Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Stories Of Milton

Story of a lost dog brings Milton residents closer.

Last Sunday, the Silva family was driving through the huge rainstorm up Hopewell Road and found what we thought was the biggest Golden Retriever ever seen, in the middle of the intersection at Bethany, as cars were swerving to avoid him. We always keep dog bones in our glove compartment just for times like this. We blocked the intersection and went to save the dog. He jumped right in our van and immediately began kissing the entire family.
We found his owners Charlie and Marcie who let us know that the dog was not a Golden but a Great Pyrenees named Porter. Charlie and Marcie brought him home, only to find that he had jumped the 9+ foot fence once again and was found traveling down Hopewell towards our home (or so Charlie says, smile). Since then we cannot get Porter out of our minds and hope to adopt a Great Pyr one day in the future.
But, the best part, we had the opportunity to meet some new Milton residents who we can now call friends. Please consider adopting or fostering this breed, especially if you have a farm or large tract of land, as they are incredible watchdogs and beautiful as well. And, take the time to rescue a lost dog on the roads in Milton.

Contact: Charlie Fisher
Metro Atlanta Great Pyrenees Club

Special thanks to the Silva family! Do you have a story of Milton that you'd like to share? If so, email us at / Subject Line: Milton Stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the article!