Sunday, January 08, 2012

Monthly fitness tip: Fitness resolutions.

Courtesy City of Milton

By Kolleen Riddick, CorePhysique founder

It is that time of year when I start hearing from numerous people ready to start their fitness resolutions. They are ready to commit to a new and improved body. They want to know how they can start exercising regularly and eating healthy. Everyone wants to look and feel better and this is the time of the year when everyone gets another chance.

The best way to start a fitness resolution is to be realistic: Understand that it takes about 12 weeks for you to notice a difference in your body. Eating a proper diet will also be a big factor in losing those extra pounds. Start by writing down a daily food journal. This is always a great learning tool.

Schedule your workouts into your calendar. Pick classes or times that fit with your schedule. Be careful not to over schedule your workouts. One of the biggest mistakes I see my clients make is that they say that they are going to work out every day, and when they can't meet that goal, they fall off the band wagon and give up completely. Start with three days a week for anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour.

Find a support system. Workout with a buddy or find a class where the instructor holds you accountable. At City of Milton/Core Physique camps we are committed to our clients and follow up with weekly emails and texts. We hold monthly contests that take attendance into account in order to qualify as a winner. And for all newcomers, we're offering a week of free camps. There's never been a better time to give it a try.

Most importantly, have fun! Be sure to pick a program that works for you. Commit to something that you look forward to doing three days a week: biking, swimming, running, boot camps, the list can go on and on. Pick what works for you. The best part of exercise is that it can be free. Enjoy it, and you'll find yourself coming back to it again and again.

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