Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Protect Milton - Freemanville School Site Opposition Meeting

Protect Milton Group is holding a meeting this Friday, February 22nd with our Professional Team, for individuals in our community who are serious in helping and supporting our efforts in opposing this particular site for a new High School. For more information on this meeting and/or to make a donation towards this cause please email with your name and contact information.

For more information on who we are and why we are opposing this site for a highschool and possible middle school please visit the
Protect Milton Website: for the latest February update and how to get involved.

Lisa Cauley - Chair


Anonymous said...

Classic group of NIMBY's!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right. You are so dead wrong. I don't live next door but I'm thrilled that someone who has the best interests of my children lives across the street. And someone who isn't afraid to speak out for what they believe in. You must not be one of the more educated ones about the problems with this school site. But you will be soon, since there are many of us who will be fighting right beside all those NIMBY's, as you call us.

Anonymous said...

I am not a NIMBY since I no longer have a back yard, front yard or side yards, because your kind built subdivisions on all four sides of my home. Did not like it but I didn't have the resources to fight it.

Now maybe you can understand why many have no sympathy for your cause, However, I give you credit for fighting and maybe you will get lucky and win. Then there will someone else ready to built on this site and I bet there will again be opposition.

Be truthful, isn't this battle over property values more than anything else?

Don't start about where schools are already located and where children will be coming from, environmental issues, traffic, etc. I have heard all that rigamaroll.

Anonymous said...

Preventing the water from being polluted is called caring about one's environment and trying to protect what is needed most by every human being on planet earth.
You can go without eating food for days, but go without clean drinking water and see what happens. Why should we care if they pollute this watershed, it only ends up drinking water for the entire NW Georgia residents.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Katie Reeves for your comment. Maybe if you say the word enough, UNintelligent people may actually start to believe what you say.

The proof is in the puddin', and the puddin' is polluted.

Anonymous said...

I am not Katie Reeves, but I have a question. Who polluted the puddin?

Anonymous said...

The horses.

Anonymous said...

There should be a city ordinance that requires horse potty training.
Diapers should be required until such training is complete.

Anonymous said...

I can just picture the new signs:

Welcome to Milton!
Where the horses are potty trained.
And the people are too.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh that is sooo funny. Now that was enjoyable to read! The chickens and cows polluted it too. Darn animals, how dare they go on the ground! What was God thinking on the 6th day, actually which day did He create the animals? Anyone know that without looking?