Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cogburn bridge in Milton expected to open Aug. 3.

Cambridge High all set too.

By Jonathan Copsey; The Milton Herald; Appen Newspapers

July 26, 2012
MILTON, Ga. – Those who are getting ready for Cambridge High School to start in a few weeks will be pleased to know the Cogburn Road bridge replacement is expected to be finished on time, Aug. 3, said Milton Public Works Director Carter Lucas.

"It looks like it's still on schedule," Lucas said. "As long as we have some dry weather, we should be paving soon."

Despite the heavy rains in recent weeks, work pushed ahead, digging and grading the land for the replacement bridge. Paving of the bridge started last week.

Perhaps one of the upsides from the wet weather was it proved that the structure is sound.

"Everything looks like it's still on track," Lucas said.

Cogburn Road has been closed since Saturday, May 19 so that the bridge over Cooper Sandy Creek between Bethany Bend and Webb Road could be replaced.

The project was timed specifically to coincide with summer break, and improvements at the Cogburn Road/Bethany Bend intersection to be completed before Cambridge High School opens.

The Cogburn Road bridge was identified as the top priority for replacement in the city's infrastructure inventory from 2009. Based on traffic counts, there are more than 10,000 vehicles a day that travel over it.

The project replaced the bridge with an arched culvert spanning the creek, which means minimal impact to the waterway and savings in both time and money.

The replacement is expected to cost $478,020.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will cogburn rd get a new sign paid for by the taxpayers like many of the others that were replaced? WHY on earth did we have to purchase new street signs when the old ones were perfectly fine. I bet no one even noticed the difference except the guy who got the contract to make/change them out. The grave yard for the old ones is sad -- all those signs just strewn about down the road behind the firestation off Birmingham Rd. Did our Milton people vote for this rediculous expense?