Thank you Milton! The citizens of Milton have spoken with their voices and votes and have made it clear they want and expect positive people, positive leadership and a very positive Milton. Tuesday night, the citizens reclaimed their community and sent a resounding message that negativity will not be tolerated and that it is not acceptable. Way to go citizens of Milton!
Thank you for making a difference, thank you for ensuring your voice was heard, thank you for your care, thank you for affirming all that is good, thank you for expecting integrity and honesty in your elected officials, neighbors and friends, and thank you for the confidence you have put in my ability to serve your interests on the Milton City Council. I look so forward to working with Mayor Lockwood, new council members, Burt Hewitt and Alan Tart, and those already on our council. Congratulations to Burt and Alan! We have a very bright future.
I am humbled and honored by your decision to have me continue to represent your interests for the next four years. You have my commitment that I will work hard on your behalf as I have done for the last 12 years. I am so very excited about the future of our community and the great things that are in store for our citizens. Our new council has amazing opportunity to be forward thinking and collaborative in our approaches on all issues that may come before us. This is a special place with extremely wonderful people that care deeply about their community. We are blessed beyond words with the greatest citizens.
And while the numbers may speak volumes, the real story is found in the dedicated volunteers, the extensive and enthusiastic supporters, the voters and the citizens who have worked so hard to ensure that the City of Milton returns to a focus on the positive and is forward moving. I am humbled by the tireless efforts of so many who put forth tremendous work, energy and enthusiasm for our community.
Thank you to everyone who made phone calls, walked door to door, prayed for me and my family and this community, raised funds, talked to friends, wrote emails of encouragement, focused on the facts versus the fiction, insisted that negative campaigning and frivolous and politically motivated acts simply would not be tolerated, brought my family dinners, drove my children to various activities, called just to check in and stood in the wind and cold smiling and waving. All of you have represented the future of this community through your conviction and faith in that which is truly good. I am blessed to be a part of your team and am thrilled to be a continuing part of the Milton City Council. It truly is a new day.
As was true last year, I have been inspired and joy filled by the youth of our community who have participated first hand in this process. Milton's future does need to be protected, preserved and appropriately planned in large part for them. So, thank you, to those young people who have been personally engaged and who have provided daily hugs, calls, support and warm smiles. Please keep them coming because this truly is about each of you.
I also want to thank my family. My husband, Bill, daughter Savannah and son, Zachary, have been beside me and this community every step of the way. Had it not been for each of them, I could not have made it through this last campaign process, but more importantly, the last 12 years of community involvement. My family lives the dedication everyday and for that I am especially thankful. They are individually and collectively wonderful human beings and if you do not yet know them, I cannot wait for you to get to know them.
I also want to acknowledge all the candidates and incumbents. Everyone brought something to this process that in the end will make Milton a better place. And while this process was not always easy, it was necessary and has clarified a lot of things for many people even if to reaffirm the importance of staying on high ground in all that we do everyday. With that in mind, I challenge everyone to put the best interests of your neighbors first each and everyday. In so doing we will have the best possible Milton. I also urge all of you, to remain firmly involved in your community. Every voice does make a difference as we have so clearly witnessed in the last 48 hours.
In closing, I want to thank all citizens, including those who didn't vote for me, but still got to the polls to express your opinions. For anyone that was confused by my opponent's negative campaigning, you are welcome to contact me in person or by phone or e-mail. I urge everyone to stay involved and engaged and to continue to express your opinions and desires for our collective future. It is only through the voices of the many that we gain perspective, balance and the best possible chance for the best and brightest city of Milton.
There is much work to do and for all of those citizens who have stepped up to the challenge and responsibility of community involvement, please do not step away. If anything, plan to be more involved. We have more policies to review, and many decisions to make, so please ensure your voice continues to express your desires.
Now back to City business, please attend the next work session today at 5:30 pm at City Hall.
God bless you and this very special place,
Julie Zahner Bailey-Milton City Council
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