Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dear Milton Friends,

My name is Bernard Wolff, and I am running for the Milton City Council (District 1, At-Large) out of deep concern over the future of our community.

When we joined Milton, you and I were promised a rural atmosphere with limited government and low taxes. Unfortunately, what I have observed in Milton planning meetings and in the decisions made by my opponent to date are not in conformance with the promise we were given. Emphasis is less on the citizens' quality of life, and more on increasing city size and revenues through "inevitable" development. Quiet "dealings" murmur in the shadows.

What is being promoted are "commercial development areas" that do not take into account their impact on our "quality of life," existing businesses that serve the community, or traffic - things that WE deeply care about.

I support the rural, low density and primarily residential community we were promised with balanced growth in defined areas. I prefer development that enhances our quality of life and long term value, and does not contribute to urban sprawl. This should occur in commercial areas that have already been identified by citizens and that are in concentrated "nodes." These nodes should blend with the surrounding community, designed in conformance with neighborhood standards, and supply the services that we want. Variances and expanded density beyond predetermined boundaries should be the rare exception and not the rule.

My vision of proper development is echoed in the fundamentals of the existing land use plan for Milton. People did not vote to become a city because they wanted Milton to become overdeveloped and dense. We are a unique community model that needs to be protected and not compromised.

I grew up here, and love this land. I do not want to see its beauty destroyed in the same manner as other communities in which I have lived. I am sure you feel exactly the same.

Why can't we have the Milton we were promised?

A wonderful, rural, low tax, non-intrusive government will result in increased land values, a quality of life that will attract a self-reliant and dynamic citizenry, and lower demand for government-based services. Remember that this is an "at-large" election. Candidates live in the district in which they run; however, all citizens in all districts elect them. There are less than 8 weeks until the election. Time is of the essence.

I NEED YOUR VOTE ON NOVEMBER 3. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

Bernard W. Wolff

1000 Lackey Road
Milton, GA 30075
770-754-0003 (home)
404-731-4675 (cell)


Anonymous said...

If you read the latest story about Cynthia Chanlee's dispute with her nasty neighbors and the "manure pile" and read closely, you'll soon realize that the dream of remaining neighborly and equestrian centric - is just that. Nothing but a dream, in the end. Pretty sad. But that's our lovely legal system at work and people with disposable income, too much time on their hands and bad attitude can afford to be so un-neighborly. Even our current Council can't stop it. So how can this new candidate?

Anonymous said...

"Variances and expanded density beyond predetermined boundaries should be the rare exception and not the rule."

Predetermined boundaries?

Careful Bernard - property rights - remember those?

Not one of us has the right to "predetermine" the destiny of anyones property but the one(s) they pay the note and taxes on.

The city is already lacking in funds. A lawsuit now would be in good timing for a perfect storm.

Anonymous said...

Use of that word is highly correlated with metastatic, malignant Zahneroma.

Anonymous said...

What lengths you go with your phobias. Look at other comp plans around Georgia and the U.S. Check the American Planning Association. You'll find "nodes" to be a common planning phrase.