· Bethany Bend from SR9 to Hopewell Road (1.49 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Bethany Bend from SR9 to McGinnis Ferry/Morris Road (1.37 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Bethany Road from Mayfield Road to Providence Road (1.5 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Bethany Road from Providence Road to Hagood Road (0.5 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Birmingham Road from SR372 to Freemanville Road (0.75 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Cogburn Road from Bethany Bend to Webb Road (1.41 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Cogburn Road from Bethany Bend to Francis Road (1.34 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Francis Road from Cogburn Road to Forsyth County Line (1.54 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Freemanville Road from Mayfield to Providence Road (1.74 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Green Road from SR 140 to SR 372 (0.5 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Hagood Road from Bethany Road to Redd Road (0.49 miles) from 45 mph to 40 mph.
· Mountain Road from Freemanville Road to Hopewell Road (1.64 miles) from 35 mph to 40 mph.
· New Bull Pen Road from Birmingham Hwy to Cherokee County Line (0.78 miles) from 35 mph to 40 mph.
· Ranchette Road from SR140 to New Providence Road (0.6 miles) from 40 mph to 35 mph.If you have any questions, please call Milton City Hall at 678-242-2500 or visit the City Web site.
Until you start writing their sorry a** a ticket, and the court gets into their wallet, you are only kidding yourself.
The city of Milton is one big speed trap. Do a search for "Deerfield Parkway Speed Trap" on google and you will see many people think so.
This is ashame. You would think a new city could have a good start, but not so in Milton. The public service head should be replaced and we need to vote out those power hungry Milton officials.
I have no respect for this bunch.
Then don't speed idiot!
-Travis Allen
You have no respect for this bunch? Why? Because they actually do their jobs and enforce the law?
I have had the honor of meeting many of our Milton Police officers. They are top notch and should be respected.
I always find it amusing when folks throw false accusations against our public safety. Most likely, people like yourself are angry because you got a ticket for BREAKING THE LAW. Imagine that.
Keep in mind that when you sleep, go to work, go on a vacation,whatever - these HEROES are working hard to insure that you, your family, and your property are kept safe.
Finally, most folks don't have the courage to be a police officer. Instead of slamming them as you hide behind a computer screen, why don't you take one of them out to lunch or make a small donation to the public safety fund in appreciation for all they do?
Keep safe,
Tim Enloe
770 653 0552
Why not just keep speeding and make larger donations to the public safety fund?
This new speed limit is only going to work IF :
It is surprising that we don't read about a lot of head on collisions in Milton. Not a day goes by that I am not nearly driven off the road by an approaching idiot driving over the middle yellow lines. Isn't one lane enough for the drivers in Milton?!
I think that every time we are encroached upon by the other driver over the middle yellow line , we should lean on the horn. Do you think that it will get their attention ?? It will certainly raise the noise level on the roads.
Whoopy do! 5 mph slower, it may as well been reduced 1 mph, not going to make a difference.
Deerfield may have crackdown on speeders, but not the rest of Milton my friends. When's the last time you saw an officer sitting on Bham, Bethany, Providence, or Hopewell or Freemanville or Mayfield? Months! When they do sit, they sit at the wrong times. Ask the residents what times during the day people are speeding if you want to actually catch them, do polls for each main artery.
Solve the real issue here City Council.
If you lay on the horn, you will violate the Milton Noise Ordinance.
To poster # 2, who cares if you have no respect for this bunch. If you're a Milton resident just pay your taxes in a timely manner. It's your choice if you want to speed, but don't complain if you get caught, just pay the fine.
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