Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Monthly fitness tip: Top fitness-related apps.

Courtesy City of Milton

By Kolleen Riddick, CorePhysique founder

Everyone seems to have a smart phone of some sort nowadays. As much as they can be a distractor, there is a way to make them useful.

One way is by downloading fitness apps to help with fitness and nutrition.

Here are some top fitness apps (with links) that can turn your smartphone into your own personal trainer:

MyFitnessPal: This is a great way for you to stay connected to your trainers. It is a free app that allows you to log your food and exercise wherever and whenever you like. It also has an option to scan barcodes for scanning food labels.

Men's Health App: The fitness experts at Men's Health and Women's Health have created some of the industry's best workouts, and with this app you can watch demos and log your exercises. You can also keep track of your calories and get some great menu ideas.

Sparkpeople's Healthy Recipe App: This tool keeps a compilation of healthy recipes, as well as snack and meal ideas. The recipes are easy to use and simple to follow. The app allows you to search by food or meal type (breakfast, lunch or dinner).

Cardio Trainer: This app uses GPS to map your route. It can also work as a pedometer to record your steps along the way and allows you to access your playlist of music during your workout. One of the best features is that it will give you words of encouragement along the way. The only negative is that it is offered solely to Droid users.

Endomondo: This is more than just an app. Endomono has the ability to connect fellow fitness enthusiasts through a social network. This connection allows you to compare times and fitness tips and allow for a little friendly competition. It also uses a GPS system to track your route during your exercise and share it with your friends.

Be sure to download on of theses app today and get moving.

Click here for more information on the City of Milton/CorePhysique fitness camps.

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