Tuesday, October 06, 2009

D'Aversa's e-mails to Longoria may open ethics charge in Milton

by Jason Wright / Appen Newspapers

October 05, 2009

Milton — Investigations into apparent ethics violations at the state and city levels could be in Councilwoman Tina D'Aversa's future after she sent a series of e-mails from her taxpayer-paid city account to election opponent Joseph Longoria. In them she allegedly urged him to drop out of the race and join a volunteer committee.

According to the State Ethics Commission, that political use of the e-mail account violates the Ethics in Government Act adopted by the Georgia Legislature in 1986. It also appears to violate Milton's own ethics ordinance.

At press time, D'Aversa had not been charged with any ethics violations.

Rick Thompson, executive secretary for the Georgia Ethics Commission, said he could not speak directly to a specific case unless an ethics violation charge is filed.

"[But] if anybody uses e-mail or government equipment to try to influence an election in any way, then that is prohibited by the act," said Thompson.

D'Aversa said she and Longoria began contact in early September after she learned he was running for office against her. She heard he was running because he had wanted to join a Milton volunteer board but never got any response.

D'Aversa said she was trying to tell him, "I believe I have something for you that you wanted all along," because "he didn't really want to run."

They talked on the phone and over e-mails the Milton Herald received after a Freedom of Information Act filing. In the e-mails D'Aversa allegedly offered to put Longoria on the Highway 9 Design Guidelines Committee in place of Roger Festa, who also serves on another board.

In a Sept.. 3 e-mail sent from, D'Aversa wrote: "My intention is for you to join a board or committee and withdraw your application to seek my council position serving from District 5."

Thompson said such an e-mail could constitute using government equipment in an effort to gain a contribution to one's campaign, as the hypothetical individual then could have run without opposition.

"If he runs, it hurts her campaign. It he doesn't run, then she has a great big jump. Therefore, she would secure her office, which is a contribution," he said.

D'Aversa said she doesn't believe she has "done anything inappropriate" and that all the facts have not been revealed. She said she would welcome speaking to any ethics board about it.

"It does seem as if it would be, as written and read, my intention [to remove a rival candidate]. But it wasn't my intention," she said. "Unfortunately only I know what my intentions were."

"Mr. Longoria and I know what our conversation was. Really, I wrote the e-mail too hastily and didn't think about it. My intentions were not ... to influence the election."

D'Aversa copied Mayor Joe Lockwood and City Manager Chris Lagerbloom on the e-mails, saying they should know that Longoria had tried to contact the city about volunteering but could never get anywhere. He was a citizen regardless of there being a election, and she was doing her job to serve him, she said.

"Because I am elected official, it is my job to do this," she said. "I immediately communicated to the city manager and mayor that this is what he told me. Why would I do that if I was trying to do something not above board?"

But the problem is the use of city e-mail for the conversation that involved election issues.

"We have a number of boards that you may be qualified for, and I would like to explore this you so that we can move forward without a costly election campaign," she wrote.

"I have to use the city communications opportunities," D'Aversa said. "That was initially the only opportunity I had to contact him. We use these e-mails interchangeably — there's just no way around it to accomplish everything we have to do on a given day."

D'Aversa added she talked with the city's Ethics Board members about her actions when accusations first arose she had done something unethical. However, it appears she may have stepped afoul of the city's laws, too.

Article 4, section 9 of the city's code of ethics passed in October 2008 says "no City Official or Employee shall make use of government time or equipment to aid a political candidate, party or cause."

There could also be problems relating to D'Aversa's assertion she could appoint Longoria to a city board for getting out of the race. Such appointments are meant to be objective.

Independent legal counsel contacted by the Milton Herald confirmed such action could be seen as a "quid pro quo" situation. Milton's ethics ordinance prohibits "[Council members engaging] in conduct which is unbecoming to a member or which constitutes a breach of public trust."

City Attorney Ken Jarrard said he would not speculate on the matter. Calls to Todd Ashley, the city Ethics Board chairman, were not returned.

D'Aversa said in no way was the volunteer appointment an effort to "buy off" Longoria. The councilwoman said she welcomes competition in the election — which seems to contrast what she wrote in another Sept. 3 e-mail to Longoria: "You can be involved without trying to take the position I worked so hard and so successfully to fill."

For his part, Longoria, a Crooked Creek resident, said the situation is unfortunate. He said after unsuccessfully exploring voluntarism the "logical next step" was running for office.

Longoria said D'Aversa's assertion that he didn't really want to run wasn't fair.

"I think Tina was a little bit surprised I was running — she obviously didn't want any opposition in the race," he said. "Nobody knew I was going to run. But if I didn't want to run, I wouldn't have put my name into the hat."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

obviously a pig headed stupid male wrote that. you have an obsession with t and a posts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oink oink

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else hate it when they miss a comment and it gets removed?
50% of the posts-must have been pretty funny.
Even got a misandrist to whine about them!

Anonymous said...

You can't leave your computer for even a second! You might miss something of high drama on this blog-o-rama!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone actually "opened any ethics charges" toward Tina?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I didnt know that we had a councilman named "RJ"?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Maybe we should just let the two of them go at it in the new pool at Crooked Creek clubhouse and whomever comes out of the pool first with cloths on, wins!

Anonymous said...

What if one of them starts out with no clothes on? How would you pick the winner?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

You all are a bunch of jungle people!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

On a serious note. Vote: Trevillian, Wolff, Longoria. Time to clean house. Then both "sides" will be still represented on council and we'll move forward.

Anonymous said...

Tina's just not a very smart person. We need more talent on the council.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone will actually have the guts to file the "ethics charge". We have a lot of anonymous, upset people, but will any of us actually file? I assume any citizen of Milton can file?

Does anyone know how it works?

Anonymous said...

Where's whiskey breath when we really need him? Can't we "whistle up" some help?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Filing ethics changes against D'Aversa at this point would be the kiss of death for Longoria and Longoria may just have an ethics violation on this hands too for doing so. I doubt Longoria's supporters (i.e. behind-closed-doors Lockwood, Thurman, and Lusk) wouldn't be that stupid.

Anonymous said...

Um, why is Longoria's sign in front of city hall?

Anonymous said...

Um, and Tina's?

Sounds like a terrified Tina supporter hoping noone files. However, Longoria certainly would want nothing of the kind. That doesn't mean one of the other 15 or 20 thousand residents won't file.

Anonymous said...

Yea, that what it is, a terrified Tina supporter...after all everyone knows that ethics charges in Milton are NEVER politically motivated and always turn out to be valid complaints. No waste of tax dollars there, no way, not in Milton!

Anonymous said...

Ethics! This is coming from a man who really wants to be a volunteer not an employee of the City, has no political agenda except getting Crooked Creek gated, has only attended 1 council meeting and didn't even know he would be running against D'Aversa when he entered the race (he thought he was an at-large candidate! At least he's got politics 101 figured out --- ruin someone's reputation and you'll win. Longoria, you will never come close to the kind of person Tina D'Aversa has been for this City. Shame on you for trying to tarnish this dedicated councilwoman's reputation....

Anonymous said...

Tina tarnished her own reputation...she's the one being investigated.
What's wrong our country? Why do we always support the candidate with the worst moral character?
Wise up, Milton!

Anonymous said...

Let's imagine how this will go down...Longoria is elected...Crooked Creek gets gated (against the better advice of the city attorney)...has its own elementary school built...and becomes its own city...Longoria resigns because his work is done and his HOA board is happy...Hail Longoria! Milton appreciates your service. Seems like a viable candidate.

Anonymous said...

If Joe Longoria can trick people into writing inappropriate emails and lying in the press, he is amazing!

And the years and years of insane "Tina Centric" politics were clearly a part of his huge scheme to take over her regime!

Anonymous said...

Tina step away from the computer! Your kids need you..stop blogging all night and help them with their homework!

Anonymous said...

Joe you need to do likewise.

Best you spend your time getting up to speed on things like CPAC, Planning, Zonings, Ordinances and all the other Milton priorities you've never bothered to involve yourself in!

Anonymous said...

Obviously everyone is home from work!!! The action is fast and furious at Accessmilton.

Whilst we are at it, remember everyone that Tina teamed up with her realtor and was thoroughly reported on in the papers as the leading force behind gating Crooked Creek! Maybe she just wanted to reward the guy who might get her out from under her marital home, like lots of divorcees, but she was way out in front on gating. In fact, some would say too far in front for a Council person who should retain some objectivity.
Is her opponent even in favor? Maybe a good question for the forum, so we can get responses from the horses' mouths!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Karen is the crazy blogger on AM. She outed herself earlier.

Anonymous said...

Longoria isn't tricking anyone into writing lies, it's Karen Thurman who is running his train engine for him. Ask yourself what person does Karen and Joe Longoria have in common in regard to their campaign. Oh, it's just a co-inky-dink. She is a ventriloquist as well, guess who her dummy is?

Anonymous said...

Bill Lusk?

Anonymous said...

So I am confused...Karen Thurman makes Tina write bad emails, lie and participate in shameless self promotion?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, that was a good one. Karen is running Longoria's campaign, she thinks hers is in the bag, and Karen is the one who is so skillful and mean to stop at nothing to get her way. Tina asks too many questions on council which prevents them from approving everything, so Bill and Karen want her off council. Someone ask Karen who is behind this "Foundation" that wants to develop Crabapple, just donate money for an ampitheatre and the arts building, that she is so completely and utterly in love with. See who this Foundation is and you will see why Karen is so FOR developing Crabapple. For some reason she won't divluge who are the names behind the foundation, how come?? Not before the election. Find out for yourself and ask who will benefit from the city approving this proposed plan, the only plan that has been presented? Weiland? Who else, come on, go and dig for yourself!!

Anonymous said...

Tina's back on line........

Anonymous said...

Thurman and Lusk ain't no angels. Better wise up!

Anonymous said...

They sure look like angels compared to Tina!

Anonymous said...

But if the mayor had the bribe email and didn't act on it, he is just as guilty. Maybe it looked normal to him?

Anonymous said...

Is JT Adams the correct answer?

Anonymous said...

No, Julie Zahner-Bailey is the final answer.

Anonymous said...

KT and Lusk angels? What happens when you look below the surface?

Wait, you don't have to look far. Just attend a meeting once in a while or read the meeting minutes. You'll learn what they're about.

Anonymous said...

And your point is?

Oh, they are tired of Julie's horsecr$p, like everyone else?

Anonymous said...

We all should be tired of Julie's dysfunction and Tina's lack of ability.

Anonymous said...

Wish Lusk and Thurman paid more attention to the issues that people care about than about their petty jealousies.

Anonymous said...

It is a safe bet nobody is jealous of Julie.