Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Don't Mess With Milton - Write in Trevillyan!

Meet Al Trevillyan
You Are Invited To Meet Milton
District 3, At-Large Candidate
Al Trevillyan
Hosted By: Marty and Jan Lock
Paul and Kathy Moore
Curtis Mills
Carter and Cary Schlenke
Please Join Us
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
7:00 - 9:00
At the home of Marty and Jan Lock
14140 Freemanville Road
Milton, GA
Casual Attire
Appetizers and Desserts
770 663 0794 678 232 7219


Anonymous said...

Go get 'em, Al! Enough with crooked combover boy.

Anonymous said...

Tina doesn't have a combover.
I think she is the only one in the race who is crooked.
In fairness to Bernie & Al, their only problem is being koolaid drinkers, but they are probably nice folks.

Anonymous said...

I bet they could have had that rally in a phone booth.

Anonymous said...

They are nice folks and they are ready to lead the city even without making a million. Unlike some.

Anonymous said...

Both of those would be great.
Leadership and not making a million on our backs, that is.

At least they won't be starting a bank, sounds like.

Anonymous said...

Yea, whatever happened to Lockwood's bank that was supposed to go on State Route 9? Last thing I knew his friend and fellow bank board member Steve Beechum was asking citizens to put up money for it. And Marie Garrett, the mayor's friend and consultant who he hired to find Billy Beckett (the sewer extending city manager once removed) was on Joe's bank board too. What a tangled web they weave!

Anonymous said...

Golly, you're not suggesting there is a conflict there, too?
Why, he might have set her salary, don't think he "padded" her compensation to help a buddy from his bank-board, do you?

Nawwww, not likely.

Anonymous said...

"Crooks of the same feather bank together"

Anonymous said...

Interesting that his support for the extension of sewer on Sept 15, 2008 was right about the time the deals were all being made to kick off his bank. The bank's prospectus claimed the City of Milton was ripe for development. Of course, you won't find the website now, it has vanished???

Anonymous said...

Maybe he figured his crew were bought and paid for: Tina pro tem, Julie saved by his gang, Bert & Ernie owed him one.
Maybe big Vic was going to do some consulting.
Getting clearer, now.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he overestimated his charm.