Post December 19 City Council meeting wrap-up
1. RZ-11-18 - To create Article VI, Division 26, of the Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 64 of the City Code) - H (Historic) District.
(Agenda Item No. 11- 242)
(First Presentation on November 7, 2011)
(Discussed at Work Session on November 14, 2011)
(Deferred at November 21, 2011 Council Meeting)
(Kathleen Field, Community Development Director)
Approved 4-2 with conditions
Note: Councilman Joe Longoria was absent
2. ZM11-03 - 12792 Donegal Lane (Lot #39) Vickery Crest Subdivision - Gerald E.
Hudgins requests to modify Condition 3.a. of RZ05-135 to reduce the Minimum Rear
Yard from 50 feet to 10 feet along the west property line.
(Agenda Item No. 11- 271)
(First Presentation on December 5, 2011)
(Kathleen Field, Community Development Director)
Motion to defer until the Jan. 23, 2012 City Council Meeting approved 6-0
3. ZM11-04/VC11-06 - Deerfield Green Subdivision - Redus Atlanta Housing, LLC
requests to modify the following conditions to read:
1d. Site development shall be substantially consistent with the rendering and
elevation submitted to the Fulton County Department of Environment and
Community Development on June 27, 2005 except for lots identified as
136 through 163 on the revised site plan submitted on November 24, 2009
to the City of Milton Community Development Department (ZM09-03);
186 through 220 on the revised site plan submitted on November 3, 2011
to the City of Milton Community Development Department. (RZ05-22)
1f. The minimum heated floor area for a townhouse unit shall be 2,000 square
feet except for those lots identified as 136 through 163 shall be a
minimum heated floor area of 1,850 square feet. All units shall have a rear
entry 2-car garage except for those lots identified as 136 through 163 shall
have a front entry 2-car garage per the revised site plan submitted on
November 24, 2009 to the City of Milton Community Development
Department (ZM09-03); 186 through 220 shall have a front entry 2- car
garage and a minimum heated floor area of 1,850 square feet per the
revised site plan submitted on November 3, 2011 to the City of Milton
Community Development Department. (RZ05-22)
1g. Units 136 through154 provide a minimum of a 20' setback from the back
of sidewalk to the garage door and Units 155 through163; Units 186
through 220 to provide a minimum of a 18 foot setback from the back of
sidewalk to garage door. (RZ05-22)
2a. To the revised site plan received by the City of Milton Community
Development Department on November 3, 2011. Said site plan is not
conceptual; the developer must strictly adhere to the site plan as
submitted. Any changes to the site plan must be approved by the Director
of Community Development and must meet or exceed the requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance and these conditions. Unless otherwise noted
herein, compliance with all conditions shall be in place prior to the
issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy. (RZ05-22)
To request the following 2 part concurrent variance to1) To reduce the number of
required parking spaces from 18 spaces to 13 spaces for the amenity area (Section 64-
1410); 2) To allow the rear of town home units to exceed 25% cement siding for units
186 through 220 (Section 64-1095 (p)).
(Agenda Item No. 11 - 272)
(First Presentation on December 5, 2011)
(Kathleen Field, Community Development Director)
Approved 5-1 with conditions
1. Approval of an Ordinance to Amend Chapter 42, Secondhand Goods, by Adding an
Article III, Precious Metals Dealers.
(Agenda Item No. 11- 273)
(First Presentation on December 5, 2011)
(Discussed at December 12, 2011 Work Session)
(Ken Jarrard, City Attorney)
Approved 6-0 with conditions
2. Approval of an Ordinance to Amend Chapter 42, Secondhand Goods, Article II,
Pawnshops and Brokers.
(Agenda Item No. 11- 274)
(First Presentation on December 5, 2011)
(Discussed at December 12, 2011 Work Session)
(Ken Jarrard, City Attorney)
Approved 6-0 with conditions
1. Approval of a Resolution to Adopt the 2012 Zoning and Use Permit, Planning
Commission, Zoning Modification, Board of Zoning Appeals, Historic Preservation
Commission and the City of Milton Design Review Board Schedules.
(Agenda Item No. 11- 284)
(Kathleen Field, Community Development Director)
Approved 6-0