Will the presence of a cell site have a negative effect on my property value?
Independent appraisers across the country have analyzed the potential impact new cell sites might have on local property values. These studies demonstrate that having a cell site nearby does not diminish property values.
“Cellular phone towers do not have a measurable or identifiable impact on residentialproperty values.”
- The Valuation Group, Inc. in a study conducted for Twin Cities 13-County Metropolitan Area, Minnesota and Western Minnesota, January 2007
“Not a single example was found to support the test hypothesis that property values decline after the installation of a Wi-Fi or wireless antenna.”
- Tarantello and Associates in a study of numerous properties and communities in Southern California, April 2008
“There is no diminution in the value of homes with a view of a telecommunications facility.”
- Lane Appraisals, Inc. in a study conducted in Airmont, New York, May 2006
Why does T-Mobile need these three sites?
Current T-Mobile service in these particular areas does not provide the level of in-building coverage that customers tell us they need and expect. Our customers increasingly depend upon wireless coverage inside their homes and other buildings. Recent studies indicate that more than half of all cell phone calls are made from homes. In addition, 20 percent of U.S. households do not have landlines and rely solely on mobile phones.
Can T-Mobile co-locate on other cell sites to meet coverage needs in these areas?
Unfortunately no. Our preference is to always co-locate when and where possible. However, there are no existing sites available for co-location that will meet our coverage needs in these areas.
What about placing these cell sites in industrial or commercial zones in Milton?
There are no commercial or industrial areas available that will meet our coverage objectives for these three sites.
Why did T-Mobile choose these locations?
T-Mobile identified the largest parcels available that could be leased by the property owners and could meet our coverage objectives. The parcel sizes for the three proposed sites are 10, 26 and 51 acres, respectively.
Why are the proposed sites so tall?
Our equipment needs to be tall enough to ensure the signal can reach as large an area as possible, especially given the rolling hills and tall trees throughout the area.
- A PDF version of our Wireless Siting Brochure and link to our Take Action website that also has additional educational information about wireless technology included: http://www.t-mobile-takeaction.com/aboutwireless.html
We don't want to see planes flying over Milton either, they detract from the rural sky.
Don't want any ugly birds flying over either.
Lies...all lies. My phone works great in Milton, PERIOD. We do not need any darn towers. I moved here because of no towers, now they want to ram them down our throat. Milton, the land of schools and cell tower. Damn City Council!
You moved here only because there were no towers? Hate to be the first to tell you, but if that is the only reason you moved here, you have problems.
I moved here 38 years ago because it was rural and beautiful. Now all it is as I travel around here is traffic and subdivisions. You can't see the cell tower or 2 we have because you have to keep your eye on the roads for all the crazy in a hurry speeders out there!!!!!!!! So get a life or move. I've accepted what I have to put up with and so can you.
Tell it like it is brother.
We didn't need all the wannabee eyesore subdivisions with people who have no money and max out their credit cards to put on false airs in an attempt to believe that they are better than your average bear either, but it happened anyway. Suffice to say, what goes around comes around. To the 1:12 poster, my money is that you live in a subdivision with a second mortgage yourself and have at least one car that is still not paid off. Ahhhh, Karma.
No false ares, house paid off, cars paid off, no debt here. Still would rather not run the risk of having a tower less than 200 meters from my house. I've read many studies from reputable sources. There is no conclusive thoughts that no harm will come to the people who live near a tower especially in that 200 meter range. In fact there are several studies that state the opposite. I'm not against towers, they should just be put in a more appropriate area. The tower on Hopewell will be put in the front of the property. T-Mobile states they only use large parcels of land....true, but they fail to tell people it it not in the middle, it's within the first acre of the property, where it will impact the most people. I have spent hours researching cell tower effects, both on health, property values, etc. There is a negative impact even if some people do not want to admit it. The federal government gave cell tower companies basically an exemption to a lot of rules in the 1996 FC Act. They have free reign to do a whole lot of things that could be harmful to communities. The ruling was bought by lobbyists. What else is new in Washington. There are people out there that would not care if it was next to them....great, I'm not one of them. Aesthetics is the least of my worries.
I am the 1:12 poster. I do live in a subdivision, but it's gated. I know my BMW is paid for because it was a Christmas gift! My husband handles our finances, but I'm sure we are not in debt. What's wrong with living in a subdivision anyway? I don't fault you for living on a rural highway.
"Rural Highway"? Your an idiot. There are no highways in Milton but if you keep up with your do as a I say not as do manner, their will be.
What about Hwy 9 and Hwy 140? Aren't those in Milton? Also, you should learn how to use contractions. It's you're, not your. Who is the idiot now?
It is interesting to read these posts that are emotionally based. I have only lived in Milton 20 months but have driven through the area for 25 years on my way to other destinations. Needless to say, it has dramatically changed since my first drive 25 years ago. I moved here from Roswell where I lived off of hwy 92. It used to be a 2 lane road with horse farms. I was one of them. When it got to be too much to bear, I moved out here where I had wanted to live for some time. I didn't sit around on my land in Roswell and complain about all the development. Those of you who are angry about all the subdivisions should think about re-locating to a more rural area. These subdivisions that you dislike are paying the majority of the taxes for Milton which allows them to keep commercial ventures at bay. Cell towers are not part of this progress as they are no longer building them in California or Europe. They will soon be dinosaur relics of the past. Why not look to future technology that is almost invisible to the eye instead of allowing these giant telecommunication companies to intimidate our community into thinking this is the only way for them to grab their share of the Milton market. I don't care how T-Mobile tries to wrap their information to convince us to build their towers, under the surface of it all is profit for T-Mobile to the detriment of Milton. Use your energy to fight for your community instead of against it.We are fighting to protect Milton. You seem to be fighting against Milton. Why don't we quit slinging mud at our neighbors and join forces for the good of Milton. I find it hard to believe anyone really thinks a 154 foot tower with 3 layers of antennas is "good" for any neighborhood. And T-Mobile, I have just as many articles that blow your real estate claims out of the water so quit trying to cover up the real reason you want to blight our community. Profit. Pure and simple.
Business is about making money!Capitalism is the American way of life!
Kay Norvell, are you a disciple of Lisa Cauley?
Or Julie Bailey? I contacted Julie, because she is my district council member, and asked if she would please not support the tower that is going to be close to my house. I was totally shocked and blown away when her response was "I would rather have it near you than anywhere near Birmingham Crossroads and my house"!
I will definitely not be voting for her again or wearing her stupid shirts.
While I don't support Julie, I am sorry, there is not way she said that.
2nd, Yes, TMobile is about making money. What company is not in the business of making money?
3rd, we may not have any choice in the matter. The rules of our city, as they were set up, allow for this to occur and you can not change the rules after an application has been submitted.
Looks like a lot of you may be out of luck. Yes, you can sue, but why do that if our own laws and ordinances say they can do it? Seems like a waste of our money.
You have obviously never dealt with Julie, above poster.
Here is one way to make it work. Everyone who lives within a 200 meters gets full free service from T-Mobile... First make sure you get the data package free and texting free and phone service FREE unlimited... Let Julie agree to that..
AHHHHH if they only had an iphone
If only AM bloggers would sign up for Rachael's Challenge...
T-mobile and property rights will prevail and the nimby hypocrites will lose.
It's amazing that bloggers will make up things about Julie Bailey (post 2:53) but won't venture to learn the truth about Karen Thurman's lending company taking advantage of soldiers, overcharging them for computers and ballooning the loan balances so they are never paid off. She's been living the high life off these young men and women.
Let's face it people, this would not be an issue if Milton city council did it's job in the first place. They put in very weak zoning laws when it pertains to cell towers. Hopefully, they can figure a way to stop these towers from going up, if not,I guess they should not count on getting their jobs back when their terms are up. People won't forget.
Dont use your cell phone either! Also Julie Bailey did say that to me!
What a great resource!
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