...

By your description, it's clear that Julie is upholding the principles of open and transparent government.

Anonymous said...

Or just a very insecure person that has no other satisfaction in life, like family, husband, career, etc?

Anonymous said...

Oh, don't hate her because she can run circles around you.

By the way, did you realize that JZB is not a candidate in this race? Maybe you should move on. That is if you can get past your Bailey Envy.

Anonymous said...

Too bad once you get to know JZB you find out just why so many dislike her. she is not a balanced person in any way. personally or professionally.

Anonymous said...

yeah, right, coming from the expert whose life is perfectly balanced.

Anonymous said...

I like Julie personally but she is very different and difficult to deal with. Ask anyone who knows her and also used to support her?

You are wrong, she is a canidate in this race. If she can get Bernie and Al elected she will have power to control the city, if not she slides further down the pole.

Anonymous said...

Since you insist:


Anonymous said...

That is exactly what she wants! unfortunately if that were ever the case there would be no one that would work for the city. Ole Bill would have to have more than a weed whacker in his hand?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should stay home and whack "her" weeds a little more often?

Anonymous said...

To the poster at 5:04 about getting a "Dollar General" on HWY 9:

This is what you get and all you deserve for living in an area with sewer! That is just it and keep flushing as this is what your repayment is for not listening to Julie Zahner Bailey! So nah!!!

Anonymous said...

I know when I was in high school I always went for the hot band chicks. Go Tina!

Anonymous said...

I just kiked them cause they were usually goofy and pretty easy?

Anonymous said...

I just remember that one time at band camp with my flute!

Anonymous said...

Council member Tart, please get back to work and quit blogging!


Anonymous said...

Speaking of JZB, those polyester pant suits she wears look like a band uniform.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of pant suits, do you know why Bill wears pants at the Zahner house?

Anonymous said...

To keep his legs warm, silly!

Anonymous said...

I think he wears them to be ready if Carol Lane needs her "lawn mowed"

Anonymous said...

If he is out mowing, could he please stop by and do Laura Bentley's hair?