We have a new poll up.
It asks "Which makes Milton more unique; it's one home-per-acre subdivisions or it's equestrian estates?"
Have your say today in the upper right.
The past poll asked "Do you believe Milton is better served by hiring employees who live within the city limits or not?"
47 votes / 50% - Employees Live In City Limits.
46 votes / 49% - Employees Live Outside City Limits.
I may be in the minority but I love driving around and seeing all the beautiful homes, all on one acre or more, that fill our city. I especially enjoy the gated ones with the beautiful entrances. Even more so in the holiday season with all the lights and decorations!
Dont get me wrong the pastures are pretty too but the are just there naturally and do not require the imagination, creativity and work that the neighborhoods require.
You can always hop in your car and drive out to the country if you want to see barns and fields but try to enjoy the beauty of what so many of our citizens cherish. Remember you can look at a field but you cant sleep, take a shower, or raise a family in them!
Remember the apartments, condos and homes on less than 1 acre(and on sewer)that are part of Milton too. There are even some homes that are a major eyesore. And not everyone lives in a beautifully decorated and well kept neighborhood. It takes all kinds to make Milton go around!
I agree, we need to be inclusive of everyone. We should appreciate and enjoy all of Milton's lifestyles. There may be some in our community that are predjudiced against all except those with means and can afford the large homes on big lots. This kind of thinking is not healthy for our children.
The old barns and country homes are what I enjoy more than the big gross stupid ego serving big mansions with way too many peaks on their roofs.
I have enjoyed reading all the comments regarding our recent survey.
I do want to stress, however, that many of the folks who own what some consider larger amounts of land have lived here for a very long time...in some cases 60 years or more.
What has made their property go up in value is all those who have chosen to move here and purchase homes in subdivisions on property that was once wide open farm land.
It is like anything; the more rare something is, the more valued it is.
Just thought I would throw that in.
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
You know, if someone has lived here 60+ years and has a large property, then its probably time for them to go. Besides their children will appreciate the money. Lets enjoy all the nice homes and cars, as well as the poorer neighborhoods with their trash and sewer subdivisions, while the old timers move on.
Again it is not so much of a big deal to take a short drive up north to see some old barns and such, might even get some boiled peanuts and sorgum syrup?
Is anyone that is commenting here live in anything other than a house in a subdivision? Besides Tim!
I disagree with the posters. We moved here 2 years ago and live in a gated neighborhood off of New Providence Rd. I enjoy riding by all the horse farms and property on my way to and from work everyday. I hope they dont allow any more development.
I would have to disagree with the poster stating that if you have lived her for 60 years, then it is time to move on. That is the same thing as saying if you weren't born in Milton, then you shouldn't have the right to live here. No one has the right to tell someone where they can live.
Regardless of whether one likes horse farms or not, the fact is that these type of residences do make Milton a more desireable place to live.
The smartest thing residents can do is to support this type of lifestyle regardless if you practice it or not.
If all those who own these parcels were to decide to sell out and move on, they are going to sell to development and the money is normally in commercial. Walmart anyone? When that happens, the advantage of what we have now will be lost and all property values will be affected.
I have seen it time and time again in the Atlanta area; you remove what makes an area unique, you lose the advantage. You lose the advantage and then you are exposing yourself to monotony.
Keep safe,
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
Welcome to Milton, the home of horse sh*t and soon to be gun smoke.
I dont think they should have to leave but just think they are probably ready to go if they have owned their property that long. These days, even with the poor economy, some of these folks can get up to $10k and acre for land they probably paid $3-500 in 1950? So why wouldnt they?
Good question. Because it is their home, that is why.
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
Live and Let Live.
Exactly, if they want to live it up then let them live! Tim you have to understand that if these folks want to sell out their own property for big money, then they can. This also lets the folks that love McMansions to come on in and add more little ones to our school populations.
I think you misunderstand my answer. You asked why wouldn't they sell out and the answer is because it is their home.
I have no desire to tell someone what to do with their property.
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Tim.. Every town will grow out and then up. Milton will not stay in the 1950's it also will become just like the rest. Can't stop it no matter who sets in office. Its just a matter of time.. Save this one because there is a slow down right now in the market but when it turns around that is when the land will sell again. No matter who seats in the chairs they should not be allow to tell me who and how much I can sell my land for. Thats just the way the world works. If the city wanted the land they try to bargin with the owner if that does not work they go in and take what they want. Really depends who you are and what they can get out of it.
What does it matter anyway? Whatever we have now, won't be this way forever, so enjoy it as it is today. What is for certain, is change, death, and taxes.
And "sewer" if you ask JZB!
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